Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

10 Port of Zordas

Alexei spent a sleepless night waiting for the results of Misha's search, but when she took a nap at dawn, she left it to her brother Narcisse later.

"My father is not feeling well either, and I have to go with Prince Shaw to inspect the port of Zordas. The Counts of Cunningham are searching for Misha's whereabouts, but I've left the command to you."

Narcisse knows that his brother has entrusted his hopes to the construction of a shipyard as a joint venture with the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, wanting to somehow crack down on the persecuted situation in the Kingdom of Laurent. So while I was concerned about Misha, I understood that I couldn't stop visiting with Shaw.

"I'll take that, of course, but can I keep it a secret from Lady Ariena?

Alexei is stuck in words. Ariena, who has been married, grew up playing and fighting lively with her brothers and sisters, instilled in her plethora of love for the king and his wife in the Kingdom of Iran. I know Misha exists, but I was surprised to learn that Alexei and Narcisse had never met officially either.

"Mothers are different, but you're my sister, aren't you? Haven't you seen her?

Concerned after returning home, Alexei went to see the Narcisse and Henderson families, but hesitated not to be introduced by his father, and confessed to seeing Misha playing in the garden from outside the mansion.

"I wonder if I was nine back then. He looked so young, he just seemed surprised to visit him all of a sudden. I thought you might want to talk to me one of these days..."

Ariena asked if it was possible to get back together, wondering if she still had feelings for Master Constance.

"I know your mother and father will have affection, but when we returned home, she refused to go to Kippari and the Kingdom of Laurent. I guess memories of when I was in a hard lockdown are getting in the way. I'm also frightened when I think of the gray skies in the walls when they were still closed, so I know your mother can't come to the Kingdom of Laurent."

Alexei nailed Ariena, intrigued by Misha, not to make an extra wave.

"You better stay out of this delicate problem. No, promise me you won't get involved."

My mother and father had strictly told me not to speak politically or militarily as the Crown Princess when I married her, and Ariena, the newlywed, did not defy her older husband. But he said he wanted to meet Misha in the fold, and he was confusing her.

"If Ariena finds out Misha's missing, she might say she'll find out. Never let them know where you are or who might be involved."

Narcisse also promises to follow his brother's instructions because he thought that Ariena's personality would only make the rubbing bigger.

"Ariena is scheduled to have lunch and tea with Princess Rosina while me and Prince Shaw go on an inspection of the port of Zordas today. I want you to show your face and help Ariena."

Narcisse thought Rosina would be doing well with Ariena, and, well, he grumbled about what the problem was. The fiancée of the prince who visited his country was disqualified from the role of hostess.

Alexei went on an inspection of Shaw and the port of Zordas.

Several bureaucrats from the Kingdom of Laurent had given the Dragon Knight a ride to participate, and those from the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands were accompanied by Captain Berige with an embassy on board Ambassador Lillick.

"Good! There was still the Cadfell!

Shaw thought Captain Lessa had returned from Cairon to the Cadfell and was sailing because it was snowing all the time. There was a small chunk of pukapuka drifting ice floating in the harbor, but it has not yet been covered up.

Alexei laughs once again that Shaw, a dragon knight, should have no problem trying to move the Cadfell to a port a little further south than the port of Zordas.

"Well, as Crown Prince Alexei said, as soon as you can fly in the Sands, you'll still be relieved to see the Cadfell staying at the harbor. The ship is like a second home to us."

Shaw looks nostalgic at the Cadfell as he sailed around the world after Leyte.

I was guided by Alexei to inspect a candidate for a shipyard's planned location, but there is just a snow-covered, farmer-like settlement inland.

"We're not going to have a hard time acquiring land, but we're going to have to improve the living conditions of the people who work at the shipyard."

Shaw worries shiveringly that the warm Southeast Island-grown ship carpenters will be able to withstand this cold.

I know winter work is necessary for the Kingdom of Laurent, but it's not going to be as cold as this and work is going to progress. Shaw, who looked resentfully at Alexei, who also guided him through the cold, is heartily foolish to say that New Paloma was not as cold here either.

