Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 43 - 42: Planning my Conquest of the Hou Continent

After exiting the castle, the 10 Sentries and I flew into the sky and left to a deserted area a few miles away from Fort Ultron. Once we were a few miles away from the Fort, my Sentries and I started blasting an area of the forest down below. After a few seconds of blasting the forest, we made a clearing with a radius of 50 feet.

Now that the forest had a new clearing for me to test my spells, I landed on the ground followed by my sentries.

It is time for me to test my new spells: [Earth Armor], [Earth Strike], [Earth Fort] and [Earthen Shackles].

I decided to try the [Earth Strike] first.

'[Earth Strike]' I said with my mind

In middle of the air, rocks and earth started to gather in 5 spots in the middle of the air and changing with the Qi I am using. After two seconds, 5 sharp rocks made of silver rank metal were in the air and then they exploded forward and striked the ground 40 feet away from me, causing 5 holes with radius of a foot each.

This damage was good but imagine if this attack was used on a human body wearing leather armor instead of on the ground. The damage would be greater than what I am seeing now. Maybe another foot or two in radius and the damage will be magnificent to see on my enemies.

I can't wait to try out this attack on my enemies.

I had the Sentries cast [Earth Strike] and the sharp rocks that made their attack was made out of Bronze Rank metal and when the five rocks each of the Sentries casted landed on the ground 20 feet away, it causes holes with a radius of 6 inches. I imagine 10,000 Sentries casting this attack, it would be like raining small meteors on the enemies. With no place to hidden for an army in tight formation.

The next spell is the [Earth Armor], which seems very useful for more defense.

'[Earth Armor]' I said with my mind

The Earth and rocks around me started to gather on me, and they started changing into metal just like the previous spell. After a few seconds, I am now wearing [Earth Armor] made of silver rank metal. The Armor looks like the Black Knight's armor from Fire Emblem which looks pretty cool.

I had the Sentries with me use the same spell, and they were also wearing the Black Knight's armor but the armor is made out of Bronze rank metal. I had us undo the [Earthen Armor].

The next spell to test was the [Earthen Shackles]. When I casted the spell on one of my Sentries, a five Silver Rank shackles came out of the ground. Four of the shackles wrapped around the Sentry's wrist and ankles while the last shackle started to curl around the Sentry's body like a giant boa constrictor.

When I had a Sentry cast the spell, the five shackles were made of Bronze rank metal.

Now was the time to test the final spell, [Earth Fort] which was the spell I was looking for since you can easily tell from its name it would create a fort in an instant for armies to defend.

When I casted [Earth Fort], the ground started to shake and slowly a fort made of Silver Rank Metal was rising from the ground. After a minute, a square fort was in front of my eyes.

The square fort has 20 foot high walls, with a length of 60 foot , and four watch towers on each corner of the fort with a height of 30 foot. When I had a Sentry cast the spell, it took two minutes for it to appear, twice as long it took my for to appear. The specs of the fort was also made out of Bronze rank metal and its specs where half of the specs of my fort with 10 foot high walls, length of 30 feet and four watch towers with a height of 15 feet.

From my recent tests, I am now for certain that when my Sentries and I will cast Earth Spells, our Metal Qi will convert the Earth used for the spell into metal with one rank lower than what our bodies are made of. So once I have a body made out of Platinum Rank Metal, my Earth Spells will use Gold Rank metal which will be wonderful but if I have an army of Sentries made out of Gold Rank Metal, I would be invincible when waging war but I need to find a mine with Gold Rank Metal Ore first. Maybe one day in the future, my army will be made out of God Rank Metal.

After confirming my theory about the Earth Spells turning the earth into metal, and testing my new spells, it was time to go back to the castle.

My Sentries and I undid the [Earth Fort] and after the forts where gone, we flew into the sky and headed back to Fort Ultro. After a minute, we were back at the fort, and we landed in front of the castle. I sent the Sentries following me to the Warehouse to be stored and I entered the castle.

Once I was back in the castle, I walked to my throne and sat down. I started thinking about what my next steps should be.

'I should gather more information about the three kingdoms of this continent and find out their strengths and weakness, and I need to know the number count of their soldiers and their armies average strength. After I find out all of that information, I just need to wait for my factory in the mine to manufacture more Sentries and then I should have enough Sentries to start my conquest of this continent.' I thought to myself

I started to think of ways to fight the armies of the three kingdoms but I decided to keep it simply. I will probably have the Sentries summon golems and use them like tanks/berserkers to fight the enemy soldiers and take the brunt of the damage since my Sentries can just use Qi to summon new golems when they get destroyed, while my Sentries will use energy blasts from the air, and stay safe since it will be a pain in the ass to repair or make new Sentries. My method of attack will be devastating for the enemy armies that I am going to face in the future.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait and decrease in my chapter release rate but I have been extremely busy at my school. One of the teachers at my school left so I am taking over some of his classes and my school's summer camp is approaching in two weeks so I will be very busy when that happens. I thank you for waiting and sticking with me. I will still try to release a chapter for both of my works once a week.

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