Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 19 - 18: Experimenting

"Wow, this Sun Tzu must be a wise and brilliant general in the ancient times" said Elva with wonder in her eyes.

I lightly laughed at Elva comment

"Yes, he was a great general, military strategist, writer and philosopher. He even wrote a book called The Art of War, an influential work of military strategy that has affected a lot of nation's philosophy and military thinking." I told her

"Wow, I would love to read his book." Elva said

"Maybe you will one day." I said "Ok, you should go to your people and help them with anything that they need, if you need anything just let one of my Sentries know and I will see what I can."

Elva nodded at my suggestion and went over to the elves, who are heading towards the barracks. I was watching them when I thought to myself that I should reestablish their village to the west, like 5 or 10 miles away, since I plan on converting the barracks into storage area for my Ultron Sentries. I should also build an underground base to store them as well, since I will be establishing a huge Ultron Sentry army here.

"Asus, how much Silver Rank metal ore do we have in the mind. Also how many Ultron Sentries can I build if I want to build a underground base with 100 floors with each floor able to hold 10,000 Sentries with the Silver Rank metal?" I ask

"I just calculated that with the building of the underground base of your size requirements, you should only be able to build 30,000 Ultron Sentries which will take 30 days then the mine run out of metal ores." Asus informed me

"Hmmm, only 30,000 Sentries, I believe that is not going to be enough for my future plans of conquest. What if I don't build the underground base, how many Ultron Sentries can I build." I asked curiously

"With the underground base taken out of the equations, you should be able to build 300,000 Ultron Sentries which will take 300 days to finish." said Asus

"Now that is more like it, I just need to increase both of my cultivation ranks up to Rank 8 or 9 and then my Sentries will have the same strength as me and I will most likely become the God Emperor of this world." I said to myself out loud

"Ok, enough plans of world conquest, I need to experiment with my new spells and test my limits with the Ultron Sentries." I said

After making my decision to experiment my powers, I commanded 10 Sentries to come to me. In a minutes, 10 Sentries appeared in front of me. My Sentries and I started to fly into the sky and headed towards the area right outside the fort walls where there was a clearing made by my Sentries from making stakes. The clearing was big enough for me to test my experiments.

I landed in the forest clearing with my Sentries. I then switched my consciousness to one of them.

I casted [Golem Squad] and 40 metallic golems appeared from the ground, they were the same size as the ones I summoned with my original body. It turns out that I can use the spells I learned in any of the Sentry bodies. I then commanded another Sentry to cast [Golem Squad] and the Sentry was able to summon 40 metallic golems. After learning about this, it means I just have to send a command to cast a spell, and they will be able to cast it which makes it great for coordinated attack like Area Damage or Artillery.

After thinking about this, I uncasted the [Golem Squad] and the golems slowly disappeared into the ground. I went back into my original body and commanded all 10 Sentries to cast [Golem Squad], and 400 metallic golems came out of the ground.

"This is amazing." I said "If I commanded all 900 of my Sentries that I have now to cast [Golem Squad] then I would have 36,000 golems as disposable pawns to sacrifice in battle which means less destroyed Sentries to repair but the only bad part is that these golems seems to only have Rank 1 strength, why is that Asus?"

"This is because only your main body is able to summon golems with strength 1 rank below you. While the Ultron Sentries are able to only summon golems 2 ranks below them." Asus informed me

"That's too bad, but I just had to improve my strength to make the golems and Sentries stronger then. When the slavers die from the impalement, I should be able to level up." I said "But I should sent out Sentries to hunt for XP and KP."

I had all of my Sentries uncast [Golem Squad], and the golems went into the ground. I then started experimenting with my other spells, [Earth Wall] and [Pitfall Circlet]. I found out from experimenting with [Earth Wall] that the wall could become any design I want. I was able to make the [Earth Wall] take the shape of a Chinese style city wall, then I turned it into a European Castle wall. It even found out its not limited to a square wall like you would see in Avatar the Last Airbender but I could create a circular wall around me. This spell will do great with making a quick fort in a time of war.

After experimenting with [Earth Wall], I started testing the limits of [Pitfall Circlet], just one of the Sentries was able to make a pitfall 10 feet wide and 100 feet deep. I was about to continue my experiments when I notice that it was getting dark. I looked up into the sky and noticed that it was almost night time, so I stopped my experiments and decide to continue them for another time.

My Sentries and I flew into the sky and headed back home.

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