Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 506: Blood Curse (24)

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"Commander !!! The monster has evolved !!!"

In the night raid base, Cheng Yu looked at him in horror and at Ding Yunfeng, who also frowned and looked at the newborn monster.

"Can you estimate how strong the energy is?"

Ding Yunfeng turned his head, looked at Cheng Yu, and said seriously.

"I will check immediately."

Cheng Yu nodded, and after a few operations, the monster ’s energy value was displayed on the computer. He could not help but stunned for a moment, and then he was shocked and said, “Command! The monster ’s energy has increased several times!

"... Is there any way? Or is there something that can restrain it?"

Ding Yunfeng turned his head slightly and said to Cheng Yu.

"There is currently no way."

Cheng Yu shook his head helplessly, this monster had no record at all, and the time of appearance was too short.


Looking at the monster on the big screen, Ding Yunfeng lowered his eyebrows and said, "I understand."


The sudden change of the monster surprised all the people. Unexpectedly, the monster could evolve on the spot, and the appearance became more fierce and brutal. It seems that Cerro will have a hard fight.

"Is this too abnormal?"

The unknown passer-by raised his glasses, looked at the battlefield with great anxiety, and then said: "Anyway, can Sero eat away!"

"Sero is invincible !!"

A child stood up, holding the figure of Silo Altman, and said to the adult behind him, looking very serious and very cute.

"for sure……"

The man looked at the children, smiled, and then looked at the battlefield.

This thing is more exciting than Chinese football ...


Jiang Qi looked at the monster that had evolved on the spot, and for a time he didn't know what to say.

"how is it?"

He didn't speak, Qianben Eleven Lang couldn't sit still, and saw Jiang Qi's silent appearance, and suddenly said: "Evolved Cayenne II, Dolan Vejes!"

Dolan ... Vijay?

Jiang Qi stepped back slightly, and he felt a kind of oppression on this monster. This kind of oppression was only available when facing the Kiriellod II.

How could it skyrocket so much?

"I have another message to tell you ..."

At first glance, Hashimoto seemed to be kind. He said to Jiang Qi: "The source of this monster's evolution is alien, that is, the thing in your body. If you kill you, it will devour your Different species, it will become stronger! By then there will be nothing, it is its opponent! "

"... you won't succeed!"

Looking at the monster, Dolan Vigers, Jiang Qi clenched his fists, rushed up, and punched at the monster.

"Peng ..."

This monster, Dolan Viggs' claws became so sharp that he could block Jiang Qi's fist.

Then Jiang Qi raised his head and looked at the monster. As a result, the Dolan Viggs, holding his arm, prevented him from pulling it back.

"Peng ..."

Dolan Vijes kicked Jiang Qi's stomach in one foot, then, another kick, and hit Jiang Qi's stomach again, and then released his hand, opened his claws, and cracked hard against Jiang Qi's chest. Go down.

"Poof ..."

Jiang Qi's chest was sparking, he felt his chest was torn apart, and he stepped back a few steps, looking at the monster, breathing heavily.

"Huh Huh ..."

"How is it? Freshman Cayenne?"

Looking at him, looking at Jiang Qi's embarrassment, Qianben Shijiro became more confident.

"Uh ..."


With a cold snort, Jiang Qi's right arm was placed in front of his chest, and the golden light surrounded it, forming a golden armor.

Cerro, lv2.

"Have you used all the cards?"

Qianben Shijiro looked at Jiang Qi directly using the form of lv2, and was a bit surprised, but according to the information he collected, it is true that Jiang Qi has become more and more lv2, which shows that his physical condition is more Coming worse.

Siro's original form, which is his original form, is strong and weak, but it is linked to the human body.


Feeling the exploding power in his body, Jiang Qi raised his head and looked at the monster.


The monster moved his neck, then his wings flew, jumped up, and pounced on Jiang Qi.

Seeing the monster rushing directly over, Jiang Qi didn't step back and wanted to make a hard connection, but, in the next second, the monster disappeared directly.

"Huh ?? Where did it go?"

Jiang Qi was shocked and looked around more defensively, teleporting? Still invisible?


Dolan Viggs suddenly appeared behind Jiang Qi, slowly opening his mouth.


Jiang Qi felt something was wrong behind her, turned around sharply, and saw Dolan Viggs, preparing to shoot, Dolan Viggis disappeared again.


