Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 18 - 17: If you know the enemy...

My Ultron Sentries and I are almost back at Fort Ultro. As we are flying, I could see the fort in the distance, and after a few minutes we are hovering above the Castle Square. 600 of Sentries and I slowly floated down in front of the 100 slavers that are impaled, while 100 Sentries fly into the forest to make more stakes.

After calculating the time, I found out it took us a whole 30 minutes to arrive back at the fort because my Sentries are carrying 10 wagons and all 301 elves, if they weren't here my Sentries and I could of been back at the fort in 15 to 20 minutes. After thinking about it for a few seconds, I realized that if I have to carry things like supplies, loot or people then my combat abilities and my numbers will decrease, so I really need to buy the knowledge of the Quinjet or maybe of the Boeing CH-47 Chinook so I can transport my loot or people that way I can keep my Sentries ready to fight and kill my enemies. I will check the Shop later today after I finished everything I need to do?

After my Sentries put down the wagons, elves and captives, I had some of the Sentries carry the wagons to the warehouse on the left side of the Castle Square. While the elves were looking around at Fort Ultro curiously, I turned to the 300 elves I rescued and I started to talk.

"Hello, my newly found citizens. Welcome to my home, Fort Ultro" I said "Before I settle you down, let me show you a little preview to a show you will be viewing called Justice."

I said while I waved my hand towards the impaled slavers who were still struggle in pain. When I was looking at the slaver, I noticed that almost all of them pissed themselves, and I found that my Senties were a little wet with a blood and another liquid, which meant that while the impaled slavers pissed themselves out of pain, the piss actually dropped onto my Sentries holding up the stakes which I found very unpleasant and disgusted. This means that I will have to get the Sentries washed and sterilized because that I just nasty.

So, I had the Sentries holding the stakes plant the stakes into the ground, so they don't have to hold them up. After planting the stakes into the ground, I commanded to march into the river that surroundings the fort's walls and wash off the blood and piss off them

When I gestured towards the impaled slavers, the elves were shock with joy to see the slavers impaled alive, getting their just desserts. While some were smiling at the punishment that the slavers were receiving, quite a few of the elves picked up some stones and started throwing them at the impaled slavers.

After a few minutes, the 100 Sentries I sent to make stakes returned, which they planted into the ground next to the already impaled slavers.

"My citizens, its time for the punishment for these criminals...no that isn't the right word for them...hmmm....I got it. These animals." I said "I hope you enjoy the show."

After I finished my speech to my citizens, my Sentries started waking up the 100 captive slavers with a few slaps to the face. After slapping the faces of the slavers a few times, they woke up with some swollen cheeks, but as soon as they saw their fellow slavers impaled, they were scared shitless and almost half of them started to piss their pants. All of the tied up slavers started to struggle and tried to break free so they could run away.

While I was watching the slavers trying to wiggle free and escape, I quietly chuckled at their useless efforts to break free from my Sentries, and I even found it kind of comical. After watching the slavers struggle for a minute, I got bored of their struggling so I finally commanded for my Sentries to starting float up with the tied up slavers and fly above the stakes. Once they were imposition, they started slowly float down and the slavers were slowly impaled them.

As they were being impaled, the slavers were screaming in pain, but once the stake broke through and exit out of their mouths they stopped scream. You could only hear load and continuous painful groaning coming from the slavers.

After the impalements were done, I slowly walked to the castle, while my Sentries were guiding the elves to the barracks on the right side of the Castle Square. There were 10 barracks with each barrack able to shelter 200 people.

"Elva, follow me." I said loudly

"Coming, my Emperor" replied Elva

"Tell me about the Empire and Kingdoms of this world. I asked her

"Well, I am sorry but I don't know anything about any empire or kingdom of this world besides yours, my Emperor." Elva said sadly

"Why is that?" I ask curiously

"You see, my people lived in isolation in this forest for almost 200 or 300 years now. My people have been living in here for a long time and never been in contact with the outside world or gone outside the forest." Elva said to me

"I see, maybe I should I kept one of the slaves imprisoned and tortured that kind of information out of him but its too late now. I will have to go out of this forest in disguise and gather intel of this world then. Its like the great Sun Tzu once said "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succ.u.mb in every battle"" I said while my hands were behind me back.

"Wow, this Sun Tzu must be a wise and brilliant general in the ancient times" said Elva with wonder in her eyes.

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