Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 505: Blood Curse (23)

. . . .

"Huh Huh ..."

Jiang Qi reached the top floor with the fastest speed. The resident of the top floor had the door wide open. Jiang Qi felt a bad feeling in her heart.

I rushed in and the lights were on, but the room was chaotic and even smelled burnt, making Jiang Qi's vigilant.

Then Jiang Qi immediately ran to the bedroom and saw that all of them had broken limbs and broken arms, hammering the door fiercely.

damn it! ! It's still late!

Knowing that the deceased is probably a resident and has been killed, but what about the night raid? Did n’t you say the night raids are here?

Jiang Qi looked around and didn't see any night raids, and couldn't help thinking.


Suddenly, there seemed to be a muffled sound on the top of the building, and Jiang Qi thought of it instantly, maybe he and the monster were both on the top floor.

I ran out of the door and glanced at the corridor. I didn't find any ladder leading to the top of the building. I couldn't help but stunned.

How do people get on without a ladder?

However, time did not give Jiang Qi more time to think. Jiang Qi immediately ran back to the bedroom, looked carefully in the bedroom, and suddenly his eyes lit up ...



The black monster threw Zhuo Liang on the top of the building, Zhuo Liang rolled in two embarrassing circles.


Covering the bleeding left shoulder, Zhuo Liang coughed twice, then looked at the monster and tightened the gun in his hand.

"Ou Yo? It turned out to be a human being who first found—"

Suddenly, behind Zhuo Liang, a voice suddenly appeared, which made Zhuo Liang's heart startled, and immediately turned his head to find that he was a person exactly like ordinary human beings. He was standing on the edge of the roof, looking down on this tiny city , While saying with a very contemptuous tone: "It seems that Cylo Altman is not so powerful ..."

"who are you???"

Hearing the person in front of him mentioning the name Silo Altman, Zhuo Liang's pupils shrank, combined with the tone of the person before, it was likely to be an enemy.

"Me? The winner ..."

He raised the corner of his mouth, but because his back turned to Zhuo Liang, Zhuo Liang could not see his smile, but he could hear Zhuo Liang's confidence.

"You did it all?"

Pressing the anger in his heart, Zhuo Liang asked word by word, as to what happened, naturally those who died downstairs.

"It was my servant ..."

Speaking slowly, admitting to those things he did, could not help making Zhuo Liang even more angry.

"You guys !!!"

Zhuo Liang was irritated by this attitude of contempt for life. Once upon a time, his family also died, and died under the hands of monsters, so is this the attitude of the murderer who killed them!

Thinking of this, Zhuo Liang was furious.

"go to hell……!!"

Raised the gun and aimed at him, but at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind him, that was the monster before! ! Zhuo Liang ignored it because of his anger!


After tearing Zhuo Liang's shoulder in one bit, the monster swallowed Zhuo Liang's entire arm, and Zhuo Liang was also knocked down by a huge impact.


After falling to the ground, Zhuo Liang's arm suddenly felt pain. The pain of cutting meat could not be described in any language.

Zhuo Liang covered his arm and screamed, "Ah !!!"


The monster stepped on his body at the next moment, Zhuo Liang spit out blood instantly, and he felt that his internal organs were crushed ...

"Oh yo ..."

Shaking his head, the man still didn't look back. He seemed to have known what happened, and said in a very regretful tone: "You guys, why don't you care behind your back! Obviously like to stab the knife in the back ..."

"Cough ..."

Zhuo Liang coughed up a little blood foam, then raised his head, looked at the man, and said abruptly: "You! Definitely lose! Absolutely!"

"Lose? Doesn't exist ..."

He suddenly laughed, then shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, the savior you are looking forward to, Cylo Altman, is already a waste person, he is difficult to protect himself ..."

"Crap? What ... cough ..."

When he heard the word "Human", Zhuo Liang's mind suddenly rose, and when he just wanted to ask him what it meant, the monster suddenly exerted force under his feet.

Even he could feel the sound of his ribs breaking, and he coughed up two blood instantly, and then the internal organs squeezed because of the cough, and the blood even flowed out of his nose.

