As soon as the Cadofel made its stop, it began preparing to sail for the Kingdom of Iran when it had finished replenishing the water and food.

"If we don't get to the Kingdom of Laurent soon, the harbor will freeze in the middle of winter. As usual, I know it's still okay, but let's hurry. I don't want to be iced into the port of the Kingdom of Laurent during the winter."

The port of the Kingdom of Laurent, located to the north of the continent, becomes icy in winter. Captain Lessa needs to be ready to sail.

"If possible, I'd like to take Prince Shaw home, but at worst, the Cadofel could be waiting in a port in the northeastern part of the Kingdom of Iran. In that case, we will also send a dragon knight from the embassy in Jungfrau, so you must come to the port with the dragon knight with the embassy in Cairon. I would like to avoid this method if possible because Princess Rosina is with me on the visit to the Kingdom of Laurent"

To his hasty departure, Ambassador Raben gives up the welcome party for the arrival of the sobbing Cadfell.

But when greeting Queen Alger out of the country is indispensable, he takes him to the royal palace by slapping Prince Shaw's ass in the sink.

Queen Alger tells Shaw that she is leaving the country.

"Well, that's a shame. It would be nice if you could stay a little longer. But I was just about to call Prince Shaw, so that would be convenient. Snake God wants to see Prince Shaw. Snake God rarely meets people, but it's rare."

Shaw wanted to pass out, but Ambassador Raben thanked Queen Alger for this honor.

Traveling to the temple is done, so they will wait in the modem until they are ready.

"Ambassador Raben, I can't. If I pass out in front of the Snake God, you'll be in trouble."

Shaw whispers to Ambassador Reben that he can't. I was here at the embassy saying it was just a greeting, and I was avoiding seeing just a huge gold snake statue.

"You are the prince of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands! If you pass out in front of a snake god, I won't forgive you. If you expose yourself to such a lapse, I'll put a snake in your clothes! Compared to that, you'll endure enough to meet."

If you're a horror lover Ambassador Raben, Shaw trembles when you might.

Inspired by Ambassador Rebben, he was a show on board with Queen Alger, but he hasn't even noticed his nervous, busty flesh and sexy appealing dress.

From the royal palace, take every boat, descend every boat in front of the temple, and go up the long stairs. The men carrying them were inflexible, taking great care not to shake them as much as possible, but they still shake a little as they go up the stairs.

Shaw, who was bonking, is delayed in responding to the sway of his temper and falls towards Queen Algiers. Shaw, who stuck his face in his soft chest, returns to me on the boulder and sits back gabbling, apologizing for turning bright red.

"Well, the first thing... if you look so cute, you'll want to stop going to see the Snake God and take me to my bedroom. Oh, I'm just kidding. If you do that, you won't be able to get Zelia to talk to you. It's a hassle to piss her off."

The glossy Queen Alger joke weighs heavily on 14-year-old Shaw. Shaw wished for the Temple of the Serpent God, which he hoped he would not arrive at, to turn bright red, wishing he had arrived early.

When he was brought down inside the temple, he was greeted by a silent cleric.

The temple had very high ceilings and a well-ventilated design, but continued deeper and deeper down the corridor dominated by the silence that lasted everywhere with the guidance of the clergy.

At the end of the long corridor, I saw the main temple of the huge temple with the statue of the Serpent God on top. Looking up at the statue from below, Shaw realizes that it resembles more of an Eastern dragon from a previous life than a snake.

I didn't see much of the horror, I didn't know it from the outside, but it had enough underneath the snake's body.

Shaw looks up to see if he put his foot on it to support the body of the snake that raised his sickle.

Even though I don't like snakes with cash objects, I think they look like dragons with short legs on them, and I'm fine with seeing huge gold statues, and I go into the main hall with a shivering view.

The main hall had become a huge space, with a veil curtain descending from the ceiling before the Serpent God was seated in front of him. The cleric leaves Queen Alger and Prince Shaw to leave the main hall.

'Alger, you brought Shaw here. I want to see you, so please give me the curtain'

Shaw screams that he wanted to say hello over the curtain if he could on the inside.

