Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 42 - 41: Underground Bunker

After looking at the notifications, I selected yes on the four spells that I could learned. Once I selected yes, the knowledge of the spells: [Earth Armor], [Earth Strike] ,[Earth Fort], and [Earthen Shackles] came gushing into my mind. After four seconds, I now know how to use these new spells. I grew excited to test out my new spells just like a kid in a candy shop or waiting for Christmas to come the next day, then my excited died down. Thanks to my body, my emotions are being suppressed which I don't really like anymore since I can't be happy or excited about my growing strength or about my growing empire.

"Asus, is there a way for me to be able to keep my emotions and stop my body from supressing them?"

"There are two options for you to keep your emotions. The first way is to create an organic body with robotic accessories and attachments." said Asus

"I don't want an organic body, its too flimsy and weak." I said "With an organic body, I wll feel pain which might cause me to become distracted if I get injured in a fight."

"The second option is implant an emotion chip inside your head, and connect it your your OS." said Asus

"I like the second option better" I said "Can I buy the Emotion Chip in the store?"

"Yes, you can" said Asus "You can buy the Emotion Chip or learn the Knowledge of the Emotion Chip."

"How much is the price difference between the two options of Emotion Chip?"

"Buying the Emotion Chip is 100 KP while the Knowledge of the Emotion Chip is 1000 KP" replied Asus

"I see, lets wait until I have a lot of KP before I buy it" I said

'First thing I want to do it give my army a name. Countries in my old world did it all the time like China calls its army the People's Liberation Army, or how in Star Wars, the Republic Army is also known as the Clone Army.' I thought to myself

'The Sentry Legion is sounds dumb, and Ultron Legion sounds have a good sound to it.' I thought

After pondering for a few second a name came to me.

'Since I am always talking about how I am better than living beings because my Sentries and I are united as one and that We are Unity, I shall call my army [The Legion of Unity].' I thought to myself, 'Its simple and its basically how we will fight to bring this world into Unity.'

'Now that my army is named, I should check on how the farm that I had built is going.' I thought to myself

I switched my consciousness with one of my Sentries that was building the town in the East. Once my consciousness was in the Sentry. It was still dark outside so I switched my vision to night vision

Now that the night vision was on, I was able to find that the town was complete, with a wooden wall encircling the whole town, a few wooden building, a wooden keep with a secret underground bunker.

The bunker was something I had made from all of the bronze metal that was salvaged from the 100 mercenaries weapons and armor. The bunker wasn't big but it was big enough for my farm, it was 50 feet wide and 50 feet long.

I still remember the first day I came to this new world, and how I was able to kill a bunch of bugs by testing my energy blast. I was barely able to get XP from them but after searching, my Sentries found a Rank 3 Low Beast Ant Queen, with this bug I can now gain a lot of XP and KP. Its like my own personal generator for XP and KP.

I was able to find out with a few experiments with my leveling up system, that I am only able to get XP and KP from living beings that are powerful enough, for example I am unable to gain anything from a normal bug but a Rank 0 Basic Bug, I can gain XP and KP, just like Rank 0 Humans can give me XP and KP.

It took my Sentries a long time to finally find and capture a Queen bug, and with the beast that my Sentries recently kill, I am now able to feed the Queen and her babies who will soon provide me with XP and KP. I just need to wait until they are powerful enough for me to kill them.

When I walked into the bunker, the Queen Ant was laying down doing nothing by 40 eggs. She was recently capture yesterday. When I was informed through the HIVE mind by a Sentry, I decided I needed a place to raise her. So I had the Sentries start smelting the mercenaries equipment and started on building a underground bunker to keep the bug.

All I need to do was wait for awhile until the Queen lays a lot of eggs then I can kill the worker and soldier ants for a lot of XP and KP.

Once I was done inspecting my new XP/KP Farm, I decided to go back to the castle.

After coming back into the main body, I now need to try out my new spells but I decided to wait until the morning to do that, so I initiated my sleep mode.

The world around me started to turn black and I soon drifted off into my sleep mode.

After 7 hours, I was waking up from my sleep mode. I still had 10 Sentries standing still in the throne room, waiting for my command.

I stood up from my throne and walked down a few steps. I started ending to the castle doors to leave the Fort to try out my new spells.

After exiting the castle, the 10 Sentries and I flew into the sky and left to a deserted area a few miles away from Fort Ultron. Once we were a few miles away from the Fort, my Sentries and I started blasting an area of the forest down below. After a few seconds of blasting the forest, we made a clearing with a radius of 50 feet.

Now that the forest had a new clearing for me to test my spells, I landed on the ground followed by my sentries.

+Author's Notes: Dear fans, I am deeply sorry for the lack of chapter releases this week but my school has been very busy, and this week I had to grade two classes of tests and I am working a 6 day work week this week. My schedule will probably continue to be like this since I will have to teach kids at my school's summer camp along with my main classes but I will try to maintain a 2 chapter a week rate of releases along with my Star Wars fan fic.

P.S. I am happy to announce that Ultron in the Cultivation World now has over 2000 subscribers with over 1000 for my Star Wars the Holy Empire. None of this would be possible if it wasn't for my fans so thank you for reading my work.

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