This look, how embarrassed it is ...

"Too much to say, you can die ..."

He didn't look back from beginning to end, only waved his hand, as if solving a slave.


The monster opened his mouth and bit his chest, like a human biting tofu, biting Zhuo Liang's other shoulder in one bite.


Suddenly, at this time, I don't know where I came from. I even flew over a stool and hit the monster's head.


For the sudden change, the man was stunned and turned around.


Being disturbed while eating, the monster looked very angry and raised his head when he suddenly saw a bigger and bigger leg.


When he reached the monster's head, the monster that the light gun couldn't help but was beaten back by this leg and stepped back several steps.

"Are you OK?"

The figure immediately squatted down, and through the moonlight, Zhuo Liang could barely recognize it. This person turned out to be Jiang Qi. How could he have such a strong power? really! Isn't it human?

"Don't move—"

Jiang Qi's leg hurts a little, and the monster has a strong defense, and then looked at Zhuo Liang, the blood on the ground, so if it goes on, I am afraid that it will bleed to death.

Moreover, his arms are gone, and one of his ribs protrudes, which is not good to say. If it is left here for half an hour, he can die.

"hold onto!!!"

At this time, Jiang Qi is really messed up, now there is no gauze, how to stop bleeding? And he didn't know what was hurt.

"you you……"

Zhuo Liang looked at Jiang Qi and felt that he was becoming more and more blurred. He wanted to ask him why he was here, but there was no such strength.

"Pappa ..."

Suddenly, the man applauded and attracted the attention of the two. Just Zhuoliang turned his head to see him.

"It's you! Thousands of Eleven Lang !!!"

When Jiang Qi saw the man, he clenched his fists and said hatefully.

"Don't eat my eyes like this, I'm scared."

Qianben Shijiro looked at Jiang Qi and said with a smile: "How is it? The stage I arranged, the two of us, your final sing!"

"You're already done?"

Jiang Qi narrowed her eyes, clenched her fists and looked at Chimoto Shichiro, and then said, "I will make you desperate!"

"Anyone can play with your mouth! It depends on the actual action ..."

Qianben Shiroulang snapped his fingers, and then the monster appeared beside him, and then he held the monster and said, "Cayenne, my servant, a foreign species hatched in Anfeng's body, saved the right Your hate! "


At the moment when he heard the name, Jiang Qi raised his head, looked at him in shock, and asked, "You killed Anfeng?"

"Yes, it's me, what? Isn't it just killing a beast?"

With a smile, Qianben Shijiro didn't feel anything. He even felt that removing this person was all about purifying the earth.


Jiang Qi just got up, and suddenly, what Zhuo Liang seemed to say, Jiang Qi paused.

"Are you ... Sero?"

It seemed to be speculation, Zhuo Liang looked at Jiang Qi weakly, doing the final verification.

"... He is the waste person."

Qianben Shijiro directly told him the truth, then looked at Zhuo Liang and said, "It's just the reward you attracted him to come."


Zhuo Liang looked at Jiang Qi and his tears slipped away. This wasn't crying, it was because the nasal cavity got blood and the nerve reacted.


Jiang Qi nodded slightly and looked at Zhuo Liang. In this case, even if Jiang Qi was a fool, he could understand that Zhuo Liang was not saved, just give him an answer.

"Hahaha ... cough ..."

Do not know why, Zhuo Liang burst out laughing suddenly, coughed twice accidentally, and then became more weak, said: "I'm so stupid ... really stupid ..."


Although I don't understand, Jiang Qi didn't interrupt him. Then, he stuffed something into Jiang Qi's hand. It was a mobile phone. He said: "My sister, help me take care of her ..."

"Poof ..."

Almost in the next second, Zhuo Liang sat up suddenly, and then, under Jiang Qi's shocked eyes, Zhuo Liang's body was penetrated by a huge mouth.

In the time just before, Cayenne chose a sneak attack, but was blocked by Zhuo Liang.


With a kick on that head, Jiang Qi stepped back with the help of that force.

"Fuck off !!!"

