Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 27 - 26: Slave Market

My Sentries and I slowly turned around to face the mercenaries on the ground. I then commanded five of my Sentries to make some torches out of the chairs that were by the door that leads into the Mercenary Guild. They got the wood and took off their gloves so they could use energy blast to set the wood on fire, and then they put the gloves back on. We then started to go to each mercenary and cut off their arms and use the torches to stop the bleeding.

Once we did that to 5 of the mercenaries, the other 45 scream in horror. Some tried to fight my Sentries off, but they would just knock their weapons out of their hands while some tried to crawl away to the door of the Mercenary Guild and escape. I even let a few of them get so close to the door which filled them with hope and excitement then right as they were about to reach the door knob, I would drag them away, destroying their hope.

When the mercenaries fainted from the pain, I would slap them awake again so that they could continue suffering from the pain. After doing this for 5 minutes, I started to get bored with the torturing of these mercenaries. I then took their weapons and chopped off their heads since they now have no more purpose.

After chopping off their heads, their was blood, limbs and heads everywhere, it was like a living nightmare but I didn't feel a thing from seeing which I should thank the side effects of having a robotic mind and body while I was thinking that I got some Dings.

'Ding' [You have killed a Rank 3 Warrior. Gained 30 XP and 1KP]

'Ding' [You have killed 49 Rank 2 Warriors. Gained 980 XP and 49 KP]

After seeing that, I checked my status, and found that I was close to leveling up and I now have 260 Kill Points.


Name: Ultron

Race: Android

Cultivation: Rank 3 Apprentice Warrior/ Rank 3 Apprentice Magician

Experience Points: 1050/1500

Kill Points: 260

Intelligence: 145 IQ -> 150 IQ

Qi Type: Metal Qi (Rarest form of Earth Qi)

Body Material: Dwarven Steel (Gold Rank)

Powers: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Infinite Stamina, Flight, Energy Blast , Technology Manipulation and Hive Mind System

Knowledge: Chitauri Gravity Manipulation Knowledge

Spells: [Earth Wall] / [Golem Squad] / [Pitfall Circlet]

Occupation: Emperor

After checking my status I found out that my IQ increased which I found weird since before my IQ wasn't so high when I was human so I decided to ask Asus in my mind.

'Hey Asus, why is my IQ so high and even increased?" I asked in my mind

"That is a simple explanation. Your IQ is high because you now have a robot and AI mind instead of an inferior organic mind. Your IQ will increase the more you learn and more knowledge you gain. So if you read plenty of books and gain a lot of knowledge your IQ will increase. Also without a High IQ, you wouldn't be able to control so many Ultron Sentries. For each 10 IQ you have you can control 10,000 Ultron Sentries. With your current IQ, you can control 1,500,000 Ultron Sentries." Asus informed me.

'Ok, that's good to know. Do you know how many humanoid beings living in this world.' I asked

"I do not know, you will have to find that out by yourself. I only have the information about what the name of this world is and what races live here." Asus said to me

After talking with Asus for a bit, I started walking towards the door into the Mercenary Building and left behind the puzzle pieces of bodies which were scattered everywhere behind to be cleaned up by someone.

When I walked into the Mercenary Guild, the receptionists and the mercenaries that were lounging around at the tables in the main hall were all shocked to see me and my Sentries coming back alive. I walked towards the receptionist who was helping me earlier. When I approached her, she started talking to me.

"Are you ok? What is going on? Where is the Black Rampage Group?" the reception lady asked

"Don't mind me, I am fine but I have to say sorry because I left a little bit of a mess in the arena after playing those weaklings." I said while chuckling

After saying that, I started walking towards the exit and waved goob-bye to the reception lady while facing way from her. As I was walking to the exit, some mercenaries and some of the reception ladies got up to head to the arena to see what happened to the Black Rampage Group. As soon as I was walking out the door, I heard screams.

"AHHHHHH" screamed a female voice

"What the f.u.c.k happened here!!!" screamed a male voice

"It looks like a monster tore them into pieces" screamed another male voice

I even heard the sounds of a lot of people puking from seeing the little mess I made. After hearing the scream, I finally left the Mercenary Guild.

I left and started walking around the city. I headed north to towards the Northern Gate of Zalos City. After walking for a little bit, it started become really crowded. I then noticed cages with people in them.

There were people auction off the people in the cages or just selling them. It turns out that this city has a slave market. There were a bunch of cages numbered around 50 cages with 5 people in each cage. The cages were on both sides of the road towards the Northern Gate. There were some Beast People, Dwarves, Elves but most of the slaves were Humans. As I get closer to the cages, I see a bunch of the slave with dead like eyes that had no life in them, almost 40% of them were even children. They were still alive but its like they had no soul in them anymore. The ones with no life in their eyes had injures and bruises all over their bodies. It was like they were abused none stop for weeks.

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