This time, Jiang Qi was suddenly hit hard from behind, her entire waist was almost interrupted, and the person flew out and lay on the ground.

If there is no armor, Jiang Qi may be directly lit.

"Scar ..."

Dolan Viggs appeared in front of Jiang Qi, and then stuck Jiang Qi's neck, slowly pulling closer, closer ...

"Huh ..."

At this moment, Jiang Qi's laser light emitted Amelium light and directly hit the monster's forehead.


The monster covered his forehead, let go of Jiang Qi's hand, and roared.

"Cough ..."

After two steps back, Jiang Qi looked at the monster cautiously. Sure enough, it was very difficult to solve. This kind of ability is similar to teleportation.


On the edge of the sky, there was a row of planes, probably more than twenty, all of which were flying eagles that attacked the base at night.

"It's hard work, friend, although a little late."

A member of the Flying Eagle saw Jiang Qi confronting the monster, smiled slightly, and said, "We are here."

"All scattered! Ready to attack!"

Han Yi paused and immediately issued an order, saying: "Attention, help Sailor as much as possible."


The players on the Flying Eagle said in unison.

Then they immediately separated, then aimed at the monster and fired a laser.

"Huh? Wait a minute—"

Jiang Qi saw the Flying Eagle of the night raid team and froze for a moment. Immediately after that, the Flying Eagle launched an attack directly. Jiang Qi didn't have time to stop it.

"Boom ..."

Most of the light hit Doran Vijas, and the monster raised his head violently, looked at the Flying Eagle in the sky, roared, and suddenly disappeared.

"Huh? Where did it go?"

While all the night raiders were very confused, the fighter suddenly changed.

"Boom Boom--"

In Jiang Qi's perspective, only the figure of Dolan Viggs flickered, and the Flying Eagle exploded like a firecracker.


Han Yi responded very quickly, and immediately said to the radio, pulling the skydiver.


More than him, almost many people jumped safely, only very few did not come out.


Dolan Vigers fanned his wings in mid-air, and seemed to have another shot, but ...

"Boo ..."

Two Hanmangs flew over and stopped the Dolan Viggs, who looked at Jiang Qi on the ground.

Jiang Qi hooked his finger at it and motioned for it to come.


Dolan Viggs was very anxious, then looked at Jiang Qi suddenly and disappeared.


Jiang Qi felt the danger, subconsciously with his hands and on his chest. At that moment, Jiang Qi suddenly felt a powerful force impacting himself, and then he could not help but step back a long way.


Dolan Vigers didn't know when he appeared in the place where Jiang Qi originally stood, and sharp claws crossed his head.


Dolan Viggs appeared in front of Jiang Qi again, but the ice axe controlled by Jiang Qi flew back, just hitting its back, and cut a deep mark.


Then, Jiang Qi felt a stronger impact and knocked herself into the air. Jiang Qi fell on a tall building.

"Come on !!! Come on !!!"

Jiang Qi fell into the downwind, and everyone squeezed a sweat, and then cheered Jiang Qi loudly.


Gee, Qianqi Shijiro's method is useless, Jiang Qi is no longer good.

"In one breath, solve Sero ..."

Suddenly, Qianben Shijiro shouted loudly at the monster. I didn't know what method was used. It was magnified many times and everyone heard it.

"He, mom, yeah, which fool said?"

All the people looked at each other, and there was no sound. At this time, a burly man stood up and looked around angrily.

"Don't look at me! I don't know!"

"Stupid? Would you like him to solve Sero Altman as soon as possible?"

The following people started a dispute and proved that it was not their own words.

"Peng ..."

I don't know how many times, Jiang Qi was repulsed. Dolan Vigges' teleportation is really annoying. Its data is definitely similar to that of lv2's own, but this teleportation ...

"Uh ..."

The monster appeared behind Jiang Qi and rushed towards Jiang Qi. Although the reaction came over, he did not dodge. He was pressed on the ground by the monster and slammed.


Jiang Qi shone all over his body, his strength skyrocketed again, and then tossed out Dolan Vigges.


With a sigh, Qianben Shiroulang saw that Jiang Qi was still so powerfully resisting, and then stretched out his hand, an invisible wave of thought enveloped Jiang Qi.


