Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 502: Blood Curse (20)

. . . .

"Huh ... Huh ..."

Jiang Qi's gasping voice became thicker and thicker, lying on the sofa, constantly struggling, frowning tightly, one hand tightly covering his chest, it seemed that something had to be drilled out of his heart.

What a nightmare ...


Jiang Qi felt that he seemed to have come to a mysterious place. This place was surrounded by silence, without any trace of people.

Jiang Qi stood there, looking around, constantly emitting light smoke from the ground, with an unusually cold temperature, and wondering why the surroundings were covered with white damask.

"What's wrong with this? What happened?"

These white damasks, as well as this place, shocked Jiang Qi. Shouldn't he be at home? Why are you here?

Looking around, it doesn't seem to be somewhere in Jiangcheng.


At this moment, a figure quickly emerged from Bai Ling and raised his fist to hit Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi felt the wind behind him and quickly dodged. He saw a face sideways. Although it was blurry, he recognized it at a glance. This person is Qianben Shijiro.

Jiang Qi could recognize him even if he turned into gray!


However, while passing by, Qianben Shijiro kicked Jiang Qi's chest with a strange angle and kicked Jiang Qi down.


Jiang Qi turned over on the ground, kneeling halfway on the ground, looking at Qianben Shijiro, but there was no trace of him.

What about people?

Holding his chest, Jiang Qi looked around cautiously. There was no shadow except the white damask dancing with the wind.

Bai Ling? ? ?

Jiang Qi looked at those white damasks, frowning, and it is likely that the guy would use this thing to attack himself.

"You guys, will you just hide?"

Looking around, Jiang Qi yelled loudly on the side, wanting to use this method to excite Qianben Shijiro to show his feet.


However, what disappointed Jiang Qi was that Qianben Shijiro didn't show up, there was no voice, and the wind blew lightly, making Jiang Qi a little uneasy.


Suddenly, Qianben Shiroulang rushed out of Jiang Qi's back again.


Jiang Qi frowned, turned around, and kicked towards Chiboshi Eleven.


Qianben Eleven Lang was kicked, but Jiang Qi was also injured by Qianben Eleven Lang, and there were burning scars on his chest.

"Finally there is it, you shrinking turtle--"

I finally saw this guy. Jiang Qi didn't care about the scars on his chest. There were only Qianben Shirou in his eyes. He frowned and looked at him.

Qianben Shirou has not wore that suit. Although it was replaced with ordinary casual clothes, the appearance has not changed. The hands and half of the arms have become fiery red, and the sleeves on the arms have been changed. Was burned to ash.

"Hahaha ..."

Qianben Shijiro slowly stood up, patted his chest, looked nothing, looked at Jiang Qi, and said: "Unexpectedly, progress is quite fast."

"You **** ..."

Jiang Qi suppressed the anger in his heart and pointed at her and said, "What the **** do you do?"

"My purpose is so simple, why don't you not know?"

With a slight smile, Qianben Eleven Lang fixed his eyes on Jiang Qi, then his smile disappeared, and said coldly to Jiang Qi: "Of course it is you who died, what a simple purpose?"

"Oh, unfortunately you may not be able to reach it, I will destroy you today."

Jiang Qi pointed to Qianben Shirou, and in any case, Jiang Qi had to solve him.

"is it?"

Qianben Shijiro was very relaxed, looked at Jiang Qi, then looked up at the moon, looked at the moonlight very leisurely and said, "Today's moon is really round."


Jiang Qi also glanced at the moon, indeed, a special circle, but what does this have to do with the elimination of Chimoto Shimbaro? Jiang Qi just wanted to solve him directly.

"Haha ... I'm afraid you will never see such a moon again."

Qianben Shijiro slightly backed away, looked at Jiang Qi, and tilted his head and said: "It would have been possible to sit back and enjoy its success, but after all, the game needs to be personally involved to be interesting."


Jiang Qi didn't want to talk nonsense anymore. He raised his hand and wanted to be transformed. However, after raising his hand for a long time, there was still no movement at all, and Jiang Qi could not help but froze.

"what happened?"

Jiang Qi looked at the Palagi's shield on his wrist. The gem had become dull and dull. If he didn't know it, he would think it was a plastic toy.


