Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 503: Blood Curse (21)

. . . .

The quiet and unoccupied road silently exudes the feeling of loneliness. The street lamp is probably short-circuited, and faint light flashes from the old yellow lampshade from time to time.

It turned out that a moth was chasing the light source, constantly flapping on the lampshade, and the weak wings had the perseverance to never give up, following the light that might make it die, the light that it could not give up.

The dew gradually aggravated, and the damp and cold wind gradually spread from the road, with the cold and cold and mercilessly wrapped away with only a few body temperatures.

Zhuo Liang exhaled heavily, because he was a little cold, he could not help but curled up.

The **** Jiang Xue and Jiang Qi actually tricked him. He finally got out of the park. After leaving the park, he was dumbfounded. Where would he go to find Jiang Xue and Jiang Qi?

In the end there was no way, he could only go back to Jiang Qi's door and wait for Jiang Qi.

The time soon came to the night, the light of the night was always cold, and the light shone on him, which was also extremely uncomfortable.

But Zhuo Liang didn't care, looking at the phone while waiting at the gate.

"Swipe ..."

Suddenly, a burst of wind came over, and a tree fork was started, and bursts of noise were heard. Zhuo Liang raised his head and sighed.

Where did Jiang Qi go? He was waiting here, and he didn't see Jiang Qi coming in, or Jiang Qi going out.


Suddenly, Zhuo Liang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw something behind the tree branch.

On the top of a high-rise building, he seemed to see a dark shadow rushing out. It was very obvious that it was absolutely impossible to have the illusion of not sleeping.


With a frown, Zhuo Liang immediately ran in the direction of the disappearance of the black shadow, but he suddenly paused and glanced hesitantly at the door.

If Jiang Qi came back at this time, it would have been missed.

No way! ! Without understanding the identity of that thing, it would be bad if it were a monster.

He made a trade-off immediately and ran in the direction of the shadow.

Because even if you doubt Jiang Qi, it is just doubt. There is no definite evidence. If Jiang Qi is an ordinary person, then all he does is useless work.



For a manager who often works overtime, Qin Zhiyun is qualified.

He treated a small company in Jiangcheng that was not conspicuous, and he made a vivid and outstanding ability. In Jiangcheng, he was also regarded as a small celebrity.

However, he is not a qualified father.

His wife gave him a baby, but he never had time to accompany his children. When he was on the full moon, he happened to be on a business trip and was unable to come.

Now that the child is one year old, he should accompany his family well.

He thought like this, and then came home early this time, carrying a lot of food, toys, and daily necessities in his hand.

I was already dreaming about their happy moment.

"Click ..."

He finally pulled out his hand, opened the security door of his house, and then quietly pushed open the door to enter.


Why is the taste a bit wrong?

He thought this way, and then looked around, black and dark, and could not see anything.

If you think about it too, it's so late that you should fall asleep.

Qin Zhiyun slowly put something on the coffee table, and then held back the smile on his face, and quietly walked to the bedroom.

"Haha ..."

Smiling a little, he slowly opened the bedroom door, but, facing the moonlight, he seemed to see something in the bedroom?

"Creak ..."

A subtle voice also passed into his ears, and he couldn't help making the smile on his face disappear while grasping something on the table.

"Junior? Jun?"

Gently shouting his wife's name, Qin Zhiyun's heartbeat slowly accelerated, and a very bad feeling flooded his own heart.


However, the bedroom became more silent, even the strange sound just now was gone.


He panicked, slapped his hands on the switch, and the light in the bedroom lit up.

However, everything in front of him made his eyes widen.

I saw that the white sheets had turned blood red, and his wife was lying on the bed, leaving only a head, as well as his own limbs, and the body's torso was fragmented.

There is something more important, that is, a monster slowly rising straight from his wife.

The whole body is painted black, the body is huge, the blood has dyed his head to blood red, and he slowly turned his head, as if looking at Qin Zhiyun, showing his teeth with a little blood.


Qin Zhiyun was scared to move at first, but when he saw his wife, the fear in his heart turned into anger.

Completely burning, he picked up the baseball bat at the door, then raised the baseball bat and rushed towards the monster.

"I am going to kill you!!!"

He rushed towards the monster, struck it at the monster's head.

The monster did not mean to dodge, but unfortunately, his attack hit the monster, the monster had nothing, and then bit Qin Zhiyun's arm.

It was like biting on the tofu and tearing Qin Zhiyun's arm straight off.


Qin Zhiyun stepped back with his blood-sprayed arm, and then fell on the wall of the foreigner.

"Little gentleman ..."

He turned around in embarrassment and looked at his wife who was lying on the bed. He was clearly ready to be happy together, why? Why do you guys play ...

He looked at the bed, and suddenly found that his entire eyes had changed, and then looked at the monster, and the monster was slowly walking towards him.


No one can bear the oppression of the monster, but Qin Zhiyun did it. Qin Zhiyun did not have any fear. He looked at the monster resentfully and wanted to support his body to stand up.


The monster rushed out very quickly, biting on his head, just like biting an apple, and bit his head down.


Blood sprayed the whole house, Qin Zhiyun's body-supporting hands also loosened and his body fell to the ground.


The monster swallowed his head, and then tasted the delicious food delivered to his door.

"Eat, eat, and evolve ..."

Somewhere on a tall building, a person slowly raised the corner of his mouth, and then said: "The alien has been awakened, then the next step is to force him to shoot, and then wake the alien?"

"More and more I want to look forward to, how strong will it be to hatch out the heterogeneity ..."

"Hahahaha ..."



Zhuo Liang holds the gun in his hand. This is the latest equipped light gun. The power is much stronger than the original material bullet. However, the range is much smaller, the maximum range is 150 meters, but this is only for For pistols, some other weapons are not included.