On the ground, Zhuo Liang's body turned into pieces, only a pistol remained.


Jiang Qi was angry, really angry, and under the wrath of his anger, he turned into Sailo under the shroud of light.


The fifty-meter-tall giant suddenly appeared in Jiangcheng, which shocked those people.

"Sero ???? Sero Altman ??? Seeing alive."

"Sero? What about the monster?"

Compared to these human surprises, Jiang Xue is worried.

"Time ... I have no time ..."

Jiang Qi's words suddenly echoed in his head, making Jiang Xue more worried: "Jiang Qi ..."


"Commander! Sailo appeared in Jiangcheng !!"

Far from the night raid base, Cheng Yu immediately received the news that Cerro Altman appeared and immediately reported to Ding Yunfeng.

"Strike !!"

The appearance of Siro almost condemned the monster to appear. Ding Yunfeng did not hesitate and immediately ordered the subsequent reinforcements to attack.

"When will Han Yi arrive?"

Turning his head and looking at Cheng Yu, Ding Yunfeng suddenly asked.

"It will take about two minutes to enter Fengyong City."

"I know……"


"It just became so big ..."

With a mouthful, Qianben Shijiro took a step back, and then the Cayenne flew out immediately, and the moment he emptied, he was wrapped in red light, and it became very huge.

"Peng ..."

Jiang Qi held Cayenne's sudden attack with both hands, but the impact still caused him to step back a few steps.

"Peng ..."

Cayenne was still pressing, and Jiang Qi raised her foot and kicked Cayenne's body before Cayenne stopped. Then, Jiang Qi grabbed it firmly and turned it around twice before throwing it out.


Cayenne hit the street, and the street collapsed halfway in an instant, but Cayenne was nothing.


Standing up, he roared towards Jiang Qi, opened his mouth, his white teeth were shaking, saliva dripped on the ground.


Suddenly, it spit out a large pool of fishy yellow liquid, and then rushed to Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi opened the Aote barrier in an instant and blocked the saliva, but was still hit by Cayenne and hit a building behind.

"Scar ..."

Cayenne took the opportunity to step on Jiang Qi several times, and finally Jiang Qi grabbed its foot, the other hand grabbed its other foot, and then pulled hard.

"Peng ..."

The monster fell to the ground, and Jiang Qi stood up and rode on the monster's body, clenching his hands into fists, punching one punch after another, hitting the monster.

"Boom Boom ..."


Thousands of eleven lang looking far away, sighed and said: "Is it really worthy of Luo Altman? The simple thing is that you can't help you, but because of this, you are more interesting.


Qianben Shijiro slowly spread his hands ~ www.readwn.com ~ A red seed slowly appeared in his hand, and then thrown at Cayenne.


When Jiang Qi raised his fist, he suddenly saw a red dot merged with Cayenne.


Suddenly, Cayenne's body burst into a powerful light, and Jiang Qi bounced away.

"Peng ..."

Jiang Qi hit the ground before stopping, and then turned to kneel on the ground and looked at Cayenne.

I saw Cayenne's body slowly cracking, and finally "Peng" exploded, revealing a brand new appearance.

The black body turned purple, the original black skin turned purple purplish armor, the eyes became more obvious, the original neat teeth became uneven, but very sharp, with a long head The gray chamfer, with wings behind, turned out twice from time to time, and the body was about a circle bigger.

This monster, in front of Jiang Qi, had undergone a qualitative change, namely Cayenne II, also known as: Dolan Vigges.

(When Qianben Shijiro said that it does not exist, how do I feel that the atmosphere has been destroyed?

I almost wrote: I popped a big bird backhand and hit a dragon, see what do you say?

Haha afraid, I can't do it anymore, let's laugh for a while ... don't look at me, you must be laughing too, this is a text with sound ...)

(Today, when I saw 6 news about the reward, my expression was like this: OVO.

When I saw the same person as the reward, my expression was like this: QAQ.

So, brother, please do n’t give me such a big surprise TAT, durian ...)

(Thanks to Chen Xi OVO Dust Moon for the reward, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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