Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

20 hostage repossession operations?

"What, the sons of the Marigold, were they alive?

I had received a request from King Gregorius, but Shaw didn't expect much.

"The rich sons must have been in good shape, too. Now it looks like we're waiting for the time to write to the family of the Kingdom of Iran asking for ransom."

Shaw is disappointed that he should report it to the Kingdom of Iran.

"If the families pay the ransom, they'll be released. Good, now I can suppress the voice of the Kingdom of Iran in its quest for naval battle"

Ambassador Bacchus sighs at the words of optimistic Shaw.

"I don't think so. The families will be happy to know that their son was alive, but they will be furious to hear the amount of ransom. You wouldn't be happy to be asked for half of your fortune."

Is Shaw that expensive? And surprising.

"Well, Lord Jarrice may take the cost of the place, but the pirates will recover the hassle of bothering to keep it alive."

Captain Young and Shaw poison the pirates and Lord Jarrice.

"So we need to rescue our sons. Right now, it's awkward to be augmented with a navy by the Kingdom of Iran. King Gregorius will put money and personnel in the Navy if he loses after a naval battle. Our long-time enemy, the Kingdom of Laurent, has a princess to daughter-in-law, and we've built the Great Wall of Baroa to consolidate our border protection, so this is our chance to strengthen the Shoboi Navy."

That was understandable to Shaw as well, but I find it difficult to rescue the hostages the pirates are hiding in Azit.

"And do you know Ajito?

I had a bad feeling about Ambassador Bacchus, who laughed at me.

"There's no pull out there. I originally had eyes in a couple of places. We have confirmed that the sons of the Marigold are trapped in Azito."

Shaw is impressed once again by the unusual Ambassador Bacchus's appointment as the resident ambassador of the dangerous Principality of Malta because of his high abilities. Now if you normalize your outfit and the way you talk, there's no problem, but I'm foolish inside.

Captain Young asks where Ajito is and understands why he needs the help of the Mascarade.

"The entrance to this cave can only pass during the dry tide. The Mascarade is going to wait offshore and board some boats to launch a raid on Aegit."

When Shaw heard Ambassador Bacchus' plan, he asked if the hostages would be killed if they were raiding through the entrance to such a narrow cave.

"That's right. So we need someone to infiltrate and save the lives of the hostages..."


Shaw and Captain Young, face to face. Ambassador Bacchus laughs nicely, and Shaw runs chills that aren't colds on his back.

"Actually, there's a secret passage from the palace through that cave in Azit. When we use that passage to exchange hostages, they bring us away from the palace."

"Isn't that proof that Lord Jarrice is a pirate's former fastener! There's a corridor like that, which means you're conspiring with pirates."

"Okay! You raid Ajito by boat from the sea, and you use the passage from the palace to raid and pinch him."

Ambassador Bacchus sighs in jealousy at the angry Shaw and the bloody Captain Young.

"Prince Shaw, that aisle has been around for a long time. It must have been a passage to escape to the sea when we were in crisis. If you're connected to the pirate Ajito, even if you blame Lord Jalis, you'll only be struck by Shira if you don't know that. I had heard from my father about the aisle, but fortunately I did not encounter a crisis like the one I would use. There's nothing you can do if you say it's horrible."

The voice of Ambassador Bacchus, Lord Jarrice, makes me laugh just like the conceited tone he met Chirali at Prince Stewart's wedding.

"Then occupy the palace by force, from afar..."

Captain Young shuts his mouth as he is watched with a glimpse of Shira.

"Lord Jalis is a pervert who loves beautiful people, both men and women. Especially if it's annoying to put it in your mouth, but I love King Aslan's face. That's, uh, beautiful, and I know you can't stand that arrogance, but it's thick. Sometimes I wanted to be scolded by King Aslan and wondered if he was doing such a stupid thing."

Shaw shook his neck sideways saying it wouldn't be there.

"Alas, I would ask King Aslan to scold me, but Lord Jalis is a rooted fool. I think Prince Shaw has a super-favorite face."

Captain Young, no! and scream.

"Don't put Prince Shaw in danger."

"Oh, I won't let Prince Shaw run into any danger. I just want to introduce you to Lord Jalis, my sister. She's a beautiful sister named Jasmine."

With that said, I can put a spook on Shaw's head to wonder where he got it out of.

"Shit! How beautiful!

Even though he remains in the man's outfit, Shaw looks like a beautiful princess, and Captain Young patches his eyes.

"You must be joking!

Shaw gets angry and throws away the jaws.

"Oh, you looked great. Now if you wear makeup and a woman's dress, you're a beautiful princess from anywhere. Plus, the next big tide night is a full moon, so you can move without lights in the garden at night. Captain Young, I promise I won't let Prince Shaw touch his rotten outer fingers."

Even the peril of the perverted Lord Jarrice, Captain Young worries that Shaw will join the raid on Azit using a secret passage from afar.

"I'm taking some handlers, so it's okay. Prince Shaw will see you later."

Shaw protested that he was raising his sword arm himself, but can he fight in a woman's dress? And I get stunned.

"So why don't you just use someone else? Samurai is full of beautiful men."

Ambassador Bacchus puts up one finger and complains as he swings to the side in a chitchat.

"Lord Jalis is tired of normal beautiful men and women. You're in love with King Aslan, like a moon or a star you'll never get. If I had a princess like that... I'd be so beautiful that I'd definitely want to take her away."

I got Ambassador Bacchus' perverted favorite compliment and it was a toad show.

"But doesn't Lord Jalis know I'm in Byzan, too?

If I found out Ambassador Bacchus was Prince Shaw, I would whine in my heart that he really wouldn't let me go home.

"Of course, that's how much Lord Jalis knows, but he's been rumouring that he's sick and in therapy, so it's okay."

It was some unconvincing shaw, but the boss wears it.

"Absolutely, it's weird. I'm 14 years old, and I'm tall. There's no such thing as a tall woman."

Ambassador Bacchus dyes his cheeks when his face protests so much, and Captain Young asks if he set up this operation with his hobby.

"Well, excuse me. There was no other operation, so I had no choice but to use Prince Shaw. Even I don't want to expose Prince Shaw to the perverted eye."

I was looked at with suspicion as to whether it was true, but Ambassador Bacchus' surface skin was thick.

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