Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 501: Blood Curse (19)

. . . .

"So, you are also Jiang Qi's friend?"

Shen Shuqing sat opposite Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue, took a sip of water calmly, and then smiled and said to Jiang Qi: "I said ..."

Just now, Jiang Qi has explained all things clearly. Anyway, it is impossible for him to like anyone now. This is a sentence he made three times and five times, but how did he feel that this sentence was not taken by these two The girl listens in ...

"Then? What do you want?"

Jiang Xue sat next to Jiang Qi, glanced at Shen Shuqing, and then said, "If you count it, should you be his colleague?"

"After all, I am a newcomer who has just arrived, and I need a senior to come and give me advice."

Jiang Qi smiled at Jiang Xue and explained: "However, Senior Shen Shuqing is also a very nice person, although he stayed a little bit ..."

"Meng, justice!"

Unexpectedly, Shen Shuqing even raised a finger to correct what Jiang Qi said and said.

"Uh ... just be happy ..."

Jiang Qi looked at Shen Shuqing a little speechlessly and said, "But then, shouldn't the seniors be at work? How could ..."

"Oh, that's the case, because we don't know how, our newspaper was blocked."

Nodding his head, Shen Shuqing looked at Jiang Qi very strangely and said, "It is said to be a big man."


When Jiang Qi heard that the newspaper was blocked, she suddenly looked at Shen Shuqing, who also frowned deeply, not knowing who it was.


Could it be the people at the train station.

Jiang Qi thought about it carefully. If nothing went wrong, the group of people was most likely.

"You seem to know."

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi for a while and lay in Jiang Qi's ear, saying in a voice of only two people: "Who is it?"


Jiang Qi glanced at Jiang Xue and didn't speak. In fact, no one knew what Jiang Qi himself was, it was just speculation.

"Hey ... what do you two say?"

Seeing Jiang Qi and Jiang Xue biting their ears in front of themselves, she could not hear anything. When the two had nothing to say, she plugged in and asked.

"I may know who it is, but not necessarily ..."

To be conservative, Jiang Qi still hasn't determined that answer because he doesn't know exactly who the people at the train station are.

"Really? Who ????"

As expected, Shen Shuqing immediately came over and asked Jiang Qi with wide eyes, looking very sincere and said.

"I don't know any of those people, and there is no news about them, which is equivalent to having only one side."

Jiang Qi looked at Shen Shuqing and sighed, explaining: "Even if they did, they couldn't find them."

"This ..."

Nodding slightly, Shen Shuqing expressed that he understood, looking at Jiang Qi beside him, laughing: "Unfortunately, now even the editor has been invited ..."

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Qi frowned when he heard that the editor had been invited, and asked, "Did the editor make a mistake?"

"How could I know this?"

Shen Shuqing is also just a child of ordinary people. There is no special relationship or superpowers. She is just an ordinary person ...

"ok, I get it……"

Nodding his head, Jiang Qi turned the chopsticks in his hand and looked at the unchanging rice in the bowl, which meant nothing to eat.

"I'm stuffed……"

Suddenly, Jiang Xue put the chopsticks on the table and said to Jiang Qi: "Go home first, a little tired ..."

"You just eat it like this?"

Jiang Qi glanced at Jiang Xue's rice bowl, but only a little bit, without moving a few mouths, could not help asking: "Eat more, there is nothing to eat in the refrigerator ..."

"No appetite, and you didn't eat it?"

Jiang Xue gestured to Jiang Qi to look at her bowl. Jiang Qi rolled her eyes. She didn't have to eat every meal. Even ten days and a half was okay. But it was Jiang Qi who liked to eat. Eat, so he said: "Don't you know what happened to me? Eat more ..."

"no appetite……"

Jiang Xue propped up his head, repeated helplessly, and then said: "I am also tired ..."


Knowing what Jiang Xue meant, Jiang Qi nodded, then said to Shen Shuqing with a little apology: "Sorry, let's go back first."


Shen Shu lightly widened his eyes, looked at Jiang Qi a little bit reluctantly, and said, "Don't you stay here?"

