Shaw and the others, who did not know that Misha had disappeared, continued to discuss the conversion of Alexei and Dakat gold coins, but it was better to get a little more public agreement.

Alexei also reflected on what King Rudolph and several loyalists said about the tragedy in the country and the low credibility of Dakat gold coins. I had the idea that I would have to recast any of them, but I would make it a challenge in the future that it was not possible to move things forward suddenly.

More than that, Alexei, who realizes Shaw wants to build a shipyard in the Kingdom of Laurent, decides to discuss the matter.

"If there's a shipyard in the Kingdom of Laurent, you don't have to carry wood to Reite, so you can keep the cost low."

Ambassador Lirik laughs heartily at Alexei's suggestion with an unfamiliar face to Shaw's surprise that he first came up with the idea of building a shipyard in the Kingdom of Laurent.

It was obvious that Alexei noticed the hint on this side, but Ambassador Lillick turns to support by leaving the negotiations to Shaw, who would only like to take the form of a response to an offer from the Kingdom of Laurent.

Since Ambassador Lillick would not step forward to remind him of diplomacy one by one, Alexei was to discuss the construction of the shipyard with Shaw.

Shaw had been coming in late with Prime Minister Flanagan and the civilians for days to work out a construction plan, so he wouldn't even pull a step toward older Alexei. So Ambassador Lillick was relieved to listen to the negotiations, but when he finds out it was too much to do and come prepared, he kicks gently with his fingertips to save a little.

Alexei goes on to talk about the shipyard on Shaw's proposal. It was a very welcome story for the Kingdom of Laurent, and the only problem was the detailed story of whether to sell the shipyard's land to the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, lend it, and how much to share the construction funds.

"Let's inspect the port of Zordas for once"

It was agreed between the two countries that they wanted to build a shipyard near the port of Zordas, southeast of the Kingdom of Laurent, so we decided to inspect whether there was good land along the coast.

Upon returning to the embassy in a good mood for a discussion that progressed, Shaw invites Rosina to skate to the Porta River. Shaw, who was invited by Narcisse to skate, slipped swissly, even though it was the first time since he was reincarnated.

"Master Shaw, don't let go of my hand!

Rosina has good motor nerves, so she could walk with chocolate chocolate, but she sticks around when she's about to fall into shaw.

"Yeah, yeah! I'll support you, not walk, but slip."

Shaw supported Rosina's waist, so she didn't fall and slipped.

"Skating's fun, too."

Rosina can also slip now that Shaw is neat and taking care of her. Rosina enjoys skating in her pretty fur hat, and the people who wore it on the Porta River also see exotic couples with admirable eyes.

Pips was also recommended by Shaw to try skating, but he hit me in the ass many times.

Shaw pulled Rosina's hand to let her practice skating, and went home to the embassy having a warm cup of tea at the cafe next to her and enjoying her winter date.

While Rosina was up to change for a concert hosted by Crown Prince Alexei and his wife at night, Shaw was pulled into the study by Ambassador Lillick.

"Hey, I've got a confusing story in my ear..."

Shaw wonders what Ambassador Lillick keeps saying when he pulls you into the study.

"Is something wrong?

Ambassador Lillick tells us something that also concerns Prince Shaw.

"Today, King Rudolph was sent out to the Henderson family. In the Henderson family, Princess Misha lived with her uncle and his grandmother..."

To Shaw, who frowned on the name Misha, Ambassador Lillick stops the word.

"Did you live there? What do you mean you were there? Like King Rudolph was transferred somewhere?

It was Shaw, who had a slight hip pull because Alexei had deflected me from talking to Misha, but I urge Ambassador Lillick to continue the conversation.

"No, the Hendersons, apparently fled at night. Princess Misha's uncle, Marquoi, seems to have made quite a few debts from gambling."

Though Shaw is a bastard, no. Ask Ambassador Lillick if he had a problem with the princess's protective supervisor drawing royal blood because he is a bastard.

"In this country, commoners are a troublesome problem. But Princess Misha lived in safety until a month ago, under the shelter of Sir Ginias, a retired dragon knight. It just seems that since Sir Zinnias died and his uncle Sir Marquoi became his guardian, he has been living in an unfettered life. I've heard that this Sir Markoy likes gambling pathologically, so he must have escaped at night because he couldn't pay his debts."

Shaw didn't care if Sir Marquoi and others tried to escape at night, but Ambassador Lillick purposefully pulled into the study wondering if Misha was involved.

"No way, did you escape to Princess Misha at night? Normally, we would ask King Rudolph to pay our debts, or we would ask Princess Misha to take refuge even if we fled at night."

Ambassador Lillick wipes his sweat saying he was confused by the information.

"I'm pretty sure Princess Misha isn't in the Henderson family mansion. In a letter from his sick, sleeping grandmother, King Rudolph seems to have rushed to find out about Sir Markoy's night escape, but information is confusing from this area. King Rudolph seemed to think Princess Misha had made a night escape with his uncles and his wife, but his grandmother seemed to have been told by Sir Markoy that she had been transferred by royal fate to the monastery. I'm pretty sure Princess Misha hasn't been transferred to the convent."

Even though Shaw is a common son, he clams that it is unthinkable that King Rudolf's princess is missing.

"Somehow, it's a very suspicious story. There's been such a big incident that tonight's concert will be canceled."

Ambassador Lillick laughs bitterly that the Kingdom of Laurent will not cancel the concert for this matter.

"King Rudolph will have affection for Princess Misha, but he has also refrained from seeing the Princes of Alexei since their return. You must have been shunned by Constance, the princes' mother. It is unclear whether Crown Prince Alexei or Prince Narcisse have also met with Princess Misha. Because in this case, the common son is a shade."