Alexei admires the fact that Shaw is only working on the development of Sands Island, Chennai Trade Base, etc., thinking about the lives of workers before he built the shipyard.

"Prince Shaw? It's time to move."

Shaw, who doesn't like the cold, jumps on the Sands saying he's been waiting. Alexei, shit! Reflects that the Southeast Islands are warm and should have moved faster.

Discussing it in the cold snow also has its limits, so looking down at the planned location, we headed to the port management office in the port of Zordas. Here, as a point of contact for transactions in the Kingdom of Laurent, the official had packed it, and the entertainer had come first from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare lunch in the reception room.

Shaw was horrified by the warmth of the fireplace, but when Alexei relaxed, she worried about Misha's news.

Actually, Misha was near the port of Zordas.

Suddenly, Uncle Markoy woke me up in the middle of the night and told me that Misha, dressed up, had to stay for a while at King Rudolph's behest.

"A monstrous document was handed out asking me to marry you to the Dragon Knight and grab you to the throne. I'm ordering you to be careful in the monastery until most of you do."

I rarely saw her, but Misha became sad that her kind father would say such a thing, but my uncle rushed me into the carriage without even being able to say hello to my grandmother.

Misha wondered that the carriage that ran in the middle of the night would not reach the monastery even in the morning. Besides, a man in fur, seen in the morning sun, didn't seem like a worldless Misha to his father.

"Where are you taking me to the monastery?

Trembling with fear, he shook his courage and asked questions, but laughed that he didn't need to know. As soon as she heard the laugh, Misha realized that this man was not his father's servant, nor was he destined for a monastery.

Misha managed to look for a man's gap to escape when she took a break in a lodge-like place along the way, but she also came with her to the washroom and turned bright red in embarrassment. The man made sure there was no window in the washroom where people were going to be able to go, and he finally left Misha alone, but lunch didn't go through his throat because he was anxious about where he was going to be taken.

The journey by carriage continued day and night, with several breaks pinched. On the way to the men's lair, they exchanged horses, but quickly left.

Misha found out that the furry man was called Genon, but she also realized that she had no intention of harming herself.

I've always been nervous, Misha, but my thirst and unharmed alarm caused me to drink the tea recommended by Genon, and my memories after that were interrupted.

Misha didn't know how far she went in the carriage as it snowed.

When I woke up in the cold, it wasn't in the carriage, it was a crude room. There was a thin blanket hanging from Misha, who slept on the floor, but the room was cold with no fire.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked, and there were no windows in the room. In the next room, some men were arguing.

"There's a warship in the Southeast Islands sitting in the port of Zordas. I can't do this right now!

"Now, if we don't sail, the port of Zordas will freeze until spring! All you have to do is gently pack up at night and set sail."

Even though Genon's voice was intimidating his opponent, Misha noticed.

"Port of Zordas! Am I to be taken abroad?

I didn't know what the purpose was, but Misha was frightened that Genon's luggage was not herself. The two discussions looked like Genon had given them the money and settled, and Misha realized she could be put on the boat tonight.

"Uncle Markoy! No way......"

It was an unknown Misha, but it raises doubts that I was sold to the form of Uncle Marquoi's debt by coming here.

"Even though Uncle Marquoi won't do that! 'Cause he's my uncle."

I desperately tried to dispel my suspicions, but the atmosphere of Genon in fur, I don't think I'm doing a very serious job, brings tears to my eyes.

"If you're sold to a foreign country, you'll never see your father or grandmother again. I can't even see my brother improving..."

I was aware that for Prince Alexei and Prince Narcisse, he didn't stop caring about himself or anything, but Misha was looking forward to seeing your face at the wedding parade a year ago.

My strict grandfather didn't look very good at Misha, who wanted to meet the Crown Princes even though he was in the shade, but reluctantly gave me permission that there would be no problem if he was disputed by the crowd. But the parade was cancelled by thunder and storm, and Misha only saw her brother's improved face in a newspaper painting as well.

