Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

6 The magic of gems?

Looking at the jewellery boxes lined up all the way, Shaw will be in good shape.

The jeweler you see recommends that diamonds are popular for engagement rings. The boxes offered were lined with diamonds. Ruby and Hermia sneer when they see a dozen small to medium grain and large diamonds lined up.

"Well, that's nice."

I thought Shaw was sparkling and beautiful too, but I don't know why Mother or Hermia sighs. And I was surprised to hear the price.

"You can buy a ship!

Rashind burst out laughing that he was in agreement with himself, but the jeweler, Ruby and Hermia flaunt his shoulders as he shut up.

Shaw recalls that, even in his previous life, when it came to engagement rings, they were diamonds.

"Are they all good with diamonds?

Shaw thought it would be easy after that depending on the price, but I feel a little different about something.

"Uh-huh, the diamonds are beautiful, but they're not Rosina's image, are they? Lara doesn't feel as hard as a diamond, either. Melissa's pretty close, but I don't know. Diamonds are easy..."

To hesitate Shaw, the jeweler suggests how the birthstone is.

"Well, a birthstone is also romantic."

Asked by her mother and Hermia for their respective birthdays, Shaw panicked for a moment but answered calmly.

"So it's February for Princess Lara, October for Princess Rosina, and December for Princess Melissa, isn't it? Show me each birthstone"

It was Hermia giving instructions to Tekipaki and the jeweler, but Ruby pinches his mouth that there should have been one later.

"Um, Princess Mimi is also a pardon..."

Shaw is still young, so he had slight expectations that he would change his mind, so he gets stuck woo.

Shaw, I really feel awkward marrying her sisters. That's the same Labita sisters that gave birth to, so I cared extra.

Shaw was still hesitant because he sometimes hears cases of polygamy and occasionally welcoming sisters to his wife, but presumably his mother is often different.

"Mimi is still young..."

But Ruby and Hermia can't be young if they're almost 13, and scolding the girls for being indifferent to their feelings that the other dowries should be in a hurry to get married.

"I think it would be sad if my sister, Princess Lara, got her engagement ring and she was ignored."

Shaw also knew that she had remarried Rashid as soon as she had given birth to herself and that she had not come to see the baby herself for a year, because her mother could not be saved by her father, so she could live with Zushin. Hermia also advises me that I can rub my wife if I don't treat her equally, and I decide to give Mimi an engagement ring as well.

Mimi was born in July.

"Amethyst in February, ruby in July, opal in October, lapis lazuli or turquoise in December,"

The jeweler arranges boxes with amethysts, boxes with rubies, boxes with opals, boxes with lapis lazuli and turquoise in front of the show.

"Some gems make sense. Birthstones are said to be particularly meaningful and wishful"

Ruby and Hermia are, well, romantic! And it was sloppy, but Shaw is somehow incomprehensible.

But listen to the jeweler's description.

"This amethyst has been cherished since antiquity as a stone symbolizing nobility, harmony and peace. You deserve an engagement ring, especially as a home safety stone that strengthens the couple's bond."

Shaw takes a special deep purple step-cut square stone from the box offered.

"Amethyst... it's definitely mysterious"

The jeweler finally shows Shaw's interest and takes it, so he talks about the power of the amethyst here and in the bullshit.

"Amethysts are said to help curb anxiety. They say it helps to increase mental strength and achieve harmony. Also known as purple crystals."

Shaw stares jizzily at the amethyst he grabbed with his fingers.

"'Purple Crystal'"

Everyone marvels at the amethysts who have increased their shine at Shaw's fingertips.

"I'll take this. I think it suits Lara."

When Shaw gives the amethyst ring to the jeweler, he reassesses the brighter jewels in Lupe with care.

"Prince Shaw, what have you done?

Shaw scratches Shira when he hasn't done anything to the glittering jeweler.

Shit! Shaw was surprised when the amethyst's real name was' Purple Crystal ', inadvertently drawing on the power of the amethyst with his true name.

Realizing that amethysts really have mystical power, Shaw chooses that Lara will be feeling more anxious with more forgiveness, so it's good that she gets spiritual calm with this ring.

Shaw was also aware that I shouldn't leave the jewels to him, but Lara was worried that I was going to be back in about a month this time and that I had been away for more than two months.

Naturally, I wrote a letter along the way, but I was reflecting on whether I was upset to learn that I had accompanied Rosina to the Kingdom of Laurent, not from my own mouth.

The jeweler looked at the glowing amethyst in wonder, but he regained his mind and retrieved the box with the next opal.

"Opals range from white milk and white to black opals. Transparency and flying colors are considered good products. Opal has been regarded as a treasure that enhances magic since antiquity. Gems mean innocence, hope and happiness."

He was offered a box by a jeweler, but Shaw hesitated to take it because he emitted his Uccari real name in Amethyst.

"This is a ring surrounded by rose quartz around opal and I think it would be suitable as an engagement ring because rose quartz means achievement of love"

The ring offered by the jeweler is designed like a flower surrounded by tiny pink crystals around a transparent opal.

