Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 17 - 16: Time to...

"Good, good. Great work Elva." I said while patting her on the head

As I was patting her on the head, she blushed. This is the first time someone pat her head, the only people to pat her on her head were her parents and brother, this was the first time someone beside her family did this.

"Thank you" Elva said while blushing.

I started walking towards the area where the freed elves are gathered, Elva followed after me. She was walking 5 feet behind me. As we got closer to the gathering place of the freed elves, I see a lot of children crying while some women are comforting them. The rest are watching my Ultron Sentries digging holes.

As I got in front of the group of elves, my Sentries just finished digging the graves for the fallen elves. I watched the Sentries floating out of the graves, then 180 of my Sentries appeared from all directions, heading towards the graves. All of the 180 Sentries were carrying corpses wrapped in blankets. They walked to the sides of each grave and stood there. There were two Sentries on the sides of the graves, one holding a corpse and one holding a big rock.

"I have made these graves to give your fallen brethren a proper burial. I will need a few of you to help identify their names. Just go identify and give the names to one of my Sentries by the grave " I said to the group of elves

After I said that, a few of the elves volunteered to identify the corpses. The volunteers started to identify the corpses. After confirming the identity of a corpse and giving the name to a Sentry, the Sentry holding the corpse would gently place the corpse in the grave, then the Sentry holding the big rock would place it at the head of the grave. After placing the big rock, the Sentry would use a energy blast from its finger to carve the name of the corpse.

While this was going on, the other elves started bowing towards me on one knee out of gratitude for doing this.

"Thank you for burying our brethren" said some of the elves

I just stood their in silence as the corpses were buried, it seemed like to the elves that I was staying silence out of respect for the dead being buried but to me this was a part of my plan to gain their loyalty. Doing this was my way of showing them my kindness and sincerity to gain their loyalty since if you are good to your subjects, they will be loyal to you.

As I was thinking about my plan working and how I was a little happy about it, I started to realize something. I came to the realization that my emotions are kind of being hampered a little like when I become happy, after a few second I am then calm. Also my thinking is becoming more machine like, more calculative and cunning. I am guessing it has to do with my body and brain being made out of machines.

I started to wonder if I should make a body like Vision but I soon realized the mistake in that idea. I would be made of flesh which would make me less durable and my emotions might effect my decisions, and to win wars, govern my Empire and become the God of this world, I need to be calm and calculative besides I am Ultron. Ultron is no longer Ultron if he doesn't have a machine body. So, I will shelf this Vision body idea.

After thinking of ideas for the future, Elva came to my side and started talking to me.

"My Emperor, thanks for doing this for my fallen brethren. My people are grateful that you are burying the fallen. Its our honor to become your citizens." Elva said with a idolizing gaze.

"I am happy to have you and your people become my citizens" I said

After 15 minutes, the corpses have been buried and each grave has a grave marker with the names of each corpse on it.

"Ok everyone, I need you to gather all of the supplies you and your people will need to survive and put it in the slaver's wagons." I said loudly to the elves.

After telling the elves to gather supplies for their survival, the men started spreading out while the women and children stayed and rested. Before the elves finished gathering their supplies, I commanded 100 of my Sentries to carry the captured slavers back to Fort Ultro. The 100 Sentries went up to the captured slavers and put them on their shoulders and started flying into the sky and left towards the fort.

After waiting for an hour, the male elves gathered all of the food, clothing, blankets, weapons and resources in the elf village that they could find and packed it all in the 10 of the slaver's wagons. I had 4 Sentries carry each of the wagons so nothing back would happen to it then I had 320 Sentries carry the elves. I had the Sentries princess carry the elves. I found it kind of funny seeing the male elves being carried like princesses, but I made sure to hold in my laughter.

After confirming that everything the elves needed, and there was nothing else useful for me to find, i spoke to the elves.

"Time to go home" I said

My Sentries started carrying the elves and the 10 wagons, and started to float up into the sky. When we were above the tree covers, my Sentries and I flew towards Fort Ultro. As we were flying towards the fort, all of the elf children were getting excited and cheering, they were like children at an amus.e.m.e.nt park having fun. It made me a little happy to see them being so cheerful after experiencing the horrors caused by the slavers but my happiness for them soon calmed down because of the effects of my robotic body and brain.

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