At this moment, a drop of liquid was dripped from Jiang Qi. Jiang Qi was stunned for a moment, and without waiting for a reaction, suddenly a black shadow was thrown from above.


From the back, a piece of paper was torn apart.


Jiang Qi hit a roll on the ground, clutching her back. The biting pain made Jiang Qi's face pale and her lips trembling.

"I told you long ago--"

Qianben Shijiro slowly came out from behind Jiang Qi, looked at Jiang Qi, and smiled slightly.


Jiang Qi looked at Li Wenjie and couldn't say anything.

"Ao ..."

At this time, Jiang Qi only saw that the black shadow that attacked him was a monster about two meters long, with a thin head and no lips, and could see white teeth, rice-sized eyes, and two black claws The nails are particularly long, with blood stains on it. It should be Jiang Qi's, who is licking his paws there.

"Well, someone helped you and temporarily suppressed the alien? Although I don't know who has that ability, but ..."

Looking down at Jiang Qi, Qianben Eleven Lang smiled slightly, and then stretched out his palm to point at Jiang Qi and said, "It's a pity ..."

"Bum ..."

From the hands of Qianben Shijiro, an invisible thought wave emanated, and finally gathered on Jiang Qi's chest.

Nianbo stimulated the foreign species in Jiang Qi's chest, and the foreign species suppressed by the light gradually moved. Finally, he broke through the restraint of the light.


Suddenly, there was a stronger pain in the chest. From behind to the heart, the pain was stronger than the wave, stimulating Jiang Qi's brain.

Clenching his teeth, the green muscles exposed, his face flushed with redness, Jiang Qi stared at Qianben Shijiro, and his eyes were like eating him.

"Don't look at me like this--"

Qianben Shijiro fanned the wind with his hand, then looked at Jiang Qi, walked to him, pointed at the monster, and said, "In comparison, it wants to eat you more ..."

"Even if I die, I will pull you back ..."

Staring at him, Jiang Qi said something like an oath. Qianben Shijiro looked at Jiang Qi for a while, and suddenly stepped on Jiang Qi's chest, frowning and said: "A man who is going to die, think Who are you going to pull down? Hum ... don't make people laugh ... "


The pain on the chest has covered the whole body, Jiang Qi feels that the world has gradually become vain ...


Suddenly, the monster bit towards Jiang Qi's neck ...


"Jiang Qi ..."


Jiang Qi suddenly sat up and looked at him with a big face, his face pale.

"Are you OK?"

Jiang Xue was wearing pajamas and looked at Jiang Qi worriedly, clenching one of Jiang Qi's hands and said, "You have been talking dreams there, yelling, did you have a nightmare?"

"Goodong ..."

Swallowing a sip of water, Jiang Qi's beating heart gradually eased down.

It seems to be a nightmare ...

Touching his own heart, Jiang Qi's face froze, because he could feel it, and there was something creeping in his chest, and if he felt it carefully, it seemed to be none.

"... Get dressed and come out ..."

After pursing his lips, Jiang Qi suddenly said this to Jiang Xue. After getting his clothes and keys, Jiang Qi went straight out.

"Little Ginger!"

Jiang Xue shouted behind Jiang Qi, but Jiang Qi went straight out, Jiang Xue sighed helplessly, quickly dressed, and then ran down.

Going downstairs, Jiang Qi was waiting for her there, and facing the moonlight, Jiang Qi's pale face became more intense, and her eyes became weaker.

As if knowing Jiang Xue was coming, Jiang Qi suddenly said: "The moon is indeed very round, let's go ..."

"Where to go?"

Jiang Xue tilted his head and walked behind Jiang Qi and asked, "It's so late ..."

"There is a park behind the building, no one there ..."

Jiang Qi said something confusing, and walked over first.

"wait for me……"

When Jiang Qi left, Jiang Xue quickly followed her. She didn't understand. Why did Jiang Qi change so much after a dream?

The pale white moonlight passed through the heavy tree shadows, and the pale black spots reflected on the infinite black ground.

The moonlight is scattered on the ground, and the park benches also shine.

The bleak woods on the roadside stood up one by one, with wet dew marks reflecting the silver and white light of the moon.

"... the moonlight is so good."