"forget it."

With a slight smile at Shen Shu, Jiang Qi said: "She is very tired, so don't disturb me, bye."

Waving his hand with Shen Shuqing, Jiang Qi took Jiang Xue away, leaving Shen Shuqing sitting bored, looking at the food without a chopstick in front of him, and sighed, "At least put Pack your meals ... "

"Huh ???? What about people?"

At this time, Shen Shuqing's father came over wearing an apron, looked at here in surprise, and asked Shen Shuqing, "What about those two people?"


Shen Shuqing glanced at his father strangely and asked, "What's wrong."

"What's the matter? No money!"

Shen Shuqing's father opened his mouth, shocked and said to Shen Shuqing, he would chase it out.

"Forget it."

Shen Shuqing stopped his dad and said, "My colleague is not that kind of person. I may have forgotten it, and I will return after a while. It happened that I didn't eat, and I loved it too I ate ... "

Anyway, Shen Shu didn't care much about it, and it was less than fifty yuan.

"... you ah ..."

Her dad pointed at Shen Shuqing and didn't know what to say.

"It's ok……"

Shaking hands, Shen Shuqing looked at her father with a smile, and said, "Go busy, there are still many guests."

"Really ..."

In desperation, her dad went to help, and reminded Shen Shuqing when he was gone: "Don't forget to let him pay back the money. It's not easy to do small business."

"I know, I know……"

Waving his hand at random, Shen Shuqing looked like he didn't listen.

Then watching her dad go to work, sitting in a position with a helpless sigh and said: "The mountains have wood and the wood has branches, the heart is happy and the king does not know ... Ah ... Is that what I said?"

He also took out his mobile phone and Baidu took a look ...


"It seems that I forgot something ..."

Beside the tool, Jiang Qi touched his head, always feeling that he forgot something?

"……what happened?"

Jiang Xue glanced at Jiang Qi and found what he was thinking, and asked.

"No money !!!"

Jiang Qi suddenly remembered and ran back quickly. Jiang Xue called him later, and he didn't respond.

After all, if you owe more than fifty, you feel ashamed.

"Did you pay for the meal ?? Just transfer money to her !!! I have the restaurant number ..."

Jiang Xue shouted behind Jiang Qi for a long time, but Jiang Qi didn't hear it, and finally chased Jiang Qi.

"let me find it……"

Rummaging through his cell phone, Shen Shuqing remembered that the poem also had his own signature.

"The Yueren Song

Pre-Qin Anonymous

Tonight, what is the Xizhou midstream.

Today, what day do you have to be in the same boat with the prince?

Being ashamed is not shameful.

I was upset about the prince.

There are wood in the mountains and branches in the wood.

The heart says Jun Xijun does not know. "

found it……

Seeing this poem, Shen Shuqing finally smiled, but speaking of it, who is this anonymous? I have seen a lot of his compositions and also seen his poems.

When I thought about it, I unknowingly spoke out my heart.

"Boom ..."

"Anonymous does not refer to a specific person, but the author has no signature, or the author ’s real name is unfounded for reasons such as time lapse, or there is no way to know who the author is. Some of them are due to collective creation or the working people ’s Works that have been handed down a long time ago, and the authors of such works are marked as "anonymous."

One hand tapped on his desk, explaining to her on the side.

"Amount ..."

Shen Shu lightly put down her phone and hurriedly raised her head to see Jiang Qi. She was even more flustered and asked, "Ginger ... Jiang ... Jiang Qi ... how are you ..."

"how do I?"

Jiang Qi looked at her and gasped and said, "Your question is a bit confusing. Although I thought about it when I was a kid, Baidu passed it ..."


Shen Shuqing's face was a little bit red, and he waved his hand and said, "I don't mean why you chimed in ..."

"I'm here to pay."

Quickly stop, Jiang Qi gave her more than fifty yuan, said: "I forgot, I am sorry."

"That ... wait, don't use ..."