Misha had no reason to know that Prince Alexei, his brother, was coming to the port of Zordas, where this hut was located.

Prince Alexei, who had lunch at the Harbour Control Office, applied to Prince Shaw to show him the Cadofel.

Even if I tour, I don't think I can build an instant warship, okay? Ambassador Lillick nods at Shaw's enquiry in the eye.

"Prince Alexei, I'd like to invite you to the Cadfell."

Prince Alexei was pleased to be allowed a tour, as he rarely had the opportunity to board a warship in the Southeast Islands.

Alexei, who praised the deck being polished by the crew of the Cadfell or greeted Captain Lessa, consults about a pirate ship that sells off women and children by saying it will allow them to enter the country clandestinely, which appears offshore.

"Such pirate ships look no different than merchant ships or frigates. The crew are also disguising themselves as not looking like pirates. Instead of attacking merchant ships by force, they take money from the refugees and trick them into entering the country, so they won't even carry swords or anything big, and they may actually be carrying luggage. It's hard not to hold the scene down. Well, I hear that some people who are trying to enter the country don't know that they were fooled until they arrived in the Principality of Malta, so it would be hard to find them if they made love to the barn."

Alexei sighed looking at the merchant ship that was berthed in the port of Zordas and wondered if the caretakers had any choice but to board and thoroughly investigate.

Shaw left Pipps at the liaison desk asking Captain Lessa to report any moves he might have made to bring suspicious clandestine immigrants on board while he was staying at the port of Zordas.

At this time, Shaw didn't even think Princess Misha could be put on a pirate ship.

It's just that I was angry with the Principality of Malta about the many merchant ships in the Kingdom of Iran being attacked by pirates in the Kingdom of Sura, and I couldn't tolerate human trafficking.

"Soon we will have to settle with Lord Jalis of the Principality of Malta. I don't understand why you protect the pirates..."

The frustrating Shaw thought that while the Cadofel was staying at the port of Zordas, the pirates could at least do as they wished.

In an attempt to return to Cairon before nightfall, Alexei and Shaw followed the Cadfell.

Pipps, who remained a liaison officer, is told by the crew of the Cadofel of the damp port of Zordas.

"I can't do this without drinking, even if it's so cold! Yet when there's nothing but a tinkering tavern."

"Even though it's a harbor town, there's no such thing as a loco woman!

Pips, who was listening to the crew's stupidity, hears an obsessed grunt that he just doesn't know where the better woman is.

"Lucin, you won't see such a good woman in the port of Zordas!

The crew called Lucin boasts that it depends on Kim as well as he is good at it. Pips did not know, but the fraudulent savings of the manager of the Chennai trade base casino were also distributed to the crew of the Kadfel.

The crew and the serious ones with families had sent to their families, in the Sullizans of the Kingdom of Surah and in the mailing of the Kingdom of Iran, but many hid them in their nostalgia without sending them the full price. So the crew surrounds Lucin and asks where the better woman is.

"A refugee from the Kingdom of Laurent is letting his wife and daughter take guests to earn the fare to enter the Kingdom of Iran."

To talk about Lucin, that's awkward, and the crew pulls back and forth.

"It's our job to catch a pirate ship that tricks the refugees into selling them off! You, you're so horny!

Pipps turned to accusations that he was right, but the officers asked Lucin where he was taking customers.

For a moment, the officers were also misguided pips as to whether they were going to buy refugee daughters, although it would be a flavor of pirates making such rowdy imitations! And I'm convinced to see Lucin yelling at me.

Lusin, who had grown smaller with shomboli when he was yelled at, was made to explain the place in detail. Captain Lessa preached to Lucin, but he didn't punish him if he might have found the pirate Azito.

"Pips, report to Prince Shaw that you may have found a pirate Ajito. It would be better to leave the catch in the territory of the Kingdom of Laurent to us, but the port of Zordas will not know when it will freeze, so the pirate ships will want to sail quickly with the refugees on board. It's our turn to hold you back."

Lucin was not punished by Captain Lessa, but he was severely preached, and his crew caught a scathing eye, called Erroluchin by his name.

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