Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 504: Blood Curse (22)

. . . .

"All team members gather immediately, all team members gather immediately."

As the alarm sounded at the night raid base, all the members of the night raid team appeared in the command room, and the overall time did not exceed three minutes.

"What happened?"

Ding Yunfeng walked in, dressed in clothes, and then looked at Cheng Yu.

"The report commanded that there was a mysterious homicide in Gaoyang City, which may be related to the monster. Captain Han Yi has led the team to go."

Seeing Ding Yunfeng coming, Cheng Yu immediately stood up and said seriously to Ding Yunfeng.

"is it?"

Ding Yunfeng glanced at Cheng Yu, nodded slightly, and said, "Find out the specific location of that player."


Cheng Yu nodded, then operated twice on the keyboard, and then the map on the big screen was immediately determined to be inside a small county.

"Lichun Community in Jiangcheng."

Cheng Yu raised his head and said to Ding Yunfeng: "The coordinate position is in HUI2 area, which has been sent to Captain Han Yi."


Nodded, Ding Yunfeng embraced his arms with his arms, and then said strangely: "Jiangcheng, was it the last time that negative energy appeared?"

"Well, that team member is about to return to the base. The strange phenomenon found."

Cheng Yu also nodded, then said to Ding Yunfeng: "Then, command, I sent an alarm to Jiangcheng ..."

Cheng Yu was a little hesitant, because this alarm was not random. If there were no abnormal phenomena, they would definitely complain, just like the last thing, they did n’t see the monster, they thought it was a false alarm, so Jiangcheng The impression of the night raid team is indeed not very good.


Ding Yunfeng thought about it, then nodded and said, "Just send an alarm in the area near that player."


A compromise solution, but if there are monsters, there will still be casualties.

Jiangcheng is so big, the alarm will definitely be heard throughout the whole process, but it is only a little quieter.


"Huh Huh ..."

Jiang Qi was sitting on the ground, breathing heavily. Jiang Xue was angry for the first time and left. I didn't know whether she returned to the house or where she went. In short, she left Jiang Qi here.

"You think about it here ..."

Jiang Jiang's eyes slowly closed as Jiang Xue's words echoed in his ears.

He did n’t lie, indeed, his time was really running out ... Earth, someone must continue to guard, and light must be handed over to her, otherwise Jiang Qi was worried that the light would disappear with him. The light does not have the attributes of inheritance, which is very different from that of Nexus.

"The moon is really round ..."

Jiang Qi looked up at the night sky with no stars, but the moon was round, a very strange phenomenon. With the silence under the night sky, the kind of uneasiness in Jiang Qi's heart became stronger and stronger.

"Toot toot ..."

Under the silent night sky, an alarm suddenly came out, and it was very loud. Jiang Qi frowned and stood up sharply.

Are there monsters? ?

Looking cautiously around, Jiang Qi ran towards the street.

Jiang Qi didn't know how many times he heard this alarm, it was the alarm of emergency evacuation.

At this point in time, there was still that dream that made Jiang Qi's heart beat violently twice.


"Toot toot ..."

Is it finally here?

Zhuo Liang stood at the top of the stairs of the top floor, judging that the sound came from this place. At this time, it happened that the alarm also sounded.

"Click ..."

Slowly, Zhuo Liang pressed the door handle and pushed the door open at once.

"Creak ..."

The moment I opened the door, Zhuo Liang heard a strange sound, but then suddenly disappeared.

The room was very dark. Compared with the previous room, the house hadn't drawn the curtains, and then the moonlight could be seen clearly.

But in this room, nothing can be seen.

According to the memory of that room, Zhuo Liang touched the wall, touched the edge of the wall with his hand, and pressed a button.

"Slap ..."

Zhuo Liang is right, the residents in the same direction have the same position of the light switch, and in an instant, the entire living room lights up.

The style of the living room is different, of course, because of different personal hobbies, the living room in this place is relatively simple, Zhuo Liang can judge after a round, there is nothing?


