Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 26 - 25: Destroying their Hope

My Sentries and I are now standing at the very end of the Guild's arena facing towards the enemies at the other end is the Head Mercenary and his 49 cronies in black armor with War Axes, War Hammers, and Greatswords strapped on their backs. I theorized that these mercenaries who wield big weapons, and that their Mercenary Group's name: Black Rampage, that these men are brainless loser who rely on the muscles and who only know how to attack by just charge in swinging with the big weapons.

The merceneries were smiling and taking this easy since they believe they have the numbers advantage but I know numbers don't win a battle or a war, its the quality and not the quantity that count but my Ultron Sentries and I are way better than that. We are basically great quality and great quantity. Why have just one winning factor when you can have both.

As I staring at the merceneries. I yelled "Let the fun begin."

As soon as I said that, My Sentries and I started to spread out into a long line. We are 5 feet apart from each other. While watching us spread out, the head mercenary started smiling ang laugh then he pointed to ten of his cronies.

"Ok, the ten of you go. Show these bitches pain, and make sure you kill them slowly." the head mercenary said.

"We got it Boss, you can count on us to make them suffer." laughed one of the ten selected mercenaries.

After saying that, the ten mercenaries started to spread out like my Sentries and I did. It was now a one on one fight which will make this a piece of cake, which will make it boring and short. If all of them came at me then the fun wouldn't end so soon.

"You better send all of your men or this will be too short and boring." I said

"Keep on dreaming kid, these 10 men are Rank 2 Disciple Warriors who have been in over 40 battles but you are right, this fight will be too short and boring since to my men, you are like a little bug that need squashed." said the head mercenary.

"I wouldn't be too sure of that" I said while chuckling

Then the 10 Rank 2 Disciple Warriors started charging at my Sentries and I. My Sentries and I also just stood there waiting for the mercenaries to come to their doom. When they got close enough, I let my Sentries fight on autopilot while I focus on the punching bag charging at me.

After my last two battles with the Rank 4 Inferior Warrior and Rank 3 Disciple Magician brothers with their 198 Rank 2 Disciple Warriors, I gained a brand new ability to predict human's movements. Thanks to my AI brain, I am now able to calculate and predict an oppenent's move by using their stance and the movement of their muscles. This ablitiy is almost like the AIM HACKs you would see in first person shooter pc games but better.

With my ability, I now know that my oppenent will jump up and swing down with his axe which came true in the next 3 seconds. He jumped in the air While he was in the air, I moved out of the way of his War Axe and held my fist out. With my fist held out, the crony coming down, his d.i.c.k landed on my metal fist. When his d.i.c.k landed on my fist, his eyes started to bulge out of his eye shocket in great pain, and he dropped his War Axe.

He came crashing to the ground, and held his d.i.c.k in his hands while rolling in pain. I then grabbed his War Axe and swung down on his knees. With one fell swoop, he was now a legless man, crying in pain. On my Sentries sides, they were able to finish their battles pretty quickly as well. They then used the mercenaries own weapons on them. Some had War Hammer so the bones in their legs were turned into dust, while others had their legs cut off. These 10 mercenaries are now disable for the rest of their lives.

When the 10 mercenaries were disable, their buddies were shocked by what happened but they were snapped out of their shock by the Head Mercenary.

"Alright boys, these assholes just disabled our buddies, lets capture them and torture them for their crimes against us!! shouted the Head Mercenary.

Then the rest of the 40 Mercenaries started to charge at my Sentries and I, so we also charged at them Naruto style while carrying the weapons of their fallen comrades.

My Sentries and I started manuvering between the mercenaries while count off their legs. When they tried to attack us, we either parried with our new weapons or dodge the attack. They tried as hard as they could but it was hopeless for them, my Sentries and I were able to predict their moves and counteract their moves with ease.

After nearly a minute of dodging and leg cutting my Sentries and I are now facing the Mercenary Guild building, and the mercenaries were on the ground behind us with no legs and in a lot of pain.

My Sentries and I slowly turned around to face the mercenaries on the ground. I then commanded five of my Sentries to make some torches out of the chairs that were by the door that leads into the Mercenary Guild. They got the wood and took off their gloves so they could use energy blast to set the wood on fire, and then they put the gloves back on. We then started to go to each mercenary and cut off their arms and use the torches to stop the bleeding.

Once we did that to 5 of the mercenaries, the other 45 scream in horror. Some tried to fight my Sentries off, but they would just knock their weapons out of their hands while some tried to crawl away to the door of the Mercenary Guild and escape. I even let a few of them get so close to the door which filled them with hope and excitement then right as they were about to reach the door knob, I would drag them away, destroying their hope.

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