Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 20 - 19: Cosplay in a Cultivation World

My Sentries and I flew into the sky and headed back home.

As soon as a got back, I sent out 400 of my Ultron Sentries to go out make four roads, 10 miles long to the North, West, South and East, with 100 going each direction. Once they got to the 10 mile marker, they will start clearing the area in a circle with a radius of 4 miles. After they finish the circle area, they will start building walled towns with the lumber they cut down. I had an image of the design from an anime I use to watch, One Piece. The towns and the fort will connect with one another like the design from the World Government flag. With the roads connecting them, my citizens will be able to travel faster.

Once the towns are complete, I plan on sending the 320 elves to the town in the west since it would be safer then the east were it is closer to human civilization. I also plan on make Elva the Mayor of the town, and have her start making a Defense Legion for the town, and have her make more clearings around the town so they can create some farms.

I plan on using living people for Defense Legions for the Towns and Cities that I create and conquer instead of using my Ultron Sentries to protect them. I find it would be a waste of my resources and my Sentries to just station them there when I could have the people have a militia to protect themselves in case of an attack.

It's also not a good idea for me to divided my Ultron Sentry army to just protect cities when I can just disband the armies of the places I conquer and reorganize the soldiers into a Defense Legion with their only purpose of defending the city they are stationed at and the villages near the city. The Defense Legion is a wonderful idea, I just have to make sure I can find soldiers who will be fateful to their new ruler.

After thinking about my military plans for the future, I went back into my castle with the 10 Sentries I took with me to test my experiments. I sat down on my throne with my Sentries lined up in front of me. After sitting down, I ordered 20 Sentries outside of the castle to make some items that I needed. I then set the timer in the system to wake me up in the morning and went into sleep mode while my Sentries went into autopilot mode.

-10 hours later-

I slowly woke up and saw the 10 Ultron Sentries still standing in the same place that I left them. I then order them to get items and supplies from the warehouse where I am storing resources and the things we got from the slavers we captured, they left and came back in a few minutes with the necessary items that were created yesterday which I needed for the next stage of my plan.

They brought back 10 hooded Akatsuki cloaks from the anime; Naruto, 10 Hollow Ichigo Masks from the anime; Bleach, bandages, 10 pairs of pants, 10 long sleeve shirts,10 pairs of leather gloves, and 10 pairs of leather boots. I thought it would be cool to use some clothing and props from some animes I watched in my past life. I had the Sentries put on the pants and long sleeve shirt, then boots and the gloves, and then the hooded Akatsuki cloaks.

Once they put on the clothing, I had them wrapped their heads with the bandages, after they finishing wrapping their heads, they put on the Hollow Ichigo Masks and pulled their hoods for their heads.

I stand up and walked up to the Sentries and inspected them. After gazing at my Ultron Sentries in their cosplay outfits then a funny thought came to my mind which was that I have just brought cosplay into a fantasy like Cultivation World.

I chuckled a little at that thought but after I stopped chuckling at my achievement of bring cosplay to another world, I found that the Akatsuki Cloaks from Naruto with the Hollow Ichgio Masks from Bleach made the Sentries look like bad asses.

Thanks to all of the clothing and the bandages covering them, you can't even see their metallic bodies which will help hide there true identities. They look like a bad ass Adventurer or Mercenary Group, that you don't want to mess with. After finishing gazing at my handy work, I sat back down on my throne and transferred my conspicuous to one of the Sentries.

I am now in one of the Sentries in cosplay when I heard the system 'Ding'

'DING' '1,000 Ultron Sentries have been manufactured'

"That's good, my Sentries are now at 1,900 units." I said

I then sent an order to the 400 new Sentries to go help with the road and town building while I sent the new 600 Sentries to the North, West and South to go hunting for experience. While the remaining 490 Sentries stay here and watch over the tortured slavers and elves.

After finishing sending out commands to all of my Sentries, I took the 9 Ultron Sentries outside with me. Waiting outside was a Sentries holding a bag of silver coins for me since I am now planning on heading out to find out more about this world, I need money for things.

I took the bag of silver coins and put them in a hidden pocket inside the cloak I am wearing. When I put the silver coins away, I looked down at the Akatsuki cloak I am wearing. The cosplay reminded me of the good old days when I cosplayed at anime conventions called Anime Oasis in my hometown of Boise, Idaho. I even went to the convention as an Akatsuki member one time but now isn't the time to reminisce about the old times, so I shook my head to stop thinking about my old memories.

My Akatsuki Sentries and I flew into the sky and head East.

(Hollow Ichigo Mask: ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1vUJRIXXXXXbAXXXXq6xXFXXX4/New-Arrival-HOT-High-Quality-Resin-Kurosaki-Ichigo-Bankai-Full-Hollow-Mask-Red-Black-18-26cm.jpg_640x640.jpg)

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