Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 14 - 13: Fall of the Slavers

Well, Let's start the...battle...no...hmmm. I got it. The Massacre." I said while gazing down on the slavers like they were puny little ants.

After finishing my cool line, I commanded my 100 Ultron Sentries to attack the slaver's shield wall.

While I gaze at the slavers using shields that looked similar to the Roman Scutum shield to form a Shield Wall to try and form a protective wall against my Ultron Sentries.

After my Sentries started fighting, I made sure that they only used only their bare hands and not use any powers such as flight and energy blasts since I wanted this battle to be more enjoyable. Since my first battle at Fort Ultro was too quick and not enjoyable for me.

One of my Sentries started punching the Shield Wall and with just one punch he knocked the person wielding the shield back and the slaver flew 10 feet away while knocking down all of the humans in his flight path. When Human Magician saw this, he was shocked and began giving out orders.

"Fill in the hole before they enter it." commanded the Human Magician.

When the human Magician gave the order, another slaver filled the Shield Wall's hole. After the hole, the magician started to cast a spell but I didn't stop him since I was to see what magic he will be using.

"Pitfall Circlet" said the human Magician

Before I know it, a big trench that surrounded the slavers appeared, and it happened while my Sentries were attacking the Shield Wall, so all of my Sentries fell down the trench. When I inspected the trench through one of the Sentries at the bottom of the trench, I found out that the trench was 8 feet wide and 20 feet deep.

"Wow, that is an impressive spell. Its good for making defenses against attackers and makes an excellent trap but its just not wide enough or deep enough for dealing with a big attaching army." I commented about the 'Pitfall Circlet' spell

"I am not finished yet, you dumb golem." said the human magician. "Gaia Collapse"

After casting a spell called 'Gaia Collapse' the trench began collapsing upon itself, burying my 100 Ultron Sentries. I was utterly surprise that there was a spell like that, and I was kind of impressed with the human magician's intelligence and battle tactics.

"HEHEHE. Now you are all alone, golem." said the human magician. "The battle is almost won, now we just have to deal with you"

"I wouldn't count your chickens before they hatch, foolish magician." I said "But I got to say, that this battle is a lot more exciting and fun compared with my battle with your brother. He had no brains, only brawns but you are no better. You only have brain and no brawn. Too bad, I should finish this battle soon.'

"What are you talking about? Chickens? What do you mean by finishing this battle." said the human magician. "Can't you see you lost with your troops buried underground."

"Sure, being buried alive would work on an organic being, but my Sentries aren't organic and they are very powerful, so they should be getting out of the dirty pretty soon." I grinned

The human magician turned around to check, when he noticed the ground was raising up and then popped out my Sentries. They started to slowly climb out but before they could fully climb out, the magician started to issue out commands again.

"Attack and destroy those golems before they climb out of the ground" commanded the human magician.

Even though the slavers attacked my Sentries that were escaping from underground, they were causing any damage to their bodies since it looked like all of the slaver's weapons are made of Bronze Rank Metal.

After see that his men were doing any damage to the Sentries, he got mad and started casting a new spell.

"Summon Golem Squad" casted the human magician

After casting 'Summon Golem Squad' a squad of 20 golems about 10 feet tall emerged from the ground.

"Attack the golems coming out of the ground" the magician commanded his golems. After issuing his commands the golems charged at my Sentries and started bashing them. Even though the attacks of the human slavers weren't doing any damage but the attacks of the golems started scratching and putting small dents into 7 of my Sentries which I find unamusing.

"Ok, the battle is getting a little stale, lets turn the heat up a bit" I said softly to myself

After finding the battle going a little stale and boring, I decided to let my Sentries use energy blast but not flight since I still want the battle to last. After receiving the command, Sentries started to blast the attacking golems apart. It took only 10 second for the golems to be destroyed, after destroying the golems, my Sentries started using energy blast on the lower areas of the Shield Wall , after using the energy blast one time, there were two hundred holes in the Shield Wall, and suddenly the 40 men holding the Shield Wall together fell because they no longer have legs.

After the Shield Wall fell, my Sentries started charging into the slavers and beating them unconscious. After seeing that they couldn't win, a lot of slavers started running from battle, but they were soon caught by the 700 Sentries guarding the perimeter.

I slowly floated down behind the human magician who was distracted, trying to take control of his men who were running away.

"I hope you didn't forget about me" I said behind

After hearing my voice behind him, the magician was shocked and turned around quickly and used his staff to smack my face with all of his strength, but when he hit my face, it didn't even cause my head to budge. After he hit my face, I punched him in the stomach which cause him to fly up and vomit on my feet.

"Today is the day of the Fall of your slaver group." I said

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