Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

5 Engagement Rings

What happened to Shaw, who took Pipps and Shirin to the dragon house in the outhouse, Fu Tash? And I was curious.

"That? Did I leave you here on Mario Island?

I remember until I came about Mario Island, but I haven't seen Tash since.

"Shaw! I'm here!

Tash replies as he shrugged as he bathed in the fountain of the outhouse and repaired his feathers on the tree.

"Good! I was worried you might have left me on Mario Island."

Shaw is horrified that if he left King Edoardo's beloved eagle behind, he was about to be pissed off.

'They left me, so I took the liberty of going home to Leyte. It would have been nice to stay on Mario Island like that. Kellin throws fish in the sky and...'

Shaw reflects on Rosina and neglecting to take care of Tash.

'I'm sorry, because I had other feelings. But you've come back to Reite a lot.'

'I can fly that distance. But I want to spend some time on Mario or Sands Island. When are you going this time? Kellin's good at throwing pitchy fish high in the sky. "

Shaw sighs when he doesn't care that Tarsch was left behind, but he's usually a convict to follow Sands.

'If you like live fish, I'll throw it at you if you take the fish in the sea off the palace. I'll call you when I go to the water bath. "

Tash nodded satisfactorily, so Shaw shrugged his shoulders.

"Sands! You're home."

Sloane flies out of the dragon house in the Royal Palace.

"Sloan! You've grown up."

Sure, Sloan was getting bigger, but he was still in the zungled shape of a child dragon, and he was only about the kid's shoulder tall at last.

"Sloane, this is Cyrin. Shirin, this is my brother, Dragon Sloan."

Shirin had never seen a child dragon or anything in the village of Gorza, so she mellowed into a small sloan. Shaw and Pipps smiled and watched as the dragon was sweet to the child dragon, talking gently about when he hatched from the egg.

Shaw returns to his room for the first time in a long time and asks the samurai to prepare a bath, slowly and generously immersed in hot water.

I realized I was putting behind a proposal I didn't like. I'm sure I actually had to report a lot or decide how to treat Pipps, but I'm really behind on the embarrassment of doing something romantic.

"Starting tomorrow, Chancellor Flanagan will blame me me for the root digging leaf digging questions.I 'd also like to check the progress of the landfill wharf construction... OK! I remember, but on an auspicious day! Let's go buy an engagement ring!

On Shaw, who rose from the tub as well as Zaburn thought, the servants rushed to prepare a hot tub.

"Hey, where do I buy an engagement ring? I know it's a jewelry store, I'm asking you which one you can trust."

I don't understand Shaw's intentions, even though the samurai have as many as a pile in the treasure trove if it's a gem.

"You can't do this to a man. Ask Mia, it's very easy, but she'll have it all. Rosina asked me to choose, and she gave up making that pearl a ring, so I had to at least give her that."

Shaw knew Mia would have a fancy engagement ring for everyone, but I feel a little different about that.

"Yes, let's go ask your mother! You don't have to know a jewelry store your mother can trust, but Hermia, the First Lady of Racindo, will."

Although Shaw had only vague knowledge that the jewels were expensive objects, he wanted to choose what Rosina or Lara or Melissa deserved and give them away. Still, after lunch, the squire was surprised by Shaw dressed as Butterflies, but more than that, a dragon knight called Pips? A seemingly child was puzzled to wander around on his side.

"Ah, this kid is Pips. I'm going to wake up in the outhouse today, so teach him everything. Uh-huh, a sidekick apprentice?

The squire, is he a sidekick apprentice? I tilted my neck at the unfamiliar words, but I do not dispute Mia's acceptance.

"Oh, Pips, I'm going to see your mother now. Come with me and remember Racindo's mansion. I'm going to ask you to go and take care of it again and again."

The squire somehow felt envious of Pipps. Prince Shaw's side service to become Prince Wang was an admirable position for his squire.

Shaw looked at the faces of the subtle servants and sighed at them, for Christ's sake.

"Pips will stand alone as a dragon knight any day. Until then, I'll be on my side doing errands, studying and martial arts training."

Until you become a dragon knight, temporary side service? The samurai looked in trouble about how to handle the pips, but Shaw is about to go out, so he rushes to get a carriage ready.

"Prince Shaw, are you causing any great inconvenience?

I laugh bitterly when Pips, who has grown smaller in the carriage, does say that he will serve in the village of Gorza for the rest of his life, found it annoying.

"Now what are you talking about? Pips wants me to be a fine dragon knight by studying and training martial arts without thinking too much. I wonder if that's the wish of everyone in the village of Gorza. I think Cyrin will be waiting for Pipps to be worthy of the bonded Dragon Knight soon, too. I'd love for Pipps to be a dragon knight and help me out."

Pips was out of the small village of Gorza about Shaw, traveling with the kingdoms of Sura, Irania and Laurent to feel his ignorance and powerlessness. Shaw inspired me to renew my determination to work hard.

Pips in a splendid mansion, is it the outhouse of the royal palace? I ask and Shaw laughs at me.

"Sure, it's splendid, but it's not out of the palace. This is Mr. Lassindo's mansion. My mother remarried Mr. Lassindo. I have a brother named Marche and Marilyn."

A samurai jumps from the carriage to announce Prince Shaw's visit to the servant of Racindo's mansion.

"Welcome. Prince Shaw, I missed you so much that I couldn't come home."

