Without knowing his name on the suspicious document, Misha, dressed in mourning, looks at the cloudy windowsill with her hands. When I block my ears with both hands of the voices I hear from downstairs fighting between Uncle Marquoi and Aunt Margareta, I weep zero remembering the contention that caused my grandfather to fall a month ago.

Uncle Marquoi is a bad person for Misha, raised in her grandparents' mansion since her mother, who was King Rudolph's sideroom, died. Ginnias von Henderson, a retired dragon knight, had just a favor to live for, and King Rudolph had given him Misha's alimony.

Marquoi had no dragon knight qualities and had managed to graduate from college and become a junior bureaucrat, but he was about to be fired again and again after spending his days drowning in gambling, booze and women. Even though King Rudolph's former sideroom brother was in a state where he had to be fired somehow, he came to the mansion that day, mindless of gold, making debts at stake.

"Father, this time the money is for the tutoring of my lovely grandchildren. Those kids are going to be college kids soon, so they need the right horses and clothes."

Ginnias got sick of Marquoi trying to delude his gambling debts into spending his grandchildren's education. Many times before, my wife has begged me to reluctantly accommodate my money, but I thought it was the limit of my patience.

"I have no more money to give you! Get the hell out of here!

When I rose from my chair to forgive my horny wife, my blood vessels cut off too petite of anger in Ginnias' head.

"Ginnias, please hold on! Marquoi, please, call a doctor!

Marquoi was vulnerable to gambling, alcohol and women's temptations, but he was not a root villain, so his father fell, but wolfed him, and sent his servant to get a doctor, but when the doctor rushed with difficulty down the snowpath, all he had to do was declare him dead.

This is how Misha lost her grandfather, who was a serious hindsight.

My grandfather's funeral is over. No, my uncle and his cousins moved in. For the viewing from the outside, the livelier life between the uncles and their cousins may have seemed happier than the lonely life of just my grandparents and Misha, but it's actually a big difference.

Originally physically weak, her grandmother fell asleep unbearably to her grandfather's death, leaving Uncle Marquoi and his cousins unscrupulous over the course of a month with all of the mansion.

"You won't need so many servants"

I almost fired the nanny who had raised Misha since she was a baby, and the servants loyal to the Henderson family, and had them partitioned by the couple of servants I used in the previous mansion. All that remained of the servants from before was about a working woman, and Misha thinks carefully.

My aunt Margarita wasn't a bad person either, but she stopped seeing reality in Uncle Marquoi's repeated cheats and debts and drank alcohol in the morning, so the small but well-cleaned mansion looked unbroken.

My uncle and his wife fight all year round but for some reason they have a lot of children, the five cousins behave badly and eating together at the table is a weak eater.

"Ooh, Misha! It's rice!

Misha frowned at her cousin's nasty way of mouthing, which she didn't even think was the chivalrous class, but sighed that she might not have a choice if she was raised by her drunk Aunt Margarita in the morning.

"Hung, stay tall even though you're a bastard!

A bad mouth of his cousin, who noticed his reprehensible eyes, swoops through Gusari and Misha's breasts. Misha is also 13 years old and knows that she is in the shade without her cousin telling her.

"What! With my alimony, you're eating too!

I thought it might be refreshing if I yelled at him like that, but I can't do such horrible things, Misha.

Even that night, the cousins at the food platter took meat and fish from Misha's plate, so all they could say was vegetables, soup and bread. Despite the increase in the number of people, Misha, who had no idea why she had become such a poor dining table, just missed the delicious dishes of the cock she had before.

"I don't think I'd forgive this misconduct if my grandmother got better. Did Uncle Markoy go out to make another bet? Aunt Margareta stopped you, so you were yelling."

Aunt Margareta, who had drunk after an earlier fight, tried to delude herself into being drunk, but remembered that she was sitting in the chair with the best of her ability and was about to stick her face in the soup she still hadn't got, and Misha sighed deeply.