Zhuo Liang sniffed his nose and smelled a strange smell, a faint smell?

Is it ...

Zhuo Liang slowly walked to the bedroom. The place in the bedroom was very quiet. Zhuo Liang even thought that the person inside was asleep?

"Click ..."


With the moment Zhuo Liang opened the door, a black figure came out and scratched his shoulder. If he dodged a little faster, his head was pulled.


Zhuo Liang immediately leaned against the wall, crouched down, and looked at the shadow.

His expression froze, and he saw that the dark shadow turned out to be a monster more than two meters in length, and he dripped two drops of saliva in his direction ...

"Disgusting stuff ..."

Clenching the gun in his hand, Zhuo Liang glanced at the bedroom quietly. I saw that the same scene was full of blood, and there were blood stains on the walls and on the ground.

There are still traces of mess in the house. It seems that the owner has struggled. Compared with the previous scene, there are more residual limbs and broken arms. Obviously, this monster eats human flesh and is disturbed by people during the eating process. Very irritable.


The monster fell down, and this action immediately aroused Zhuo Liang's alertness, raised his gun, and fired a shot at the monster.

"call out--"

The blue light instantly hit the monster's body, and even a small pit appeared in the monster's body.

"Wow la la ..."

In that small pit, there was still a faint smoke, and the monster looked at him. Although he knew that the monster seemed to have no eyes, he felt that the monster looked at him and could not help raising his hand, and turned towards the monster again. The monster fired a few shots.


After several consecutive shots, most of them hit the monster, causing the monster to recede slightly, but when he wanted to shoot again, he found that he couldn't shoot, so he remembered one thing.

The light gun has no restrictions on bullets. It is based on the chemical composition of the bullet capsule, and its properties are varied. For example, it is frozen.

However, this kind of light gun is also disadvantageous, because of the limitation of materials, it has an overheating reaction. When the bullet reaches a certain temperature, a series of reactions will occur, and the gun cannot be fired temporarily.

Zhuo Liang now remembers such an important matter. After all, guns were banned before. Even as a member of the night raid, you can carry a pistol while patrolling, but it is forbidden to shoot.

Suffered ...

Looking at his pistol, he already knew that something was bad, looked up and saw the angry monster.



"Wow la la ..."

On the street, some people wearing awkwardness had just ran out of the gate. They looked a little flustered, and their hands were busy, and some people didn't fasten their buttons.

Jiang Qi knows, because the last monster was not so huge, so those people didn't know that the monster had arrived, and they also discussed the night raid team, discussing how much money they lost, how much time and so on.

However, the alarm sounded in the middle of the night, these people were still instinctively afraid of the arrival of danger, the first time they got dressed and ran downstairs.

"what's going on?"

Jiang Qi, who couldn't understand what happened, immediately stopped a person and asked aloud.

"I don't know ... huh ... but on our side, it seems that someone was killed ... huh ..."

The man stopped was a middle-aged man. He gasped and pointed at a building not far away, saying, "That's where I lived on the third floor and was called down by the members of the night raid, Seeing the door on the second floor open, something seems to be going on inside. "

"All the night raids are here?"

For a moment, why did the members of the night raid team go so fast? Could it be that the patrol members have not returned?

"Well, that person specially reminded from house to house."

The man nodded and said, "This time it may be true, because when I was sleeping, I seemed to hear the sound of screaming and thought it was an illusion ..."

"Scream ..."

Jiang Qi frowned, and then glanced at the building, realizing that someone might be killed, and ran towards the place immediately.

"Hey ..."

Seeing that Jiang Qi ran over, he immediately called twice, but Jiang Qi didn't look back at all. He hesitated for a while, and finally followed the crowd to find a safe place.

The building where the accident happened was not far from where Jiang Qi lived. Jiang Qi ran against the flow of people, and even if it was more difficult, about five or six minutes, he ran to the place where the person pointed.