Jiang Qi just stood up. Suddenly, there was a strong pain in the heart, and the heart was shocked. The heterogeneous was already close to the heart! ! He is shooting towards Jiang Qi's already overwhelmed heart.


Jiang Qi lay on the ground, covering her chest, lv2 form, automatically lifted.

"Titer, drop, drop, drop--"

The color timer also began to flash, and all the crises were concentrated together.

"Sero ... what's wrong?"

People stopped arguing, and they were stunned when they saw the pain of Siro.

"what happened??"

Jiang Xue pinched his heart and saw Jiang Qi suddenly fall to the ground.

Ginger! ! ! Hold on! !

"Go this way !!! Leave quickly !!!"

The team members evacuated the crowd while looking at the battlefield, and also looked at Han Yi in a panic.

The latter is also very worried.


Cheng Yu covered his mouth, he did not understand, what happened? ? Sero suddenly ...


Ding Yunfeng did not speak, looked at the big screen, clenched his fists, murmured: "Come on ..."



Jiang Qi was rolling on the ground, covering her chest, her body twitching.

"Scar ..."

Jiang Qi now, for Dolan Vigges, is undefended.

"Poof ..."

At this time, Jiang Qi stood up, covering his chest and pulling his arm to the right, and then merged into an L shape, and the milky white beam of light was directed at the monster.

"Shoot ..."

However, escaped, the monster actually hid! ! It just scratched the monster's waist slightly, and the injury was a little bit of skin.

"Oh ... and the power of resistance ..."

Jiang Qi can stand up with pain? ? Qianben Shiroulang will never allow it! !

Dolan Vigeus rushed at the same time, paws penetrated Jiang Qi's stomach, yes, penetrated, white light slowly emitted, Jiang Qi fell to the ground.


Covering his stomach and chest, Jiang Qi couldn't move. Dolan Vejes saw Jiang Qi's inability to resist, lowered his head, and prepared to enjoy it, but Jiang Qi disappeared ...


People are so nervous, what's wrong with Siro? ? Actually lost? ? ? Why did it disappear suddenly? ! died! ! No way? ?

The crowd was chaotic, no one followed the rules, and all fled.



Jiang Qi was lying on the top floor of that floor, coughing twice, coughing up a little blood, and a lot of blood was also flowing out of his stomach, and he could not move.

"--Dare to come back with courage?"

Turning around slowly, Chiboshi Shizuro was also very surprised. When he saw Jiang Qi lying on the ground, he laughed.

"Huh Huh--"

Lifting his head and looking at the nearby Qianben Shijiro, Jiang Qi propped up and wanted to stand up, but there was no strength ~ www.readwn.com ~ Peng—— "

Qianben Shijiro stepped on his stomach with one foot, the blood ran faster, and then said: "Goodbye ... Time is ripe ..."


At this time, a voice came over, which was a female voice, which made Qianben Shijiro stunned. At this moment, he saw a girl jumping up with one hand against the edge of the wall, and then rushed towards him.


Almost in one go, he knocked back thousands of eleven lang.

"Jiang Qi-Jiang Qi-"

The girl looked at him cautiously, then squatted down and lifted Jiang Qi up, tears swirling in the corners of her eyes, and then blood shed from the corners of Jiang Qi's mouth.


Seeing the girl, Jiang Qi smiled and looked very happy, saying: "Thanks, Jiang Xue ..."


Jiang Xue stared at him froze, then bit his lip and said, "Don't be awkward, shall we? We still have to travel, we have to go to many, many places ... don't ..."

"I'm sorry, maybe, I have to say something ..."

Looking at Jiang Xue, Jiang Qi closed his eyes slowly, Jiang Xue looked at Jiang Qi in his arms anxiously, opened his mouth, and wanted to speak.

"Oh ... pity ..."

He tilted his head and watched Jiang Xue shaking his head, Qianben Shiroulang said, "... the hard-working mandarin duck, I won't solve him by myself ... watching my favorite person slowly die ... Hahaha ... "

With that, Qianben Shiroulang jumped from the top of the building, and Jiang Xue, at the moment, had nothing but Jiang Qi ...

(Crazy !! A good chapter, let me write a paste ... just can't write that feeling !! There is no way ...)

(Thanks for the book reward 2017, thank you very much, thank you! Thank you!)

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