"Looks good on Rosina."

Shaw doesn't take it, so the jeweler pushes and sells it in later.

"Such transparent opals are called water opals. Opal doesn't shine on its own and is as transparent as water, but it incorporates other lights to show color. Ancient people thought this color was unusual and useful for health care. Opal's source is called opera, and it means the same thing as treasure."

The moment Shaw thought that Rosina, who was raised dearly by Uncle Lazlow, might indeed be a 'treasure', he felt chipped in and figured out the real name of Opal.

Shaw may have magic powers in the gems, so I think I'll be careful how I treat them.

I'll take this ring.

Shaw was horrified when he finally picked out the two rings, but the jeweler handed out a box of lapis lazuli and turquoise.

"It's kind of plain."

The blue lapis lazuli and water turquoise seemed plain compared to the amethyst I chose for Lara and Rosina's opal.

"What do you say! Lapis Lazuli is the supreme exorcism. Lapis lazuli with the meaning of the canopy is assumed to have a strong power to bring success, happiness to itself. Ancient clerics wore lapis lazuli. And turquoise means a stone to keep your journey safe, and it's popular with sailors."

If you look at it for your hand, you will be offered a ring with large triangular diamonds embedded on both sides of the lapis lazuli.

"Bringing happiness to yourself… it's perfect for a strong Melissa."

"The alias Lapis Lazuli is called Rugged"

Jewelers teach the ancient calligraphy that Shaw has the power to draw on the power of gems.

Shaw pinned that Lapis Lazuli's real name was Rugged.

"By the way, diamonds are supreme love. It would be a lovely combination of demonic power and supreme love."

Shaw would like to give Melissa a jewel with strong powers that will eventually leave her former and support the rest of her family as the First Lady.

"I'll take this, it's Ruby later."

The jeweler wanted to see Shaw bring out the magic of the jewels again, but gives priority to business and offers Ruby's box. Shaw thought the ruby in the box offered was perfect for an active Mimi.

"Ruby is the finest product with clear and dark colors. It has long symbolized love, aggressiveness, and victory."

The jeweler recommends Ruby rest assured, as he is popular with diamonds lined up in engagement rings.

"You resemble my mother's name. What? That ring is Ruby, isn't it?"

Shaw had never been interested in gems before, so he noticed a large ruby that his mother, who had seen many times but was passing through, was fitting her fingers.

"I was born in July, too, so Lady Rashind gave it to me."

Shaw was impressed with the large ruby that the boulders were the only big merchants, but Mimi picks a ring around a fine ruby a little smaller but clearer than her mother's, with smaller diamonds designed like stars.

"Ruby is also known as Red Ball."

I noticed that Ruby's real name was "Red Ball," so it fits in nicely, but I don't want the jeweler to know and it goes through.

Shaw, who is finally hoping to pick an engagement ring, was drinking the tea that Hermia had for me, but Racindo and the jeweler, who took on the price negotiations, will continue the battle to end it altogether.

The jeweler put an extrajudicial price on the more radiant amethyst, so Racindo poisons him in the heart after Shaw bought it, wishing he'd used some magic.

Shaw was in trouble because negotiations are difficult to navigate.

I've had a hard time choosing, but if the price doesn't fold, I have to start over from scratch. Especially since Shaw also liked the amethyst ring he chose for Lara, he didn't want to change anything else.

"Uh, I'll activate one of the other amethysts, so could you sell it for the original price?

Pah and the jeweler shine their faces and offer the second largest amethyst. Shaw chanted Amethyst's true name, "Purple Crystal," to increase his shine.

"Wow! How did you get hit? Can you do other stones?

Rashind pulls the momentum jeweler away from Shaw.

"Here, that would be rude! That would have made you feel better."

Instead of worrying about it, the jeweler was untrained Taratara that if this magic could be used, he would give up reluctantly because Rashind stared at him.

"I managed to fit in on my budget."

When the jeweler fixed the size, Shaw was horrified as he left with four engagement rings while rubbing hands.

Rashind, too, was wondering about the amethyst thing, but restrained himself in front of the jewelers.

"Eh, Mr. Lassind, thank you for your help. It would be helpful if you could keep this matter to yourself. Gems really have magic in them."

Shaw only gives Lara jewels. Is it unfair to the other dowries that the shine is increasing? And groan.

When you say 'treasure' to the opal, the pink and pale blue colors shine in the opal with increased transparency so as to capture the shine of the pink quartz around you.

"Well, it's a pink opal! I've never seen you so brilliant!

Hermia and Ruby stare inadvertently turned into pink opals.

The next time Shaw chanted 'Rugged' to Lapis Lazuli, he turned into a clear blue with a gnaw and inhaled the light of diamonds, looking like the starry sky he had seen in the sea.

Finally I took Ruby and when I chanted 'Red Ball' it burned red.

Rashind laughs that if Prince Shaw opens a jeweler, it's a borough of money.

This is how Shaw got four engagement rings, but a difficult job proposal awaits him.

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