Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 16 - 15: Spell Requirements

"I know what I must do now" I said " I am meant to be new. I am meant to be beautiful for this world. The world will soon look up to the sky and see hope, see mercy. And the cruel and evil people will only look up in horror."

"I will become the God of this world, I will be worship by the people, and make the world a utopia in my own vision." I stated while I looked up at the sky.

After a good while, my Ultron Sentries were able to find only three things that seems to be useful. One of the things found was 40 bags of money, a two full of gold and the rest was full of silver and bronze coins. From what I can tell, the slavers seems to have enough money to last them for awhile. I guess I can probably be useful when I disguise myself and and sneak into the other race's cities, since money does make the world go around.

The second useful thing found were 30 boxes of Silver Rank metals, found in the back of some of the slaver's wagons. It looked like the metals were meant to be used to create armor for the slavers but now it will be used for Ultron Sentries. It looks like I have enough to make another 50 Sentries.

The last useful thing found was a small chest which appears to have 5 magic books. As I picked up a brown magic book, and heard a ding and a notification appear in front of me again.

'DING' 'Do you wish to learn [Earth Wall] (Yes) (No)'

I was startled when I saw the notification in front of my eyes, and then I used my mind to click the 'Yes'. When I did that, the knowledge of how to cast the 'Earth Wall' spell appear in my mind, and I could feel that I am now able to use the spell. I then grabbed a red magic book and the notification appear again.

'DING' '[Firestorm] can not be learned. Requirement: Fire Qi.'

"So I can't use any kind of spell that I want then, I must have Qi that the spell aligns with. Interesting. Asus, how do I get different kinds of Qi" I said

"Getting different type of Qi is easy. You must buy a 'Qi Drainer' from the shop. The 'Qi Drainer' will cost 5,000 Kill Points. The 'Qi Drainer' will drain the qi of a target until the person being drained dies, after that you need to attached the 'Qi Drainer to your 'Qi Gathering Converter' in your chest and empty the qi into the converter and you will be able to use that type of qi." Asus informed me.

'Damn it, I only have 210 KP, I have to start grinding for KP.' I thought. After being informed by Asus, I start picking up more books. The third book I picked up was a blue magic book.

'DING' '[Water Wave] can not be learned. Requirement: Water Qi

I then picked up a brown magic book.

'DING' 'Do you wish to learn [Golem Squad] (Yes) (No)

I used my mind again to click 'yes' and the knowledge of how to summon golems from the ground gushed into my mind. It seems that magic books are color coordinated with the Qi type that the spell is aligned with. Which makes it easier for me to understand and find magic books that I can use and so I don't have to keep picking up book after book to find a spell I can use. So, I picked up the last magic book which was brown.

'DING' 'Do you wish to learn [Pitfall Circlet] (Yes) (No)

I picked 'yes' again and the knowledge came gushing into my mind. I found that the feeling of knowledge gushing into my mind was exhilarating, I could get addicted to the feeling.

After learning the Earth spells, I decide to cast the 'Golem Squad'. I tried using my mind to cast the spell to see if I could, so I don't have to say the spells all of the time if I wanted to use them, and to my surprise I was able to cast a spell with my mind.

After casting the magic in my mind using my Metal Qi, 40 metallic golems appeared from the ground. The 30 metallic golems were big and bulk which wasn't that good looking. The bulkiness of the golems made me unimpressed with them. The metallic golems were 15 feet tall and 5 feet wide. I remember that the human magician was only able to summon 20 golems. It seems with both warrior and magician ranks, I am able to summon twice as much as a normal Rank 3 Disciple Magician.

After looking at the 40 golems, I tried using my mind to see if I could command them, and I found I couldn't use my mind to control them, which made the golems even more unimpressive.

I pointed at one and gave a command.

"You step forward"

After giving the command the golem I pointed, stepped forward.

"So I have to give verbal commands with these dumb golems, that annoys me." I said angrily

After testing the 'Golem Squad' spell, I used my energy blast to blast the golem that stepped forward to pieces but when it hit the golem and after the dust settled. I found to my surprise, that it wasn't turned to pieces. The golem was still standing there with a hole in its stomach. It seems that this bulky golem is kind of durable. I started punching and it took a whole 3 minutes for me to destroy the golem.

Once I got done destroying the golem and I was satisfied with the golem's durable, I made up my mind that these golems will be the tanks and berserkers on the front lines, so that the golems get destroyed but my Ultron Sentries can be the safe and sound. After think of more test to do, Elva came up to me.

"My Emperor" Elva said

"What is it" I said while still think of test to do.

"My fellow villagers have agreed to become citizens of your Glorious Empire." she said.

"Good, good. Great work Elva." I said while patting her on the head


Name: Ultron

Race: Android

Cultivation: Rank 3 Apprentice Warrior/ Rank 3 Apprentice Magician

Experience Points: 40/100

Kill Points: 210

Intelligence: 145 IQ

Qi Type: Metal Qi (Rarest form of Earth Qi)

Body Material: Dwarven Steel (Gold Rank)

Powers: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Infinite Stamina, Flight, Energy Blast , Technology Manipulation and Hive Mind System

Knowledge: Chitauri Gravity Manipulation Knowledge

Spells: [Earth Wall] / [Golem Squad] / [Pitfall Circlet]

Occupation: Empero

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