It was a relatively tall building, about ten floors high. In this place of Jiangcheng, it was already a very tall residential building.

Many people ran out of this place, and when Jiang Qi squeezed in, there were already fewer people.

"Tap to tap ..."

Looking around, Jiang Qi climbed up the stairs. On the second floor, Jiang Qi saw a half-open door, and then Jiang Qi walked in.


As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Qi closed his eyes and slapped his nose, saying, "It's a big smell, a **** smell ..."

It seems that something really happened ...

Seeing the gap in the window in the living room, I walked there. The window, about three meters in length, was nearly broken.

Here, it is also facing the opposite floor, and there is also a gap in that floor, according to Jiang Qi's judgment, it is about the same size as this one.

Later, Jiang Qi immediately went to the bedroom, because the lights in the bedroom were on, and the lights in the living room should be back on, but the bedroom was not necessarily the same, and the smell came from there.

"Huh ..."

Jiang Qi slowly pushed open the door, and in a flash, Jiang Qi saw a large piece of red, spread on the ground, and carried pieces of minced meat.


Jiang Qi immediately blocked his nose, and his head was a little down. After all, normal people can't stand this thing ...

Have you been killed? There are no bodies ... will not be eaten ...

Jiang Qi walked and saw a mobile phone on the bed, which was still on. Jiang Qi immediately stepped forward and saw a short message: "Child, if you are still alive, remember, mother loves you ..."


Jiang Qi froze for a moment, and did not see any children. Was he killed or taken away?

After a pause, Jiang Qi was ready to go out.

"Call ... call ..."

"what sound……"

Immediately stopped, Jiang Qi slowly turned back, this seems to be a gasping voice, haunted?

"Call ... call ..."

will not--

Jiang Qi thought of something in an instant, crouched down, lifted the sheets, and saw a small child lying on the bed, and fell asleep.

The child is still alive? ? ! ?

Jiang Qi was relieved in his heart and immediately took the child out of his arms, holding him in his arms.

The child is just alive

Jiang Qi hugged the child and immediately went out. Then, when he saw a man, he stumbled and ran down.


Jiang Qi hurriedly stopped the man. The man turned around, looked at Jiang Qi, and said with a little surprise, "Brother, why are you still not running?"

"No, this kid, please take it out--"

Jiang Qi came to the person and said seriously: "I still have things, please!"


The man looked at Jiang Qi in a panic, and then took the child in a panic. When he saw the child, he froze and said, "Isn't this the child of the old Qin family?"

"Do you know that family?"

Jiang Qi stunned slightly ~ www.readwn.com ~ looked at everyone.

"Well, we are classmates in middle school ..."

The man nodded, looked at Jiang Qi, and asked anxiously: "The child is here with you, Lao Qin is working overtime, what about sister-in-law?"

"She ... went out and told you ..."

Jiang Qi gritted her teeth and said to the man, "Make sure to take the child to a safe place!"


The man nodded and said seriously: "Sure."

"Right, are you looking for that night raid team? He's on the top floor."

Later, the man gave Jiang Qi a surprise, and Jiang Qi was particularly happy to thank him, and then ran upstairs.


"Little Ginger!?!"

Jiang Xue's first response to the alarm sound was to run back and look for Jiang Qi.

However, Jiang Qi is no longer in his original place, Jiang Xue knew that Jiang Qi was definitely looking for monsters.


Jiang Xue couldn't follow Jiang Qi with her fists clenched, because it is very likely that she will be behind her. After all, monsters are basically giant monsters of tens of meters. How could she have any effect? ?

"Volt ..."

When the breeze blew, Jiang Xue raised his head and saw a nearby building. Someone seemed to be standing on the top floor, and he could not help but stunned slightly.

"Who is this guy?"

If you do n’t run under such a loud alarm, you stand in such a high place with hunger ...

(About the monsters you like, you can also post them in the comment area. I will select a few and put them in the text. This is also possible.)

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