Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 500: Blood Curse (18)

. . . .

"Here here !!!"

Soon, Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue who had bought something went into the cinema.

"Wow, what to expect ..."

After sitting in the position, Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi beside him and said with a smile: "Someone even shoots Altman's topic."

"me too……"

Jiang Qi, who had just sat down next to it, also laughed, and there were not many films on the topic of Ultraman, on the contrary, there were quite a few, but under the offensive of online public opinion, those "pirated" Alters All Man movies are banned.

This time, Yuangu could actually buy Altman's copyright on the surface, but it is not a big deal. Everyone can imagine how difficult it is to get Altman's copyright under the premise of this premise.

What's more, Jiang Qi's heart is that this Yuangu company is actually genuine.

Yuangu Co., Ltd., the current president, Yuuya Yutani, although it is not clear what Ultraman he photographed during his tenure, but Jiang Qi can certainly be the original people of Yuangu Company.


Jiang Qi's eyes widened suddenly, and I saw that they were sitting in front of them. They turned out to be the two **** guys of yesterday. They watched the movie show of affection today, and sat in front of him again. Eat like Xiang.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xue found Jiang Qi's something wrong and asked with concern.

"It's nothing……"

Jiang Qi waved his hand to prevent him from paying attention to them, and smiled reluctantly at Jiang Xue.


Although it was okay, Jiang Xue followed Jiang Qi's attention and saw the two **** guys in front. Jiang Xue also recognized that these two guys were **** guys and knew why Jiang Qi was like that The head giggled and laughed.

"What's the matter with you?"

Jiang Qi turned her head and looked at Jiang Xue, a little helpless. Guess why Jiang Xue would smile and his face was a little dark.

"Nothing, start ..."

Jiang Xue immediately put a smile on her face and said softly to Jiang Qi. Jiang Qi sighed, raised her spirit, and looked at the big screen.

"Boom ..."

On the big screen, it was a dusk, and two yellow lightnings appeared from time to time.

yellow? ?

Jiang Qi felt a little strange. Generally speaking, lightning is blue or white, yellow lightning, Jiang Qi hasn't really seen it.

"Ao ..."

At this time, the monster cried out, everyone could see it, and a monster emerged from the ground.

"Gorzan !!!"

"Really Gorzan."

Everyone in the movie theater exclaimed that they were too familiar with this monster.

There is such a file in this world for recording monsters, some of which are not particularly detailed information, they can be published to the outside world, such as the code name of the monster.

At this time, everyone's minds in the movie theater were concentrated on the movie, and they watched with concentration.

Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue were also attracted. Jiang Qi frowned and looked at this Gorzan, which seemed to be Gorzan of three generations.

Muscles all over the body, purple eyes, red lines all over the body, two small horns beside the head armor on the head.

"This Gorzan ..."

Jiang Xue was a little embarrassed, not quite like what they saw.

"Gorzan III, did they design it themselves?"

Jiang Qi said to Jiang Xue while staring at the big screen.

"A breakthrough, or ..."

Jiang Xue nodded his head, and if it is hard to follow the realistic settings, it may not go far.


Jiang Qi didn't say anything, but Jiang Qi thought that these people would be more excited if they were connected to reality?

A glance at these people left and right, as expected, all seemed to be flying in.

At this time, the voice outside the picture started, a thick middle-aged man's voice: "Thirty million years ago, a group of humans lived on the earth. They set up different tribes and fought against each other. The day after, the change began. ... "

At this time, the picture changed, the lens changed to the outside of the universe, a huge meteorite rubbed against the atmosphere, and finally fell suddenly.

The sound of "Boom ..." shook the whole ground.

"Since then, all the creatures on the earth have become very huge, and they have terrible abilities. They have retaliated against humans, but it is not only them who have mutated ..."

As soon as the words fell, a red energy fell to the ground, and a red giant appeared. It looked normal, so it was soy sauce.

He started the fight with that Gorzan, and he played it with great colors.

"He is not an opponent ..."

When I was watching, I didn't know how, Jiang Qi said suddenly, and Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi strangely and asked with a smile: "How do you know?"


Smiling at Jiang Xue mysteriously, Jiang Qi said: "He is not an opponent ..."


Seeing Jiang Qi being so sure, Jiang Xue did not continue to question and continued to look at the big screen.

"Peng ..."

Sure enough, after emitting the iconic cross light, it was directly absorbed by Gorzan, and then was kicked by Gorzan because of insufficient energy.

"It really is ..."

Jiang Xue tilted his head, a little confused, ah, movies, is this okay? She didn't see that she would lose.


Although Jiang Qi didn't show his appearance on the surface, he was also surprised in his heart because he was just intuitive.

"Can you beat it?"

Jiang Xue turned around and suddenly asked Jiang Qi.

"Then you have to try it to know."

Shaking his head, although he said it was a try, his eyes had fully shown that Jiang Qi was very confident.

"I thought you hit it ..."

Jiang Xue saw that Jiang Qi could predict the result, thinking that he had already faced Gorzan III, but did not expect ...

"Think too much ..."

Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Xue and smiled, then continued to watch the movie.

Jiang Qi can calm down and continue to watch, but the following people are impatient ...

"It's so weak!"

"It fell down at once ..."

"Can this guy really protect the earth? So weak? He looks ugly ..."

"Poof ..."

When he heard that he was ugly, Jiang Qi almost laughed, definitely talking about it in his heart, but well, Jiang Qi is half of his compatriots, he can never laugh, he is professional, he will never laugh unless he ca n’t help it ...

"I want to say that if you come up with Sirlo, you will definitely solve it three or two times ..."

"I think so, and it looks so handsome ..."

"That is, I obviously bought the copyright of Siro, and I still can't use it. It's really stupid."

Less than three minutes after the film was played, he began to speak out against the company.