Shen Shu glanced at the money on the table and said quickly, "You don't have to give it anymore."

What she originally meant was to just let yourself go for it, and then tell her dad directly that Jiang Qi gave the money, wouldn't it be fine?

"No, it's just a little money."

When you wave your hand, people can't stand without faith. This is the most basic. In other words, you can't be as poor as others.

"But, it was my request ..."

Shen Shuqing still felt that there was no need to collect this money.


Jiang Qi looked at him and said directly: "I don't like this set, the money must be paid."

Then he turned away without looking back, and said, "Jiang Xue is waiting for me, I will go first."


Shen Shuqing didn't have time to react, and Jiang Qi was gone.

"No need to give it ..."

Standing on the spot, Shen Shuqing murmured a bit, Jiang Qi is also more honest, if you change a person, you will meet at least once and then give it again.

"Who said this?"

At this time, her dad had picked up the money, and then said to her: "This person is very reliable, at least much stronger than your previous friends."

"Dad ..."

Looking at his father, Shen Shuqing was speechless, sitting in his seat and sighing.


"Sent back?"

Jiang Qi threw Jiang Xue halfway along, and the latter looked at him helplessly and said, "Send it back and get on the bus, and the taxi is ready."

After glancing at Jiang Xue, there was a taxi, but at this time, Jiang Xue could even find one directly.


Immediately nodded, Jiang Qi sat up obediently.

"Master, go to xxx"

Said a place name to the driver, and then the driver drove the car.

"Really not playing for a while?"

It's too late to get off now. Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Xue, and it was early in the afternoon.

"No, it's really tiring."

He waved his hand, Jiang Xue waved his hand, and said boringly: "And there is nothing special to go to ..."

"It doesn't mean much at home."

Jiang Qi smiled bitterly. Obviously, he was too unbearable.

"Isn't it you?"

Jiang Xue glanced at Jiang Qi, smiled slightly, and then said: "We feel good after playing games at home for a while."

"Then it's better to go to an internet cafe ... there are more people and it's more lively ..."

"are you a pig?"

Jiang Xue turned his head, really crying, this kid.



"Huh ..."

The sky gradually darkened, and the black world was about to wrap up Jiangcheng. This dark night was even darker and more impressive than before, making the people of Jiangcheng unforgettable.

"Volt ..."

On the tallest building in Jiangcheng, a man appeared out of thin air. He looked down at the whole city and smiled, saying, "I have seen it. A **** **** is about to appear ..."

"Scar ..."

Behind the man, a roar came through ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then the man waved his hand and said with a smile: "Last night, allow you to play freely ..."

"Scar ..."

"Uh ..."

As the sound of the wind disappeared, the back of the man seemed to be a little brighter, not as dark as before.


Looking at the night view of the city, he nodded slightly, although unexpectedly, he was not in Gaoyang City, but it was the same.

"Today's moon is really round ..."

Looking up, there are no stars in the sky, but you can see a bright moon, not fifteen, but the moon is surprisingly round, and I do n’t know what it is for.

"Are you celebrating? Hahaha ..."

That person's laughter can spread throughout the city, but even if someone hears it, 80% will think it is an illusion.

Although I do n’t know, who suppressed the alien, but Jiang Qi, it is very, very easy to provoke it. Maybe you do n’t know? Today, it may be your death ...

The more he thinks, the more he wants to laugh. For today, he waited for more than a month, of course, not counting more than half a year ago.

Sailo, Sailo Ultraman is his only stumbling block, as long as he is removed, he can collect the planet himself.

But what makes him feel strange is that Li Wenjie, this mysterious person, should clearly have a purpose with himself. However, it seems that there is a meaning to protect the earth in it, that is, the way is different.

The earth is mine, outsiders, don't want to take it ...

(Shen Shuqing is also a line, don't ignore it.)

(A little absent, I do n’t know why, I ’m so sleepy today, I ’m prematurely sleepy?)

(There is a great **** in this chapter. I can borrow my typos and know what input method I used. It really is a great god. Admire it. Please take your knees.)

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