When he arrived at the park, Jiang Qi stood quietly. The lonely back gave Jiang Xue some pain, coughed, and found a topic to say.

"Yeah, it's fine ..."

Jiang Qi replied silently, his voice a little apathetic.

"That, call me out, what's the matter?"

Jiang Xue asked while walking towards Jiang Qi.

"Of course something ... be careful ..."

Jiang Qi turned his back to Jiang Xue, and suddenly said something confusingly, and then turned around violently, attacking Jiang Xue.


Jiang Xue instinctively held Jiang Qi's attack with both hands, and later looked at Jiang Qi with wide eyes and stared at him incredulously. He would attack himself?

This strength turned out to be merciless, and Jiang Xue felt numbness in both hands.

"Why are you……"

Before Jiang Xue finished his question, another wave of Jiang Qi's attacks had arrived, and he hit his fist against Jiang Xue's stomach.

Jiang Xue drew a hand and blocked Jiang Qi's fist. However, Jiang Qi's extremely fast kick kicked him in the waist and took two steps back, leaving a footprint on the waist.

"What happened to you!??"

Holding his waist, Jiang Xue stared tightly at Jiang Qi and asked.


Ignoring Jiang Xue, Jiang Qi rushed up again and raised his fist. If he looked closely, there was a ray of light on his fist. This guy turned out to be merciless.


Jiang Xue felt the danger and dodged immediately. After all, she reacted instinctively.

Immediately after, Jiang Qi's offensive went from ring to ring, a world that did not speak to her at all.


Found an opportunity, Jiang Xue grabbed Jiang Qi's fist, and then locked the arm of Jiang Qi's other hand with the other hand, finally got a chance to breathe.

"What happened to you??"

This sentence was almost roared and asked, Jiang Xue's hair was slightly messy, looking at Jiang Qi, his eyes were already angry.

"Time, I have no time!"

Jiang Qi looked at her and said slowly, then lifted Jiang Xue with strength.


Unexpectedly, Jiang Xue even let go of his hand and gave Jiang Qi a slap in the face, making Jiang Qi stunned.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Xue immediately withdrew and then stared closely at Jiang Qi and asked, "What do you mean? What does it mean that there is no time? Your body ..."

"There is one thing, there is not much time."

Following Jiang Xue's words, Jiang Qi, who had recovered, said directly: "With the help of the earth's technology, there should be no way."

"When did you start to look like this? How did you know there was no way to the end?"

Seeing Jiang Qi's slightly desperate look, Jiang Xue shouted directly.

"Anyway, this is something sooner or later."

Jiang Qi stood on the spot, watching Jiang Xue's excitement, but was very calm, and said: "My body, I know best."

"and then?"

Jiang Xue let out a sigh of relief and continued to ask: "Why did you attack me just now?"

"If I really had that day, the earth must have another person to protect it."

Jiang Qi said while looking at Jiang Xue and said, "Among the people I know, you are the most suitable."

"When I died, promise me to inherit my light."

"I do not want……"

Jiang Xue looked at him, shook his head decisively, and said, "I don't want to admit your **** will, and I don't want you to die."

"Sacrifice is a very common thing on this road of fighting. I, but I can't continue fighting anymore, so the light should also be given to someone who can continue fighting for me."

Jiang Qi said, looked up at Jiang Xue, and then said: "There are a lot of enemies on this road. Be careful of them and don't set foot on my old road."


Jiang Xue bit her lip ~ www.readwn.com ~ stared at Jiang Qi, without speaking.

"Actually, if it's possible, I really don't want to give it to you. This road is a road that can't turn back and stop."

Looking at Jiang Xue, Jiang Qi bowed slightly and said to Jiang Xue: "Please forgive me, I have no choice."

"I don't want to inherit that thing !!!"

Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi and shouted: "If you want to protect the earth, then you protect yourself! I don't want it!"

"I'm sorry, but also, thank you very much, always take care of!"

Jiang Qi smiled slightly at Jiang Xue.


Jiang Xue once again gave Jiang Qi another slap in the face, and it was a girl with tears in her eyes.

(Today, it ’s Christmas, I wish you all a Merry Christmas! Well, I also wish you all a happy life every day in the future !!! Come on!)

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