Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 11 - 10: "I've got no strings"

-10 minutes before the Elves and Humans arrived-

My Sentries finished the cleaning and repairs of Fort Ultro. I had the hid in the building that surround the Castle Square, and I had some of the Sentries bring out my throne from my castle and placed it on the castle stairs, so I could get a front row view of what is to come.

I sat down on my throne and place my arms on the armrests. I saw myself from the view of a Sentry and I saw myself looking magnificent and powerful in my throne. After my Sentries were finished hiding in the surrounding buildings, I started waiting for my guest to arrive.

-10 minutes later-

After waiting, I saw some people running towards me. I zoomed in with my vision to see what ththe 20 people who were running looked like. I saw the first person, she looked like a magician with a robe and staff you would see in fantasy manga or movies. I saw her face and she was very beautiful, if she was born into my world, no one would be able to match her beauty. After looking at her face, I saw her ears where long and pointed, then I looked at the other 19 people and they all had long pointed ears too.

"So these people are elves, they really do have beautiful appearances." I said softly to myself.

After inspecting the elves, I see a bunch of people chasing them. From what I can tell they seem to be from the Human Race of this world.

The humans were able to catch up to the elves, the elves were unable to run anymore. The humans started to circle around the frighten group of elves, I saw 10 children crying and hold tight to the a.d.u.l.ts. The kids look very scared. After the humans finished surrounding the elves, a big man in red armor came out of the group of humans and started to talk.

"You think you could escape from us and save some of your fellow elves, don't make me laugh." Said Warrior in Red

"You humans are utter sc.u.m of this world. How can you be so cruel to people. We were just a village of elves who wanted to live in peace. Why can't you just leave us alone. You humans bring violence and madness where ever you go, killing little kids, raping women and killing innocent people just for what money" yelled the Magician Elf

"We aren't cruel to people, we are just cruel to slaves, and that what you are going to be. HAHAHA. Don't worry, we didn't kill all of the kids since I still can fetch a good price for the children since I know some Nobles that are into that short of thing." said the Warrior in Red with a evil grin

After he said that, the Magician Elf got pissed off and started chanting a spell that I don't know of but before she could finish her spell, the Warrior in Red rushed at the girl and grabbed her head and slammed her into the ground.

"You have been causing us some trouble, little magician. Just for that, maybe I should decapitated the children here and have my men kill the men and **** the women to death right in front of you too before we have our fun with you." Said the Warrior in Red

The Magician Elf started crying while the human slavers started slowly closing in on the elves

After seeing all of this, I couldn't let this continue, seeing this happening to innocent people doesn't sit well with me, and people who could do such cruel things don't deserve to live anymore.

"I don't think that will be happening since all of you will be dying soon" I said

After I said that, the Warrior in Red let go of the elf's head and backed up and started staring at me. As he did that, the Magician Elf started lifting herself up and turned around looked at me with her confused eyes. I started to stand up from my throne.

After standing up, I turned my head to and looked at the female elf with gentle eyes and I said "I'm gonna show you something beautiful... evil people, screaming for mercy!"

"A puppet!?" said the Warrior in Red. He then looked at the Magician Elf and said "Is this why you were running to this abandoned place, to get a puppet to save you. HAHAHAHA. An ancient puppet won't be able to protect you"

After hearing the Warrior calling me a 'puppet' I thought it would be fun to act like Ultron from the movie when he is compared to Ironman and a puppet. So I decided to get mad like Ultron.

"PUPPET!!!? Do I look like a puppet to you f.u.c.k.i.n.g asshole" I said to him and then said "Do you see strings on me!"

"Did I hurt your little feelings, never heard of a puppet being so emotional before" laughed the Warrior

"You shouldn't be laughing, you should be screaming for mercy since I will kill you and your men." I said to the Warrior.

The Warrior stopped laughing and started to get upset. He started giving me a death glare. "A single puppet against 100 warriors. Is making us laugh the best you can do. The only ones dying today will be these elves and a destroyed puppet." He said

I starting grinning when he asked if that was the best I could do. I think commanded my Ultron Sentries to stop hiding and circle these pathetic humans. My Sentries started to run out of building and started to circle the humans and some started to fly in the sky above the humans.

The humans started turning their heads in confusion, and saw all of my Sentries surrounding them and they got a little scared and then I said "This is the best that I can do. All of you against All of me"

I had 700 of my Sentries surround the humans, 280 Sentries in the air floating above them, and I sent 20 Sentries to grab and save the elves from the human's encirclement. The human warrior in red came out of the encirclement and was facing me. I slowly walked towards him.

"Why aren't laughing anymore." I mockingly asked him When I mocked him, the warrior was turning red in anger. I closed my eyes and shook my head in a disappointing manner. While my eyes were closed, he attacked me with a 6 foot Greatsword, he brought his Greatsword over his head and was bringing it down diagonally at me. He was smiling while slashing at me, he thought he was attacking me with a surprise attack but I saw it coming from Sentries view. I decided to let him attack me since I want to see if my new body would be durable.

After the Warrior in Red landed his attack on my area between my neck and shoulder, nothing happened. The Warrior's attack didn't cause any damage, not even a scratch. The Warrior's eye opened wide in surprise and started backing up and said "How are you unscratched, my Greatsword is made out of Silver Rank Metal, unless you are made out of a higher rank metal."

"You are right, my body is made out of a higher rank metal, its made of Dwarven Steel" I grinned at the Warrior

"Damn you, puppet. That's a Gold Rank Metal, no wonder my Greatsword can't damage you" said the Warrior while backing up.

"Now that I tested my new body's durability, I think we should end this little play, don't you think so too. I asked the Warrior.

"Since you and your men like to decapitate and torture little children, I will be killing you and your men very slowly, so that you humans will suffer the worst pain ever.

I soon commanded my Ultron Sentries to attack and capture the humans. Since my Sentries basically outnumber the humans 9 to 1, my win was 100% certain. I used the Chitauri Gravitiy Generators in my hands to pull the Warrior in Red towards me and grabbed him by the neck and started floating in the sky.

"You will soon know the mean of hell on earth" I said while staring at him.

-5 minutes later-

All of the humans have been captured, with no damage to any of my Sentries. I then had sent 400 of my Sentries to the forest to make me some stuff I need to kill these people. With the Warrior in Red this in my hand, I started to talk to him.

"You thought this Emperor was a puppet, you are a very foolish human to think that. Who had no idea who I am. For...I...AM...ULTRON!" I laughed while saying that and I started to sing Ultron's song from the Avengers movie.

"I've got no strings. To hold me down. To make me fret, or make me frown. I've got no strings. So I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone .They've got strings. But you can see. There are no strings on me" I sung

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