Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

1 Embassy in Jungfrau

There is no such thing as a reckless pirate on a warship in the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, safely via Perignon, reaching Mailing.

"I'm meeting with Ambassador Nuton in Jungfrau. Will Captain Lessa come with us?

Things have changed since Captain Lessa and Leite left, so I accompany Shaw when a different directive may have arrived. Pips also comes with me if I don't leave Shaw's side. It would be more convenient to have two dragons because I had to take Rosina and her samurai home on the way home.

At the embassy in Jungfrau, Rosina waited for Shaw to come as she consulted with Mrs. Camilla to make dresses and coats for the winter.

"Master Shaw! Long time no see."

Rosina greets Shaw with a smile when she arrives at the embassy and sees her kiss like a pardon, while Pips, who was following her from behind, looks like an angel.

"Rosina, he's called Pips. I have to train dragon knights, but they serve me until they decide what to do. Pips, she's my pardon for being Rosina. I'm coming with you to the Kingdom of Laurent, so thank you very much."

Rosina greets Shaw with a smile, as there is no harm in keeping her company. Pips gets bogged down by the princess he sees for the first time.

"Prince Shaw's winter clothes have arrived from Layte, but Pips, what shall we do with yours? You look cold in those clothes."

Mrs. Camilla thinks a little and makes her prepare a uniform for a martial officer with an embassy in Jungfrau that would be warm.

While Pipps is choosing clothes for Mrs. Camilla's visit to Rosina and the Kingdom of Laurent, Shaw discusses the matter of Ambassador Nuton's visit to the Kingdom of Laurent in his study, as well as the issues of the Kingdom of Iran and the Principality of Malta.

Ambassador Nuton cautioned me about my visit to the Kingdom of Laurent, but Shaw feels that Prince Alexei is in a pretty tough position.

"To put it harshly, it is neither King Rudolph nor Prince Alexei who controls the Kingdom of Laurent. Still the heirs of the former King Georg are cowing the Kingdom of Laurent. The ambassador in Jungfrau is also somewhat Georgian, so there has not been much progress in our friendship with the Kingdom of Iran."

Shaw sighs, remembering that Crown Prince Alexei visited the embassy in the Southeast Islands before without an ambassador, because he still doesn't trust him.

"Little by little, Prince Alexei has no choice but to raise a credible minister, but it hurts to have grown up in the Kingdom of Cazaria. Even if a young nobleman and a stranger Crown Prince come up with a reform proposal, they will only think of it as an ideal theory that knows no hardship or hardship. Not to mention the hard-headed Georgians don't have ears to listen to. It's a visit to the Kingdom of Laurent in the corner, but we need to be in a hurry to keep the conversation moving forward."

Shaw nods at Ambassador Nuton's explanation. I sigh that Prince Alexei, who can't even believe his own ambassador, will find it hard to accept how many good improvements he proposes.

Shaw reflects on whether or not he likes banqueting his country's ambassadors, not if he says something off and swallowing. Every ambassador I've ever met has a habit, and some aspects of overspending, but I was serious about it for the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands.

While reflecting so seriously, Ambassador Lillick of the Kingdom of Laurent was a shaw that made me think a little bit that it would be a good hit.

Ambassador Nuton also loved the honest and bright character of Prince Shaw, the king prince of his country, and he is satisfied with the way he trusts himself and lends his ears to advice. So I could also understand that the heirs of the Kingdom of Laurent, who serve Crown Prince Alexei, who they would not trust, would be rebellious and stubborn.

"Prince Shaw, ignoring the legacies of the Georg sect and proceeding with the story will not yield any good results. The Georgians will try hard to preserve the illusion of the name Dakat used by the Old Empire and the unachievable grand dream of continental unity shown by King Georg. But they also know the lives of the broken people."

Shaw also nods that not all ministers in the Kingdom of Laurent will have seen the poverty of the people.

"But you haven't improved much. We have heard that, thanks to Crown Princess Ariena, the area around Cairon was also rich this year, and we import wheat from the Kingdom of Iran, so there are likely to be no hungry people in the winter. In recent times, there has also been an influx of refugees from the Kingdom of Laurent into Jungfrau."

It was the Great Wall of Baroa, which was tightly closed when it was hostile, but as soon as Princess Ariena was married and allowed to come and go, refugees from the Kingdom of Laurent slipped into Jungfrau.

Fearing a deterioration in the security of Jungfrau, the Kingdom of Iran also tightened cross-border scrutiny, but was unable to kill the refugees who had fled the Lords from hunger, and while more refugees were able to organize clandestine immigration in the sea from behind. Queen Yuri had created a refugee camp and distributed food, but it had been a headwind in restoring relations between the two countries, where national sentiment was originally poor.

"Refugees should also really want to return to their home countries. There's no future for starvation when you get food rations in refugee camps. Prince Alexei is in a hurry to convert Dakat gold coins, and we actually need them. But while it will be difficult for the young Crown Prince to accept, for the time being the international deal is a Krone gold coin, and it might be better to save funds for the construction of a shipyard or provide a place to work in the winter. The economy of the Kingdom of Laurent is moving, and refugees will return to their country if they have a place to work."

Shaw also thought that if he were Crown Prince Alexei, he would want to do something about the Dakat gold coin, which has no credibility as an international currency, so he leans his neck wondering if he could persuade him successfully.

Shaw, in a dark mood, has to give Ambassador Nuton a wedding cow to Hassan and Radic, asking for arrangements, and he gets a big laugh.

"I will arrange that responsibly. Chennai has been resolved beautifully, hasn't it? Please make your visit to the Kingdom of Laurent a success at that rate. If you don't, the devoured men will board the pirate ship. Near the Hedge Kingdom, there are roaming ships that allow the Kingdom of Iran to enter the country clandestinely, or pirate ships that trick them into selling off women and children when they do. And the rest of the men will become pirates."

Shaw only attacks merchant ships in the Kingdom of Iran. I imagine the pirate ships might be bad. He made Ambassador Nooton laugh when he said he also had to give away the Hedge Kingdom goats to celebrate his marriage so he could shake off such an unpleasant idea.

"Prince Shaw should arrange for the hedge kingdom goats. Please don't let King Lutos of Kechi fool you. Oh, Ambassador Puffer is very good at getting the price, so you should leave it to him. But if you were dating, winter might be over, so leave it to me and just go to the Kingdom of Laurent. Well, King Lutos and Ambassador Puff will be delighted to have a game to enjoy all winter. Winter in the Hedge Kingdom is dark and cold, so you'll have fun arguing in front of the fireplace"

That night, Erica and Mimi also literally flew from Leudenheim to the embassy to work with Rosina on Shaw.

The fantasy of Pips, who had envisioned Rosina as an angelic princess, collapsed with a ragged sound. It was Pips who felt sorry for Shaw, who was surrounded by beautiful princesses like he'd never seen each one.

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