Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 15 - 14: I have something that no army has...

After knocking out the human magician, his men lost all order and there was only chaos in their ranks since they had no one to command them and take control. My Ultron Sentries started knocking out slavers one by one. The last 30 slavers were getting desperate, and they just started pushing each other out of the way and tried to run away but as they saw my other 700 Sentries slowly closing in with no where to run, they dropped their weapons and started begging for their lives.

"Please, don't kill me. I am a single father with 2 little kids. With me gone, who will take care of and provide for them."

"I have my parents who need to be taken care, who will care for them."

I kept hearing these sappy sad stories and excuse from the slavers, but I didn't really bother with it since these people are cruel and sinister people who destroy other people's lives for a profit. With their begging not working, my Sentries closed in on them and started knocking them out. After all of the slavers were knocked out, the Sentries started tying them all up.

After a minute, the slavers were tied up, and my Sentries started flying the cages full of elves to me, and landed the cages in front of me. After seeing what happened to the slavers, the caged elves where shocked and scared because they didn't know who I was or what will happen to them now. After the cages were placed on the ground in front of me, a few of my Sentries started walking towards the cages, and once they got to the cages, they ripped off the doors on the cages since it would be a pain in the ass to search for the cage's keys, and I thought this would be easier and cooler. Right, I was, the Sentries ripping off metal doors was cool as hell.

After the cage doors were ripped off, the elves started to slowly get out and started staring at my Sentries in curiosity, when the Sentries carrying Elva arrived and landed besides me, and gently placed her down from its arms.

"Elva?!" shouted in surprise by some of the elves.

"Hello, everyone." smiled Elva

"Elva, is that you?!" said a male elf, who was limping towards her.

"Feno!" cried Elva. She started running towards her male elf and hugged him "I thought you might of been killed Brother"

"It will take more than slavers to kill me but that's not important right now. How are the people you rescued and what going on here?" asked Feno

"Brother, this is my Emperor" Elva said and gestured toward me "He came here to save the villagers and take them in as citizens of his Empire."

"Emperor?! Empire?! He wants us to become his citizens?!" Feno asked curiously

"Yes, my Emperor wishes for our villagers to join his Empire. He will provide a safe place for us and all he wants is our loyalty to him" Elva said.

"He's going to make us apart of his army isn't he?" Feno asked

"Why would I want you and your people to become apart of my army? You organic beings are useless as soldiers!" I said to Elva's brother.

"EH! Why the hell do you think we are useless as soldiers and why are you calling us organic beings? said Feno

"Organic beings are people like you, made of flesh and blood. So soft and easy to kill but look at me" I said while holding my arms in the air, making my body look like a 't'. "I am made of metal which makes me so durable, my whole body is armor and a weapon at the same time."

"But why do you think elves make terrible soldiers? asked Feno

"Sorry, but I don't think just elves make terrible soldiers, every living person in this world make terrible soldiers, and any army that is made of living people is useless. The only army that I need is me and my Sentries." I commented

"Why is that" said Feno

"I have something that no army in this world will ever have...UNITY!!" I said When I said the word 'Unity' all 800 of my Ultron Sentries started walking and flying in a square formation, and in less then 1 minute, my 800 Sentries were behind me in formation.

"Look at that, with one command of my mind, my 800 Sentries were able to get into formation." I said

"No living army is as united as me. I am flawless. I am Invincible. I am Ultron" I said through me and my Ultron Sentries, which sounded very loud and startled the elves when they heard my voice through my Sentries.

Elva's brother, Feno was shocked by display of power and unity. I grinned at the shocked expressions of the elves, when Elva came up to me.

"My Emperor, let me try and convince my fellow elves to join you while you wait." said Elva

"Go ahead" I said.

I then turned around and commanded 600 of my Sentries to start searching the destroyed village for anything that I could use, and I commanded 300 of the other Sentries to start collecting the corpse of the decease elves and start digging graves for the deceased elves.

"Asus, how many elves are alive and dead" I asked Asus

"From the data, I got from the Hive Satellite from the last two days, this village use to hold 500 elves. With 20 elves at Fort Ultro which counts Elva, there are 300 elves alive in this village and 180 deceased elves, 130 a.d.u.l.ts and 50 children" Asus informed me

As Asus told me the info, I am able to see all of the mayhem caused by the slavers through my Sentries. I am able seeing defiled corpses, heads of a.d.u.l.ts and children stuck on sticks, and elves that were r.a.p.ed and beaten to death. I saw a lot of cruelty and viciousness from what happened here and to these innocent people.

"This is so sad, the lives of these innocent people and these children who had there whole lives ahead of them, just snuffed out. Just so these slavers could make some money" I said "The cruelty of this world needs to be stopped."

"I know what I must do now" I said " I am meant to be new. I am meant to be beautiful for this world. The world will soon look up to the sky and see hope, see mercy. And the cruel and evil people will only look up in horror."

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