Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 12 - 11: Worst Kind of Punishment

"I've got no strings. To hold me down. To make me fret, or make me frown. I've got no strings. So I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone .They've got strings. But you can see. There are no strings on me" I sung

After finishing my song, I was still floating in the air staring at 99 human warrior captives who have been stripped of all their armor and weapons. While I was staring at my captives, the Warrior in Red is still struggling to get lose from my hand, he tried twisting my wrist but he could do a thing, then he tried punching my face with he left fist but I remained unharmed from his weak punches. He kept punching for a minute while I just stared at him, and he stopped because his fist was broken and had lose skin hanging from his hand. I could see the bones of his fist. With all of his struggling, I kept my hand latched on his neck

That's when I sensed the Elf Magician standing up and looking up at me, so I turned around and stared at her. She then got on her knees and bowed her head with her head touching the ground. She said to me "Please, oh great and powerful being, please save my people from the human slavers." while crying her eyes out. When she said that, the other 9 a.d.u.l.t elves started bowing towards me as well.

After she asked me to save her people, I started to slowly float down towards her, I got closer and closer until I was standing on the ground in front of her. Even when I was standing in front of her, she didn't even lift up her head, she kept her head down on the ground, the only people who weren't bowing were the human captives and the little elf children who looked at me with curious gazes, then I throw the Warrior in Red towards some Ultron Sentries and they grabbed him and started stripping him of his armor and weapons.

While I was gazing upon the bowing elves, I felt like I was some kind of Emperor God of sorts. That's when I thought about her question about saving her people, that when I decided to ask her "What will I get if I save your people?"

When I asked her that question, She raised her head and stared into my red glowing eyes. With great determination in her eyes, she said "If you are willing to save my people, I will give myself to you. My everything will be yours. My body and Soul will serve you wholeheartedly."

I knelt down on my left knee, with my right arm resting on my right leg. I then used my left hand to grab her chin, when I grabbed her chin, she closed her eye with a little fear. I started to inspect her for a couple seconds and let go. When I let go of her chin, she opened her eyes.

"That is a nice offer, but not good enough." I said "Here is my one and only offer. You will be my servant, and your people will become my people. Your people will become citizens of the Ultron Empire."

When I told her my demands, she started to think. After thinking for 14 seconds, she look upon me with determination and said "I will become your servant, and I will convince my people to become your subjects"

"That's a good answer but if any of your people don't agree to become my citizens, then I can only make them prisoners since I can't have people knowing about my existence just yet. Now tell me your name." I said

"I understand, and your servant's name is Elva." said Elva

After Elva answered me, my Ultron Sentries came back from creating the instruments of punishment for the captive slavers. They were carrying back 100 stakes, each stake was 3 inches in radius and 20 feet long with a pointy end at the top.

"Come to your Emperor, Elva" I commanded. She stand up and come to my side while gazing upon my magnificent Ultron Sentries.

My Lord, What are those things and what are they carrying" She asked me curiously

"They are known as Ultron Sentries, they are apart of me." I said through an Ultron Sentry that was walking towards us. She jumped in surprise when she heard my voice through the Ultron Sentry, then I said "Just think of them as me." I said through another Ultron Sentry. She was looking at the Ultron Sentries that I spoke through and back at me with amazement and curiosity in her eyes

Back in my Ultron Prime body I started talking. "What my Sentries are carrying are stakes, they will be used for the punishments of these monsters that you see in front of you" While pointing at the captive humans.

"Are you going to burning them at the stakes then" she asked

I laughed at her question.

"Being burned at the stake is too fast of a punishment for these cruel and sinful people. What I will be doing to them will be the worst kind of punishment that will make them suffer slowly for their crimes of raping, killing innocent a.d.u.l.t and children. My punishment will be like a hell on earth for them, just watch what happens" I said while laughing

"Before you punish them, can you save my people first." she asked me.

When she asked me that, I opened my Maps and scrolled through the map to where I could see some smoke rising in the sky. I zoomed in but I couldn't really see anything with the smoke and the trees blocking my view, so I used my mind to try and change the way I was viewing my map, like using Thermal Imaging. When I thought of Thermal Imaging on the Map, it turned into Thermal Imaging and I could spotted people down in the ruined Elf Village, it looks like the human slavers were waiting for the rest of their member who happened to be my captives now.

I exit out of my Map and said "I will go as soon as I punish these captives, but don't worry the punishment will commence immediately.

I then commanded the 200 Ultron Sentries to grab the captives, 2 for each captive. There was a Ultron Sentry on the left and right of each captive, they were holding onto the captives' arms and legs. While I commanded another 100 Sentries to hold up the stakes with the pointed end of the stakes pointing up to the sky, then the Sentries floated up carrying the captives who started to struggle but they couldn't escape from my Sentries. The Sentries floated in position with each captive above a stake. They started to slowly float down towards the spikes.

Then I started, and when I started talking the captives looked at me with great fear "My punishment for people like you who have no humanity is impalement. You all will be impaled on these stakes, and you will slowly die, which should take about 3 days for a normal person but since all of you are mostly Rank 2 Disciple Warriors, it will take much longer to die. So the longer you all suffer, the better since I bet all of you cause a lot of innocent people to suffer. This isn't enough of a punishment but it will do until you die and suffer punishment in Hell for your sins" I said while laughing at the scared captives.

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