Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 24 - CHAPTER 23: Akatsuki is Born

After inspecting my surroundings, I went to one of the receptionist which was a human woman who looked to be in her 30s.

"Hello sir, how may I be of service?" said the female receptionist

"Yes, I am here to register me and my men as a Mercenary group?" I said to the reception lady

"Ok" said the lady, then she took out a piece of paper. "I am going to need you to fill this application form out"

On the form, it wanted the name of the Mercenary group, the total number of men, our cultivation ranks. So I filled it out.

NAME: Akatsuki

Number of Members: 10

Ranks: 10 Rank 3 Warrior/ 10 Rank 3 Magician

After filling it out, I handed the application back to the reception lady. Once the application was in the lady's hand, she inspected the information and then she had a shocked faced.

"You and your men are pretty strong for a city that is on the far edge of the Howen Kingdom. We usually only have people who are Rank 2s' except for a few exceptions like the Lowfang Brother's Slav Mercenary Group and the Alpha Shields Mercenary Group."

After saying that and stating her surprise, she took the application form and stamped it with a stamp that approved the application.

"Now, your mercenary group known as the Akatsuki is a official member of the Mercenary Guild. " she said

"Now please wait while I go and get your Mercenary Card created." She said then she when into a door behind the counter and she took the application form into the back with her as well.

After a few minutes, she came back with a card in her hand. Once we got back to her spot, she handed the card that was in her hand.

"Here is your Mercenary Guild ID. This ID is free for first time Mercenary Groups but if you lose it and you will need a replacement and the replacement will cost you 1 Silver coin." she said

After I took the card from her, I started inspecting it. It was just a card made out of wood and on it said:

Mercenary Group: Akatsuki

When I was inspecting the card, the reception lady started talking again

"Would you like a quick tutorial of the Mercenary Ranks and information" she said

"Ok, let me hear it" I said

"Alrighty then, so in the Mercenary Guild we have six ranks. We have the Ordinary Rank Mercenary Group, next is the Bronze Rank, Silver Rank, Gold Rank, Platinum Rank and finally God Rank but that rank is impossible to receive since we no longer have God Rank people in this world anymore" She said "To identified a Mercenary Groups Rank you just have to look at the ID. An Ordinary group's ID will be made out of wood, a Bronze ID is made out of Bronze, a Silver ID is made out of silver and etc. You basically get it right."

"I see" I said

"Now lets move onto the rules of the Mercenary Guild. First rule is to never backstab your employer, such as completing the contract then killing and robbing them, this will result in you being dismissed from the Guild and have a bounty issued on your head. Second Rule if you don't complete your contract you will be given a demerit, once you get three demerits, your group's rank will be demoted or at the Ordinary Rank if you get 3 demerits you will be dismissed from the Guild. Third rule is to never attack the Mercenary Guild or its employees which will result in an automatic dismissal from the Guild and a bounty issued on your head. This are the main three rules of the Mercenary Guild, we have other rules but they are more like guidelines really" she said

"I understand" I said.

After I said that, there was a loud bang behind me, which came from the Mercenary Guild's front door. I turned around to see a bunch of guys numbering around 50 men with 46 warriors and 4 magicians. They came in and sat down at two of the long tables in the main hall. The group started to drink. I then turned back around to focus on the reception lady.

"Continue please" I said nicely

"Let's talk about improving your Mercenary Group's Rank, there are two ways to accomplish this. First which is the easiest way, is to complete Mercenary Contracts. Since your Mercenary Group Rank is Ordinary, you have to complete 20 Ordinary Contracts then you will have to complete a Bronze Contract as a test and once you complete that your Rank will be upgraded to Bronze and you just have to repeat the process to keep upgrading your Rank." she said

"Second way is the harder way which is just to improve your Cultivation Rank. So if you have 10 Rank 4 or 5s you will be upgraded to Bronze and so on. But improving your cultivation in this business is hard to do." she said

When she told me the second way of improving my mercenary group rank, it made me almost laugh since when my Cultivation Rank improves so does my Ultron Sentries Cultivation Ranks, which makes it easy especially in this mercenary line of business where I just need to kill a living being to get XP and KP. With this mercenary group, I can gain XP and KP from killing then I will get money from the Contracts which I can use to buy Higher Rank Metals for my body. I really want to have a stronger body like Ultron's second form at the end of the move where he is 7.5 feet tall and magnificent looking.

"So that it all of the basics for you to know. Do you have any questions? she said

As she was done explaining to me about the basics for beginner mercenary groups,

"Lookie here boys, looks like we got some fresh meat in the building." said a voice behind me

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