Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

4 Pips and King Aslan

Shaw briefly greeted Rosina and the samurai at Sands as they sent them to Lazlow's mansion and rushed back to the Cadfell.

If it's true, I wanted to talk to Razlow, who I heard was interested in the landfill wharf. However, the reports of Sands Island, Chennai, the Kingdom of Sura and the Kingdom of Laurent were written, but we have to speak directly to Father and Chancellor Flanagan at the Royal Palace. So I thought I'd accompany Captain Lessa and Pipps.

Captain Lessa also had to report directly to King Aslan and the Secretary of State for Military Affairs, so I would be delighted to have him sent to the Royal Palace in Sands.

For the first time, Pips marvels at the vibrant landscape of the port of Leyte and the royal palace of White Asia, which can be seen on the hill.

"Come on, Pipps follow me in cylinder. Eh ~ and Father looks a little arrogant, and he's actually arrogant... never mind!

Captain Lessa had penetrated in his heart that he had not been followed by it, but when he saw King Aslan for the first time, he was surprised by so much arrogance, and remembered that his body was so delighted to tremble that his arrogance served a king who looked so good.

Pips had heard an explanation from Shaw earlier about King Aslan, but he was exposed to sharp gazes that actually met and shook from the core of his body.

"Huh, Shaw told me about the report, but is it Pips? That's Shirin. Small but good dragon."

Even though his father, who went out to the garden of the royal palace, has a gentle tone towards the dragon's cylinder, Shaw is stunned.

"Father, I want Pipps to be an audience student at the University of Paloma. I want them to learn martial arts, and I want them to train dragon knights in Westin."

Having received a report of his return with Captain Lessa, Aslan first wanted to make sure with his own eyes that Pips was near Shaw's side.

I know that Ambassadors Rebben, Nuton and Lillick checked the story and nature of Pipps and decided they could put it on Shaw's side. But Shaw is Aslan's trail. Aslan has a headache that he has picked up troublesome people again, such as the suspicious side service of his bare name.

I guess there was no contradiction in the story because I allowed my own ambassador to be on Shaw's side. Aslan tries to figure out who Pips is.

"Cyrin? Does Pipps want to be on Shaw's side?

Aslan asks the dragon who doesn't lie.

"Pips wants to serve Shaw, who saved his life, for the rest of his life. I want to be with Sands if I can, too. '

Aslan was surprised to find that Cyrin was pretty old and wouldn't hide her falling in love with Sands.

"Is Cyrin Pipps' Dragon Rider?

'No, I'm going to bond after Pipps gets used to a few more changes in his life. Does Shaw do Pipps somewhere?

From the tone of Cyrin, I was overwhelmed with a desire not to leave Sands. The dragon is a sweet creature to the young dragon, and Aslan laughs bitterly, wondering if Cyrin, who has been alone for many years, can't help but think that Sands is cute.

"Shaw, let's think a little more about Pips' study abroad at Paloma University. Because it's about you anyway, I know you thought of Melissa as your alumni and escort, but I've already dispatched many. Pasham reported a boy student wandering around Melissa."

Shaw was relieved that if he was a care-giving Ambassador Pasham, he would have responded quickly to Melissa's problems.

"I want Pamela to study at the University of Paloma."

Then I put it in my mouth because I had been thinking about it for a long time, but my father scolds me for not even thinking about it.

When Pamela was obstinate, you told her to do something about it, and Shaw was foolish in the heart, but I do think we have to leave this matter to Father.

Pips is surprised by Shaw, who is answering King Aslan fine. I had received a tremendous sense of oppression from King Aslan that I had never experienced before, and I feared that this was something called a king.

"Pips, what do you want?

Shot through King Aslan's eyes, Pipps felt like he had been struck by lightning for a moment, but shrugged his courage and wished.

"I asked Prince Shaw to save my life. I've always wanted to serve you."

Aslan had also received reports from Shaw and the ambassadors about some of the weird customs on the Golce continent, but I don't think he has the right to follow those customs.

"Pips, if you want to serve on Shaw's side, you have to work pretty hard on your studies and martial arts. It looks blurry, but this guy is my successor. It's impossible to sidestep a man who might be a horsebone."

Pips got gasped, but Shaw slaps on the shoulder saying it was good.

"Father says," Come on! Now we can be together. "

Really? and the situation was ungrasped pips, but I realized King Aslan's intimidation had disappeared all the time, and my knee broke gakun. By the time Shaw reached out and got Pipps up, Aslan had disappeared into the royal palace.

"Sorry, Pips, your father is a little arrogant. But don't worry, Mia, who raised me, is sweet. I'll think about the University of Paloma a little more, but I have to study and train martial arts. Go ask Mia where to live! Mia will take care of everything."

Pips was led to Mia's room after Shaw. Going back down the corridor overlooking the green, colorful flowers and the garden where the fountain is located everywhere, there is Mia's room at the entrance to the rear palace.

"Mia! I'm home!

Seeing Shaw happily hug the little beautiful lady, Pips wonders if this is the first lady of that horrible King Aslan.

"Shaw, you've been away a long time. Show me your face often."

I was briefly briefed on the marriage system in the Southeast Islands on the journey, but I don't think Mia, who is gently stroking her face, is Shaw's birth mother.

"Mia, it's the pips I wrote in my letter. I'm intimidated and freaked out by my father, but he's really active. Pips, it's Mia who raised me. From now on, you can ask Mia questions you don't know."

Pips bows carefully to Mia.

"It's Pips from the village of Gorza. I want to serve Prince Shaw."

Mia looks seriously at Pipps and smiles tenderly.

"Now, there's only one Shaw living in the outhouse. He's the last prince and lonely, so if Pipps lived with him, he'd be busy. Send Pamela tutors to study, alternating in the morning. Martial arts training is good with Shaw. Let's have a cup of tea later."

Mia treats Pipps gently that anyone who meets Aslan for the first time will be in a state of shock. He really threatens such a simple boy, he's terrible! And whilst complaining inside, Mia didn't feel like letting Pips live on Shaw's side or anything until she checked with her own eyes, either.

As the First Lady of King Aslan, it is only natural to pay attention to the safety of Prince Wang, so Pips, who was passed by Mia, was finally accepted by the Royal Palace.

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