Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 38 - 37: An Eye for An Eye (18+)

After 5 minutes, I finally cut off her foot. The Sentry with it's hand in the fire, stood up and placed its hot hand on the wound. Once the Sentry's hand was on the wound, it started to burn and smoke. After 20 seconds of that, the Sentry took away it hand and placed it back in the stove. After looking at the wound, and confirming that it was cauterize.

I walked over to the other side of the butcher's table. I placed the bloody bread knife on her right ankle, and slowly starting cut into her ankle. After 5 minutes, her right foot was cut off. My Sentry took its hand and cauterized the wound.

After the Viscount's wife's feet were cut off, I moved on to her knees. It took another 10 minutes to cut off parts of her legs below her knees and cauterize the cut. After the knees, I moved on to the thighs, which I made last for 16 minutes. After her legs were cut off into six parts, she fainted on me. Guess she could handle the gruesome and agonizing pain.

While I was torturing his wife, the Viscount continued to struggle fiercly, trying to escape the Sentries grips. He wanted to free himself and save his wife but he was too weak compared to the Sentries.

After watching his wife being tortured for 37 minutes, the Viscount was crying for his wife. I could even see the sadness and hopelessness he was feeling in his eyes.

"What's wrong little noble man." I said to him. "Is the show not to your liking?"

When I started to talk to him, I could see the anger in his eyes. When I brought my face near his, he tried to break free from the Sentries and lunge at me.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA" I started to laugh evilly. "Look at you, your nothing. You are worthless. You are nothing but an animal that needs to be put down, but not before I make you watch your wife suffer. I will make you and your wife suffer just like how you made that poor thing suffer."

When I said that, I pointed to the body parts of the 17 year old Beast Girl that is still hanging on meat hooks on a meat rack. The girl's torso which was cut open with no organs inside and the b.r.e.a.s.t cut off. The head with no tongue and no eyes. With her legs next to the torso and the arms next to the head.

The Sentries turned his head towards the mutliated corpse of the poor girl.

"Look at her, this was your handy work." I said to the Viscount. "Now you and your wife will suffer the same fate as her."

The Viscount looked at with anger and hate. It felt good to see him and his wife suffer like this.

"You have sinned and commited a heinious crime, and now you and your wife will pay for it" I said to him "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

While I was talking to the Viscount, I commanded one of the Sentries to gather cold water. After I was done talking with the Viscount, the Sentry came back with a bucket of cold water. He took the bucket to the butcher's table and splashed the water on her.

When the cold water splashed on the woman, she was startled awake. I then walked up to her and brought my head down to hers. My face was hovering over her with bright red eyes staring into her eyes.

"Glad you could wake up, I didn't want you to miss out on the fun that we are having." I said to her "I hope you are ready to continue our fun time together, because I know I am."

Now that the wife was awake again, it's time to start the fun again. I place the bread knife on her wrist and started sawing once again. The wife started screaming again but thanks to the gag ball, you can only here mumbling screams.

I made sure to make the sawing last for 5 minutes. With one final slice, her left hand was cut off. The Sentry with its hand in the stove, cauterized the wound. I gaze upon the woman who was crying from the pain.

"Look at you" I said while brushing her hair with my hand "Take in the pain and imbrace it because it is your punishment. Now you know what kind of hell you inflicted on others."

I started cutting into her elbow and made it last for 5 minutes again. After the wound was cauterized, I started on her shoulder which lasted 8 minutes. I then repeated the same thing on her right side. Cutting off both of her arms into 6 pieces also took 37 minutes.

"Now that we have some meat for you, Viscount. Why don't I cook you up a midnight snack" I said evilly. "While your wife watches you eat her meat."

I cut a piece of meat from one of the wife's cut off thighs. I cooked it for 6 minutes in the stove and took it out. I held onto the meat, while the two Sentries holding the Viscount, started to forcefully open his mouth.

The Viscount tried to keep his mouth closed but the Sentries dislocated his jaw. I stuffed the meat into his mouth and the Sentries closed his mouth and made him swallow a piece of his wife by forcing it down some more.

"I hope you will enjoy the meal I prepared for you. I made it specially for you" I laughed while stuffing more pieces of his wife down his throat.

The Viscount tried not to swallow the pieces of his wife but the Sentries were able to force him to eat the pieces of meat. I went back to the wife while the Sentries continued to force feed the Viscount.

"You are a very pretty thing, do you know that?" I said to her. "You must be proud of your looks, aren't you?"

"How about I give you a little make over?" I said while grabbing a 1 inch knife that was nearby.

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