King Rudolph, of course, did not know that Misha was in such a predicament, nor did the bureaucrats who were paying alimony. Marcoy von Henderson is a bureaucrat, albeit a junior, at first, and everyone thought Misha was being raised under the asylum of her grandmother and aunt.

But Baron Hagel had long realized that Malkoy was a gambling addict.

"It is convenient that Sir Ginnias, who is in the way, has died. Will you let King Rudolph, who has no hegemony like that, or Crown Prince Alexei, born of a bitch from the Kingdom of Cazaria, make you like the Kingdom of Laurent!

Besides, it's just madness to make Yuri's daughter, etc. the Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Iran. "

The fanatical old imperialists who liken their thoughts to Baron Hagel in the corner of Cairon were plotting to marry Misha and the dragon knight who could move as they wished.

"Would that suspicious document have stopped in the eyes of King Rudolph or Prince Alexei? Once or twice, I'll laugh at you for being ridiculous, but if you repeat it over and over again, you'll think of doing something about Misha."

One of the assembled members asks why it is necessary to make such suspicious documents and so on to inform the Kings of Rudolph about their operations. Several members also raise their voices that although it is an interesting hand to disparage King Rudolph and Crown Prince Alexei, marrying Misha and the Dragon Knight, who are just common sons, would be too far from the throne.

Baron Hagel hides his uncaring wonder if this foolish couple is the only companion, King Rudolph with a bad heart dies sooner or later, and Prince Alexei and Prince Narcisse say that Constance is not the child wrongfully conceived.

Speaking of which, the members recalled that the reason Lady Constance was divorced was unjust and intimate. But even the members didn't think that was the truth, but when Baron Hagel tells me that's what the royal record of the Kingdom of Laurent says, I see a little bit of conspiracy muscle.

"Many times from now on, suspicious documents will be handed out. Even if you're fooling around at first, you're going to provoke distrust by repeating over and over about Lady Constance's unjust intimacy, the plot of Crown Prince Alexei to become the kingdom of Kazalia, and the witch, the daughter of that war criminal, Queen Yuri."

"If you did that, wouldn't you let Princess Misha be a nun if King Rudolph had her daughter-in-law somewhere?

Baron Hagel had made a fool of King Rudolph for the weak.

"That King Rudolph would try to make the minister's son daughter-in-law think it's pathetic or sweet to make him a nun, but he can hardly find a trustworthy son-in-law. There are few objects who like to swear allegiance to Prince Alexei. Before we do that, we're going to make Marquoi into debt. We should marry our comrades while King Rudolph is bluffing."

Marquoi was gambling with Baron Hagel's people all night long. I let him win quite a bit at first, so now that even if he's losing in, Marquoi says he's making more and more debts by making the stakes expensive.

"Isn't Princess Misha getting married early yet?

Potty and muttered words were ignored by all.

"You can't be too early if you're 14! All you have to do is convince Malkoy. If you don't pay your debts, you'll be convinced if you say that the mansion where you live, and your life, will be taken. Besides, I'm marrying the Dragon Knight, so don't complain!

Baron Hagel, however, had made only one mistake.

Marquoi was more of an idiot than Baron Hagel thought.

Marquoi, who lost a bet with Baron Hagel's people, also gambled with the slightly suspicious men, who would be the other members, and bore huge debts.

"Tonight we're gonna take back the debt we've been in!

It was Marquoi, who came out until he had a fight with his wife Margareta, but the nostalgia contains maintenance for Misha, who has just been paid. On Marquoi's plans, I was going to pay all my debts back on hand with this and tutor the kids.

That way, Misha may still have been able to live with her annoying cousins for the time being, but there is no way Marquoi, who is losing, can win, not only has she lost all her alimony, but even the mansion.

"I have a family living in the mansion. Wait till you find a place to move."

Marcoy asked desperately, but there's no way they'll forgive me. Marquoi, who was taken from the room where he was betting and into the dirty room behind him, realizes for the first time at this point that he has done a great deal.