The film continued to play, the Ultraman fell, and Gorzan walked towards the Ultra soldier with special pride.


Suddenly, the light from all directions suddenly hit Gorzan, and the powerful force killed it.

what's the situation? ?

They were startled by these rays of light. They were all confused. What's the situation? ?


With a gust of wind, I saw that a large group of Ultraman gradually landed, about a dozen or so, but each Ultraman looked almost the same.

"My God-there is more than one Ultraman ?????"

A man covered his mouth, he never dreamed of it.

However, many people may have forgotten? Another Ultraman once appeared, although it was a flash in the pan.

"I said, this Ultraman is so ugly, it was originally produced by the assembly line--"

This sentence said a lot of people's voices, they are accustomed to Celuo Altman, they suddenly gave them a guard style, really uncomfortable.

Next, the plot is similar to saving the world.

The first is a little kid, dressed like a primitive man, he accidentally beat the ancient seal, so that the ancient devil is about to be resurrected.

The ancient Demon God is a very terrible demon, and it made this world into darkness. Later, the giant of light saved the world and sealed the demon from disaster, but because of that child ’s seal, the world wanted Fall into the darkness.

Then, those people thought of remedies and other methods, whether they could seal them back, but they didn't work, and finally the devil escaped.

Those people hurriedly summoned the giants of light to save them, but those "pipelines" could not defeat the ancient demon, just like Beria played the kingdom of light, even easier than that, and defeated all these people.

Then, the Devil God had no one to stop him, and began to crazily destroy it, and the world was about to fall into darkness. At this time, an Ultraman who had not died, told human beings that as long as humans believe in light, they can definitely win.

Later, in the face of the destruction of the Devil God, humans gradually suppressed the fear in their hearts. They even sang songs. The Devil God was extremely irritable. He launched a huge energy wave towards these people, but was blocked by a light shield.

The demon **** was shocked, and I saw a red and blue body appeared under the prayer of those people.

When it appeared, no matter it was inside the big screen or those in the audience, they all started cheering, it turned out to be Silo Altman!

The Demon God was very angry, and started fighting with Silo Altman. In short, Silo pressed the Devil God to fight. In the end, the Demon God lost and disappeared forever between the heavens and the earth.

At the end of the story, a yellow flower is waiting to be released ...

A decent movie ...

This is Jiang Qi's internal evaluation. If it is placed in the series of Yuangu Company, it may not even be able to play a splash, but this is the first time in the world, and it is a test.

Jiang Qi also feels that if there is a sequel, it can be greatly improved. After all, the last shot makes him very interested ...


Jiang Xue, who had been watching me all the time, rubbed his eyes, and then saw Jiang Qi lower his head, seeming to be thinking about something, and then smiled and said, "What do you think? Do you think of the Sailor in the movie? Altman, too ugly? Don't have that kind of heroic power? "


Jiang Qi shrugged his shoulders indifferently. After all, what did he look like? It was just in the eyes of others, and he couldn't see it. Besides, what's the use of the image? All he has to do is win the battle and defeat the enemy!

"Let's go ..."

With the end of the movie, many people have left, and many people are ready to do a second brush, not for anything else, but simply for the camera to appear without the three-minute Celer Altman!

For a long time, most of Siro's fans have been powerful and useless. Now they are different. They have begun to exert their strength, just for those three minutes.

"Where else to play?"

Jiang Qi turned his head, looked at Jiang Xue next to him, smiled softly, and then said, "I can be happy with you."

"A little hungry, let's eat ..."

Touching his belly, Jiang Xue pulled Jiang Qi, immediately found a restaurant nearby, entered it, ordered two dishes, and then seated.

"The environment in this place is not bad ..."

There are quite a lot of guests ...

Jiang Xue looked at the nearby guests and said to Jiang Qi beside him.

"... Jiang Qi ???"

At this time, a girl suddenly came over and saw Jiang Qi, looking happy.


Jiang Qi turned her head and saw Shen Shuqing looking at him with a surprised look, making Jiang Qi feel very surprised, and asked, "How is the senior here?"

"this is my house……"

Shen Shuqing walked to Jiang Qi's desk and looked at Jiang Qi with a smile: "I went to see you today ~ www.readwn.com ~ I didn't expect you were not at home, but I met you again at my house. ... "

"Is it? lol……"

Jiang Qi touched his nose. Suddenly, he felt that someone kicked him. He couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xue. Jiang Xue looked at Shen Shu and said lightly, "Don't you introduce me?"


Jiang Qi stood up and smiled at Shen Shu: "This is Jiang Xue."

Then he said to Jiang Xue: "This is my senior, Shen Shuqing."

"You are Shen Shuqing."

Jiang Xue smiled a little, stretched out his hand and shook Shen Shu lightly, and said, "Thank you for taking care of my little Jiang."

"my home?"

Suddenly, Shen Shuqing's smile changed, and then asked, "How do you say this?"

"Did Xiao Jiang tell you? We lived together yesterday."

Jiang Xue froze for a moment, then said to her with a smile: "He said yesterday, to thank you for your care, accompanied you out to see a movie."


Shen Shu froze for a moment, then looked at Jiang Qi, his eyes widened.

"If you have to say that ..."

It's also considered living together ...

But I did nothing!

Jiang Qi looked at the smell of gunpowder between these two people, why is it so heavy? And why is Jiang Xue so skilled! ?

(I originally wanted to describe the plot of the movie in detail, but in this case, you feel that the plot is too slow, I will just write some important ones. I have already accelerated the speed, but it will not be too fast. be patient.)

(Christmas is coming, how to say, I wish you all a Merry Christmas, you have fun! Happy every day! Come on !!! And our slogan is: Orcs will never be slaves! Eat to eat !!! Make things happen!)

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