If he remembers correctly, the shadow should be here ...

Zhuo Liang took a deep breath, slowly slowing his heartbeat.

He is not a member of the front line of combat and is responsible for it, but is only a follow-up combat inspection.

It's not good to say that the monsters defeated by Sailo have almost no follow-up phenomenon. Therefore, the members of these inspection teams also lack combat experience.

Of course Zhuo Liang has never been on a fighter plane, nor has he been fighting monsters head-on, even if he wanted to.

But now there is a feeling of dealing with monsters head-on, and suddenly his heart becomes extremely nervous.

After taking a few breaths, he felt his heartbeat relaxed a lot, and then he slowly continued walking the stairs.

"Huh? Why didn't the door close?"

Suddenly, Zhuo Liang noticed a door on the side of the building. He couldn't help but froze for a moment, then tightened the gun in his hand, slowly opened the door, and walked in.

"……What is the taste?"

Very strong smell ...

It is particularly obvious when you enter the door. He smells it sometimes. It is a **** smell. This ordinary residential building neither kills pigs nor bleeds. How could there be such a fierce **** suddenness? Weier's?

This smell made him more alert, and then holding the gun, he slowly walked to the lighted bedroom.


Quickly pointed the gun at the interior of the bedroom, but there was no one in the bedroom, only ... blood stains on the walls, blood on the bed and the windows.

"Oh my God……"

He was startled and took a step forward, suddenly feeling that he had stepped on something and retracted his foot, which turned out to be a finger?

"... grunt ..."

With a sip of water, he walked in again, and there was nothing left in the room except for a few pieces of minced meat.


He exhaled lightly. In addition to visual stimulation and mental stimulation, this scene would have been spit out if he had not experienced similar things.

"Wow ... wow ..."

Suddenly, there was a burst of crying under the bed, attracting his attention, and then he immediately turned up the sheets, and saw a one-year-old child lying there, rubbing his eyes and crying.

child? ? The child is still alive? ? ?

Zhuo Liang suddenly showed strong joy, but the child was still alive? ? what happened? ?

Although he didn't understand, Zhuo Liang took the child out from under the bed, then hugged it in his arms and shook it. After a while, the child stopped crying and fell asleep.

what is the problem?

Zhuo Liang's eyes slowly turned to the phone that fell to the ground, then picked it up, opened the phone, there was no lock, and there was an edited text message that read: "Child, if you are alive, remember, mom loves you ... "

Behind, there seems to be a thousand words to say, but I don't know if I can't say it, or I can't say it anymore, only the ellipsis.

"Is this child's mother?"

He was shocked, but at the same time, his heart was stabbed fiercely.

She walked to the door and bowed to the bedroom. She deserved it!

Then, by the moonlight, he saw that the window in the living room was broken, and the floor of the living room was all broken glass.

In Zhuo Liang's mind, a picture has been formed.

The black shadow directly broke the window and entered the living room. Then she woke up instantly. As a mother's instinct, she felt dangerous. She hid her child's paper under the bed for the first time. Then she heard the sound in the living room After typing a few words on his mobile phone, he was killed.

"Sorry, I am late……"

With his teeth clenched, he looked at the room. If there was no accident, there might be more than one of them.

Holding the child, Zhuo Liang took out the news agency with one hand, and immediately sent a distress signal.

"This is the headquarters!"

"I am Zhuo Liang. There is a situation in Jiangcheng. A family here is attacked by a mysterious thing with no bones. And according to the judgment, there may be accidents. More than this one, please headquarters support!


"Captain, a mysterious attack occurred in Jiangcheng."

The original silence of the night raid base was suddenly broken. Cheng Yu looked at Han Yi in front and said, "It has been determined that there are casualties."


Han Yi turned back in an instant, looked at Cheng Yu with a little surprise, and asked, "What about other situations? The perpetrators have their identity?"

Repeated Han Yi's question over there.

"Eighty percent of the possibility is a monster. I saw a dark shadow come over before, and then came over and found the scene of the murder. It is probably a monster."

Zhuo Liang gasped there, and then said: "But there was a baby on the scene under the protection of his mother who survived."

"Protect that child ~ www.readwn.com ~ We will immediately issue an alert to that area."

Han Yi immediately said to the other side: "Have you evacuated the masses, have you heard?"


Over there, Zhuo Liang nodded immediately, and then the two sides temporarily cut off contact.

"Everyone is ready! Go ahead first!"

Han Yi turned around, looked at the people below, and said aloud.

"Roger that!"

After saluting a salute, and then more than one hundred people on duty, half of them set off, and Cheng Yu immediately sounded the alarm of the base.


"Sleep well ..."

Looking at the child in his arms, he hugged him and went out.

"Cracking ..."

Suddenly, it seemed to be upstairs, unusual movements came out, sounded when there was no alarm, the sound was unusually loud, and there were girls screaming.

Zhuo Liang rushed up subconsciously, but he remembered that his arms, and the children, rushed directly up, it does n’t matter to him, but the children ca n’t.

No way! He can never let it go, but the child ...

Zhuo Liang hesitated for three seconds, and immediately put the child back under the previous bed, then bowed to the place, and said, "You are protecting the child, I can't leave others alone ..."

"I will be back soon!"

(At the time of the earthquake, this was a true story. A mother with weak shoulders supported a child ’s life. Although she went to another world, that child was indeed another continuation of her life. How many thousand words did "mother love you" replace?

Therefore, everyone must remember to be kind to their parents, they are definitely the people who love you the most in the world! )

(Thanks Yue Beiyu for the reward, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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