Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 37 - 36: Let the Show begin (18+)

"I am talking to you! Where are you taking us!? I also demand to know what you are planning on doing to us!? shouted the Viscount

"You and your wife are being dragged off to your doom" I laughed

After I said that he remained quiet but he tried even harder to struggle free from my Sentries grip. While dragging them down the hallway, we passed by a couple of their dead guards. After a few minutes we entering into the dining hall and continued on into the kitchen.

Once the Viscount and his wife understood where we were going and what I meant by their doom, they struggled really to break free from the Sentries grip, and run away but they were like weak little kids with no strength compared to my strong Sentries.

Thanks to the night vision that the Sentries had, they were able to see in the dark, and drag the Viscount and his wife near the butcher's table that these savages used to chop up people to eat. The Sentries dragging the wife and place her on top of the butcher's table, and strapped her in with the straps.

Her ankles, knees, waist, wrists, elbows, chest and head were strapped down, and my Sentries made sure the straps were tight and not loose. After the two Sentries strapped her to the table, they left went to gather some light, I wouldn't want the Viscount to miss seeing his wife's body being butchered by me.

After waiting for 10 minutes, the two Sentries came back with six 3 arm candelabra with each arm holding a candle. With the 18 candles, the kitchen should be bright enough for the Viscount to see what is about to happen. The two Sentries place a 3 arm candelabra in each corner of the room and place the last remaining two 3 arm candelabras on the left and right side in the middle of the kitchen, near the butcher's table.

After placing the 3 arm candelabras, the two Sentries started lighting the candles, when the final candle was litten. The whole kitchen was bright enough to see even though there was some dark areas but it was bright enough for the Viscount to see his wife strapped to the butcher's table.

"You motherf.u.c.kers better let us go!!! You are practically declaring war on the Howen Kingdom by killing us nobles!!!" said the Viscount

"So what? No one will know who killed you." I said to the Viscount. "Besides, I am going to declare war on the Howen Kingdom in the future, and I plan on killing all of the corrupt nobles of this kingdom."

"That will never happen! The Howen Kingdom will never be defeat by the likes of you monstrosities!" Said the Viscount

"If its a kingdom ruled by a living organic, then I can defeat it" I said

"You piece of..." said the Viscount right before one of the Sentries holding him down covered him mouth. His yelling was getting annoying, so I had one of the Sentries shut him up.

"From what I heard outside your bedroom, you like to chop up people yourself and have your chef cook them for you." I said " Why don't I chop up some meat and cook it up for you? You must be hungry, after being defeat by me?"

"Please don't do" cried the Viscount's wife "We will give you what ever you want, just let us go"

After being told what will happen to her, the Viscount's wife was afraid and scared. She cried for mercy and begged for her life. I slowly bent down and placed the Sentries head near the Viscount's wife's ear.

"What about the people, you and your husband chopped up and ate?" I whispered "Did you let them go when they cried and begged you, not to kill them?"

"No, no, no, don't do this to me!!! cried the Viscount's wife. "I am too noble and beautiful to die"

One of the Sentries grabbed the gag ball hanging on a hook and stuffed it in the wife's mouth, and then tied it tight to her head. I had the two Sentries look around the kitchen to find a knife to use. They found a two cleaver knifes, some steak knifes, a boning knife, Gyuto knife and a bread knife with very sharp teeth.

After looking at the selection for my torturing session, I decided to go with the bread knife with its saw like teeth. I choice it because it will be slow and painful when I use it to saw into the woman skin and bones. I lifted it up and gazed at it. The bread knife was well keep and sharpened, I was able to see my reflection in the blade.

I slowly placed the bread knife on the wife's left ankle, but I stopped. I sent a command to one of the Sentries to light a fire in the kitchen stove. After a minute, there was a fire in the kitchen stove, and a Sentry with its hand in the fire. Because my Sentries were made out of Silver Rank metal, there bodies aren't easy to metal especially against ordinary fire.

After making sure there was nothing else I needed to do, I turned to the Viscount

"Let the show begin." I said to the Viscount "I do hope you enjoy it, I know I will"

I slowly sawed into the woman's ankle, she started to scream but the gag ball was able to muffle up her screams so it wasn't very loud.

After 5 minutes, I finally cut off her foot. The Sentry with it's hand in the fire, stood up and placed its hot hand on the wound. Once the Sentry's hand was on the wound, it started to burn and smoke. After 20 seconds of that, the Sentry took away it hand and placed it back in the stove. After looking at the wound, and confirming that it was cauterize.

I walked over to the other side of the butcher's table. I placed the bloody bread knife on her right ankle, and slowly starting cut into her ankle. After 5 minutes, her right foot was cut off. My Sentry took its hand and cauterized the wound.

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