Barons Hegel's companions were aristocrats and chivalry, a race that did not cross the line of action as a gentleman even when he was betting, but the man in the luxurious fur long coat in front of him doesn't seem like a race that does a decent job no matter how he sees it.

"I'll give you the money you lost now, or I'll give it back to you dead."

For a moment Marquoi mistakenly thought that if he died, he could get his debts charred, but the guys around him laugh a lot.

"Whether you live or die, what does that have to do with us? It's normal to pay off the debt, but the mansion isn't enough, so I thought I'd sell it to a pirate ship. I guess I have a family in a piece of junk like you, too? Can wives and daughters sell high in the Principality of Malta?

Marquoi was a bureaucrat, albeit a junior, so he knew that peasants in difficulty in their lives were fleeing their territory to become refugees for the Kingdom of Iran. And I also knew that pirates were rampant selling off women and children by deceiving them into letting refugees who couldn't cross the Baroa border, so I turned bright blue and trembled.

"I'll do the mansion, but I won't let my family get their hands on me! Yes! We have Princess Misha, King Rudolph's bastard! If anything happens, King Rudolph will arrest you and execute you!

The fur wearing boss listens with interest to Hmm and Marquoi.

"A noble bloody princess. I think we could sell this for a high price."

Marquoi is not allowed to do that to a boss who has made a calculation to sell off Misha in order to restrain her! And he yelled, but he got hit once and passed out.

From that night on, Misha's appearance disappeared neglectfully from the mansion, but to Margarita, who is surprised, shows her suspicious documents and lies that she was kept in the monastery until most of them cooled down because she was suspicious.

Margareta slept drunk, but she remembered slightly the doozy and the men's footsteps and voice in the middle of the night, so she felt sorry that the official had come to lock Misha up in the convent.

Marquoi sells the mansion and plans to flee at night, even if his family can fool him, all the time when Misha finds out he's disappeared. King Rudolph would not condemn the mother he had left behind, leaving him as a servant, and all this time quickly disappeared somewhere.

On the night escape of the Henderson family, the most noticed was Baron Hagel.

"Shit! I was wrong to see Marquoi's silliness add and subtract! I didn't expect you to be so outrageous as to leave your sick, sleeping mother in the mansion."

Check Markoy's footprint! And yelling, Baron Hagel tilts his neck wondering if Misha is with him.

"King Rudolph or Prince Alexei protecting Misha?

Comrades watching the Royal Palace had only received reports of meetings and entertainment with the prince of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, but I was concerned that several ministers were coming to King Rudolf to meet him.

"Is Count Cunningham protecting Misha?

In the unaccommodating stone-headed Count of Cunningham, Baron Hagel toothed without his hands and feet, but I don't even think he'd let you look for Misha. Baron Hagel was also the quickest to notice Misha's disappearance when he received a report that no other woman than his wife was on the Henderson family's night escape.

But my grandmother sent a letter to King Rudolph apologizing that his family had fled at night, and Misha's disappearance was to be known soon

Surprised King Rudolph went to see his grandmother himself and was surprised by the vandalism of the mansion.

Even though he was weak in bed, King Rudolph initially did not realize he was making a mistake about Misha to his grandmother, who apologized in tears for his son Markoy's work.

My grandmother thought Misha was trapped in a monastery, and King Rudolph was worried he was running away at night with the Marquois.

"I guess they were worried about keeping Misha in Marquoi, but I was worried that the winter monastery wouldn't break my body because it was cold. But I didn't know Markoy was being pushed far enough to make a night's run. I'm glad His Majesty the King sent Misha to the monastery."

King Rudolph, surprised by the words of his weakened grandmother, asks when Misha went to the monastery.

"It was the day before Markoy ran away at night. I was suddenly taken in the middle of the night...... no way, Your Majesty?

King Rudolf mistakenly assumed that Baron Hagel had abducted and imprisoned Misha.

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