Shaw was surprised when Queen Alger snapped and the curtain rose, looking at the Snake God.

"A dragon!

Couscous and Snake God laugh at Shaw, who apologizes for his ha-ha-ha disrespect.

"Shaw, didn't you know that when a snake lives a thousand years, it becomes a dragon? You're a different creature from the dragon you love, but the dragon is fine. But don't hate Death or Ross. Please do it. 'Cause he's my darling child.'

Snake haters also answer to the prospective Snake God that Shaw strives blush.

Queen Algiers smiles blatantly that the serpent god is a dragon.

'Of course, I won't tell anyone. But don't you have to keep it a secret?' Cause I've got legs on my statue. '

Remembering that Prince Shaw had a serious view of the statue in front of the main hall, Queen Alger laughs that it was an aim.

'Only those who notice, only those who notice. Besides, I love snakes more than my heart, so I want you to take care of them. I can't see Death living a thousand years and becoming a dragon, but I dream of becoming one. Not necessarily some idiots abuse secrets like this.'

Noticing that Queen Alger had shaded her eyes a little, the serpent god seemed to hate the blow.

"Jenas, you better give up. That only afflicts Algiers. Bad buds can only be picked quickly. '

To the word of the Serpent God, Queen Alger nods sadly. Shaw tells a heavy story within the royal family that he hesitated to be here, but the Snake God wanted to see Shaw to see if he could entrust Princess Zelia.

'Shaw, please protect Zelia. It's okay while Algiers is alive, because Zelia is too kind a daughter'

Shaw only met once, but thought Zelia was younger than her age. I did feel heavy loads to be a queen, but I don't think I can physically do it even though I'm far away from being told to protect me.

I didn't tell you to stay on my side and protect me. You just have to give Shaw's daughter. Shaw's daughter would be strong enough to protect her mother, Zelia. '

Shaw was surprised because he was at ease that his marriage to young Zelia would be ahead of him, but was horrified when he was told that it was a few more years away by the corny and snake gods.

"He's cute. He's gonna want to eat it."

Snake God and Queen Alger laugh that Shaw is goofy......

'I mean it, too, and I wanted you to give me a daughter. I wouldn't have to wait a few years...'

Hahaha...... I'm kidding. Shaw laughs powerlessly, after the Temple of the Snake God.

On his return, Shaw worked desperately not to see the valley of Queen Alger's colorful dress, but struggled and sweated as her eyes sucked naturally.

In the embassy to the doggedly tired Shaw. Ambassador Raben wanted to hear what he was talking about with the Snake God, but it's a secret! and refuse.

"Ambassador Raben, please be careful what Prince Jenas moves. I'd like you to report his movements to Raythe."

Ambassador Raben, who perceived the content of his story with the Serpent God in Shaw's words, replies that he has understood it with a serious face.

The Cadfell, with Sands and Shirin on deck, sailed away Salizan.

"Pips, are you okay with seasickness or something?

This is my first voyage, so Shaw worried, laughing at Pipps, who is surprised by everything he sees, but reassured me that he seemed okay when he was seasick and asked back what it was.

Shaw sends the wind into the sail as he has to have discussions with Ambassador Nuton on his visit to the Kingdom of Laurent in Jungfrau. Full of pearls and sails, the speeding Cadofel goes round and round for Cape Perignon, as the large ship cannot pass through the Prius Canal.

Wonder and Version, who returned to their original place, enjoyed the voyage vibrantly, but said it was good to have seen McKinley Great Falls and was in booming to other officers and cadets who sailed all the way to Mailing without a storm or a break.

At first, the crew, who looked suspiciously at Pips, also saw how they worked well with the crew, although a little restless, and accepted them favourably, teaching them how to tie the rope and Prince Shaw's favorite food.

As Pipps was doing sword arches with the cadets, Shaw also participated in the archery to be able to compete well with the version.

"Prince Shaw, you gave me your arm"

Praised by Captain Lesa, he looked happy, but he replies that he has not yet, recalling the vibrancy of his father, Melt and Karin's sword during the Barbarossa crusade.

Captain Lessa smiled that Shaw had grown again.

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