Welcomed by Rashind, Shaw tells him he was laughing and flirting.

"To my mother, I came to say hello on my return home. Can I see you?

Rashind laughs, of course, and leads him to Ruby's room. Pipps is more compact than the Royal Palace, but for that matter he takes the corridor of Racindo's mansion, full of a more luxurious atmosphere.

"By the way, Prince Shaw? Who's this guy?

Racind asks Ruby, the second lady, that even though she is a boy, she can't let her meet a man she doesn't know about.

"Oh, I'm sorry. In my mother's room, I thought we should explain it together. He is a pips from the village of Gorza. Until you become a Dragon Knight, you will serve me by my side. I wanted to introduce you to my mother because I asked her to take care of it."

Racindo had access to world information, but had no knowledge of the village of Gorza.

"Mother, I'm home today. This one is Pips from the village of Gorza. During my training to become a Dragon Knight, I came to show my face because they serve me so I might send them out sometimes."

Pips looked at the beautiful lady Shaw called her mother, very invisible to the person who had given birth to her 14-year-old son, with a mouthful of pocan, but bowed politely when she returned to me hah.

"I was saved in life by Prince Shaw. I'll serve you on your side for the rest of your life."

Ruby was surprised by Pipps' daunting words, but Racindo remembered that some parts of the Golce continent had such customs.

"Was King Aslan or Master Mia allowed?

Though the Dragon Knight, Rashind worries that it would be dangerous to place people from an unknown village called Gorza Village on the side of Shaw, Prince Wang.

"Yeah, of course. Besides, I had to talk to my mother today."

If King Aslan is allowed, Rashid accepts Pipps, saying that he is not in the right hands. I try to take my seat off, shying away from Shaw, who put out his mouth that Ruby has a consultation.

"No, it might be better if Mr. Lassind stayed. Perhaps Mr. Lassind is the one who actually buys gems and gives them away?

Shaw buys gems? For a moment, Ruby and Racindo looked at each other, but I assume it was a ha-ha engagement ring.

"Shaw, maybe you haven't given me your engagement ring yet? I'm getting married to your bar mitzvah..."

My mother stunned me, and Shaw is foolish that there is no such custom in the Southeast Islands.

"Well, the habit of giving engagement rings is not common in the Southeast Islands, but Prince Shaw is often present in the three former empires, and the princesses of forgiveness were accompanied, weren't they? Then the princesses will want an engagement ring."

Shaw sighs, that's right. Lassind recognises once again that Prince Shaw, who works hard on discovering new routes, landfill wharves, and diplomacy, is also still a 14-year-old boy.

"Excuse me, but if you talk to the First Lady, Mia, I think that's the kind of jewel you'll be given..."

Ruby also remembers being given some great gems by King Aslan.

"Yeah, I personally want to buy and give away gems, can't I? Tell Mia, I know you'll have the perfect ring, but I feel a little different. Besides, he asked me to choose... but would a fine jewel in the treasure trove be better than a small jewel? With my personal money, I don't even know if I can buy jewelry. So, I wanted you to introduce me to a trusted jewelry store, and I came to visit my mother when I returned home."

At any jewelry store in Leyte, when Prince Shaw comes to the store, the shopkeeper will be comfortable ascending to heaven, but Racind worries that personal money won't allow him to buy very large stones.

"Gems are of good quality, and they are unimaginably expensive for us men. It's not like you can sail on a jewel..."

To Rashid's blur, I'm surprised Shaw is that expensive.

Ruby understood how the princesses of forgiveness wished Shaw to choose.

"I think the princesses of Forgiveness would be happier with what Shaw bought us for his own money, even with the little jewels. The princesses will also have a lot of fine objects if they are jewels. I know you can give me a treasure trove gem after you get married, but the feeling that you want an engagement ring now is that you want your feelings, not your jewels."

Shaw still admires that the girl's feelings are better understood by her mother. However, Ruby had no idea that jewellery was just a gift and the price, the jewellery store, etc.

Rashind was buying and giving away jewels to his beloved Ruby and other ladies, so he warned them it was expensive.

"By the way, what's your budget?

Rashind, the merchant, asks if Prince Shaw doesn't know the amount he can personally give out, the jeweler he calls will also change.

"I'll pour in all the money I've saved so far. So you want to choose the range that you can buy."

Rashind is surprised by the amount of money he's been soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Oh, not only do you make money on the Dahlia, but you also have a bounty for discovering new routes and a portion for discovering Sands Island. Then you can buy the engagement ring the princesses deserve. But can I pour it all in?

Shaw laughs that he will make money again. I was horrified that I was going to be able to buy an engagement ring somehow, but I didn't think I'd have a hard time choosing from this.

Rashind told Hermia, the First Lady, to summon the jewelers who were entering and leaving his house.

Prince Shaw wanted to buy his engagement ring personally at that time, and he had told him about his general budget, so the jeweler brought many boxes of quality gemstones in a beautiful box.

Until the jeweler arrives, Shaw is amazed at how tall his brother Marche is, or praises his sister Marilyn for being beautiful and behaving softly like a girl.

"Yeah ~! Is there such a variety of gems?

Marche and Marilyn went out to play in the garden with Pipps as the jeweler arrived at Lassind's mansion with the box with his escort, but Shaw sought advice from his mother and Hermia.

Lassind leans back on the cushion to relax and watch, leaving it up to Shaw and Mrs. to choose the ring to negotiate a later price for you.

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