Ultron In A Cultivation World

Chapter 44 - 44: Know yourself, Know your enemy

I started to think of ways to fight the armies of the three kingdoms but I decided to keep it simply. I will probably have the Sentries summon golems and use them like tanks/berserkers to fight the enemy soldiers and take the brunt of the damage since my Sentries can just use Qi to summon new golems when they get destroyed, while my Sentries will use energy blasts from the air, and stay safe since it will be a pain in the ass to repair or make new Sentries. My method of attack will be devastating for the enemy armies that I am going to face in the future.

After a few minutes of thinking, I came up with a two ways of attacking that will bring me no casualties and cause my enemies to lose their shit and run with their tails between their legs. One was a long range barrage where my Sentries and I just cause magic spells with a great Area Damage but I don't really have anything like that.

The only long range attacks I have are my energy blasts and the magic spell [Earth Strike] but that spell won't do any Area Damage and the only spell that can is the [Meteor Strike] spell which I can learn since I need to extract Fire Qi from someone so I have to wait a little so the only way for me to attack without having any casualties is to use [Golem Squad] which each Sentry can summon 40 which will be great for me.

During my experiments with the [Golem Squad] spell, I learned that a person can't use the spell again to summon another 40 golems. They can only use the spell again once all of the golems that the Sentry summoned are destroyed which was kind of sad but I don't really mind since the golems are just expendable tanks while my Sentries are extremely valuable elite troops.

I decided to stop plan and thinking of strategies to use for my army since I know which strategy is the perfect one for me. I soon notices some light coming through one of the windows, and realized that it was finally morning time.

So I decided to switch my consciousness back to one of the ten Sentries that I left in the Inn last night. Everything went black and then I soon found myself back in the Inn from yesterday, laying down on one of the rooms old beds.

I lifted myself off the bed and stood up to look out the window and see a bunch of people going about their day in an ordinary fashion.

I exited the room I was staying in, while the other Sentries exit their rooms at the same time. After we closed the door, we headed down stairs to see a lot of people ordering breakfast. The older and younger sister were taking the people's order. As my Sentries and I arrived the first floor, the younger sister, Anna ran up to us.

"Hey Mistahs, would you like order some breakfast?" Anna asked.

I looked down at the little girl with a blooming smile on her face. Her smile felt kind of bright, like she was a bundle of joy and purity. I slowly raised my hand, and slowly brought my hand towards the little girl. I placed my hand on her head, soon ruffled her hair.

"Thanks little one, but we aren't hungry." I said "We need to head out, but we will be back later tonight."

"Alright mistahs" said a smiling Anna

My Sentries and I started walking out of the Inn, while Anna was waving goodbye to us from the Inn's doorway.

"Bye Bye Mistahs" said Anna "Have a good day"

I looked back while walking forward, I can see a lot of purity and innocences in the little girl's smile, it made me wish that the world could more innocent like her but the world is a cruel and corrupted place, just like my old world. In my old world their was a lot of corruption and cruelty especially from the politician and the rich CEOs.

From the time in my old world and the little time in this new world, it made me realized that their will always be corruption and cruelty in any world no matter what because intelligent living being are corruptible. This world is just like my old one, the nobles and the royalty where the politicians and the rich merchants were the CEOs of this world. Any living being can be corrupted by the 7 deadly sins. I must change this world, so that their will be peace and prosperity. I will make this world a Utopia created in my vision.

I stopped thinking of my goal for this world and decided to focus on the matter at hand. I need to gather information about the Howen Kingdom and their military might. I had my Sentries spread out and gather information and counted all of the guards patrolling the area while I headed to the Zolo City's Barracks.

After walking for 15 minutes through the streets and going through a maze of people going about their business, I arrived at the barracks which was located near the City Lord's castle which was at least 4 stories tall. I went into an alleyway near the barracks and leaned against one of the buildings that made up the alleyway. I looked towards the barracks and soon switched to Thermal Vision.

I was soon able to see the heat signatures of all of the living beings in my view. I peered into the barracks and soon I could see a lot of people in the barracks. With my AI mind at work, it was able to count all of the humans inside. Soon I was able to count 301 soldiers in the barracks, they were training at this moment in a huge mock battle against each other. The soldiers were in full armor and gear, and they were using wooden weapons from what I could tell. They were fighting each other like it was a real battle. I then notice to the side, their was one guy not participating in the battle. My guess was that he is the commander of this army, and he was just supervising his men in their training.

From the energy reading I am receiving from them, all of the troops even the commander were made up of Rank 1 Disciple Warriors, which was pretty pathetic. If I chose to invade now, I could conquer this city in less then a minute but its not good to make rash decision like that. I still need to gather more information before I launch an invasion. It's like the great Sun Tzu said 'know yourself, know your enemy, and you shall win a hundred battles without loss'. If I underestimate my enemy then I might lose the battle, and if I overestimate enemies, I will lose opportunities. So I need to make sure I have all of the intelligences and facts to conquer.

After confirming their was no one else in the barracks, I headed deeper into the alley and soon I was gone.

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