Nevertheless, given King Rudolf's heartache, the concert seemed inappropriate to Shaw.

"If you can't tell us to abort from the other side, let's say no from the other side. You can also say that you were skating because you probably know it on the lookout anyway, so you feel like you have a cold. I'm sure you'd like to rest for tomorrow's visit to the port of Zordas."

When Ambassador Lillick arranges that, he asks the staff to deliver a text informing him of his absence as soon as possible. In the meantime, Shaw also made Rosina, who was dressing up, tell the samurai to cancel.

I didn't want any more forgiveness Shaw, but I sympathized with Misha's position and circumstances, and I think it would be nice to be found and protected safely.

"Nevertheless, it is suspicious that my grandmother misconstrued that she was transferred to the monastery by royal decree. If you hesitated to let him accompany you on the night escape, you should have left him at the mansion with your grandmother. Then King Rudolph would have to keep Princess Misha with a trusted opponent."

"Uh-huh, I need a little investigation, but I'm suspicious around Baron Hagel. You must have made Sir Markoy obsessed with gambling with his people. Maybe you got Princess Misha for that debt."

Baron Hagel? It's only natural that the young Shaw doesn't know the notorious plotter, Ambassador Lillick explains straightforwardly.

"Baron Hagel was a fanatical old imperialist and loyal minister to the former King Georg. Prince Shaw didn't know his name, probably because he showed no interest in the Southeast Islands and is plotting a ploy against the Kingdom of Cazaria, and against his host, the Kingdom of Iran."

"The loyal minister of the infamous former King Georg? Why didn't King Rudolph slash his head? I have heard that the former King Georg suffered... but it was explained that Prince Alexei and Prince Narcisse were raised in exile in the Kingdom of Cazaria because they were not held hostage by the former King Georg..."

King Aslan would be the legacy of the former king, but Ambassador Lillick's back freaked out that whoever avenged himself would be definitely finished. Because every day the uncomfortably frowned face of a warm Prince Shaw looked similar to King Aslan's.

"King Rudolph would also execute Baron Hagel if he were to have planned a conspiracy involving Princess Misha. This may ventilate a little better, but you don't have to make this noise during Prince Shaw's visit about anything..."

Shaw laughs bitterly at Ambassador Lillick, who considers his country a priority only.

That night Shaw spent some time at the embassy with Rosina. Looking at the unstoppable snow, Shaw fell asleep hoping that Princess Misha could be found early and returned to King Rudolf's shelter.

King Rudolph let the SS hold Barons Hagel's aside to secure the identity of his companions, but he just found a bunch of suspicious documents and didn't know where Misha was.

The inmates interrogated Baron Hagel and his companions, but all the time passes without breaking his mouth.

"Torture Baron Hagel and his people!

Although members of the noble and chivalrous classes, torture was carried out at King Rudolph's order, as the conspiracy to use the royal commoner was a felony.

But Baron Hagel doesn't open his mouth, he just repeats the slander of King Rudolph. However, the other members broke their mouths saying that they could not stand torture and were plotting a conspiracy, but it had not led to execution.

"It was a plan to make Sir Markoy a debt pickle and marry Princess Misha to a dragon knight, but it doesn't look like it's been executed. Baron Hagel didn't break his mouth, but the other members are begging for their lives, and I think it's true. We have to find Lord Marquoi, who ran away at night, and ask him where he hid Princess Misha."

The Count of Cunningham called a waiter worried about King Rudolph, who paled into an unexpected report.

I'm worried about Misha's whereabouts. She had a heart attack. Fortunately, the seizure was mild and King Rudolph fell asleep with the medication of a samurai.

In order for this to happen, we must also report the matter of Misha to Crown Prince Alexei, and Count Cunningham informed him of the disappearance and what he had interrogated by arresting Baron Hagel, saying it was a good opportunity to rush to his room worried about the seizure.

"I wonder why Father didn't tell me immediately. Oh, Prince Shaw found out about this, and they canceled the concert! I can't believe the prince of another country knows and I don't!

Count Cunningham defends that King Rudolph must have been hesitant to inform the Crown Prince about the common-law princess Misha.

Alexei also mourns the fact that it is not too late to learn the information, and hears everything he knows from Count Cunningham.

"If Baron Hagel hasn't imprisoned Misha, where is he?

That's what everyone wanted to know. The servants of the Henderson family made Princess Misha hear of the alleged midnight events that had moved her to the monastery, but only testified that she was of poor taste to King Rudolph's servants.

The servants only obeyed her husband, Sir Markoy, and they were sleeping eyes in the middle of the night. The working woman trembled and testified that she had packed Misha's clothes in her bag at her husband's order.

"Princess Misha was asked by Sir Marquoi to greet his wife, but refused that she would be asleep in the middle of the night. My husband told me that if I spent some time in the convent, I would return, and I put Princess Misha in the carriage."

No one remembered what the carriage was like or in which direction, but all testified with their mouths together that Markoy was terribly afraid of the man in the fur coat. The servants believed that Misha was involved in some kind of conspiracy and that the fur coat man was sent because of it.

"I just have to find Sir Markoy and ask him what happened to Misha. After that, he would have gambled other than Baron Hagel, so we'll investigate your troubles. I don't care what you think of a man in fur, you can't assume he's attached to a legitimate job. It would be easy to catch him because he is dressed so prominently..."

At the behest of Alexei, who could not hide his frustration while being judged by reason to be absurd by being shown suspicious documents, a search was made for Sir Markoy and a man in a fur coat.

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