Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

21 Hostage Liberation

"Why do I have to dress like a woman?

Even though there are two days until the Great Tide Day, when the entrance to the cave opens wide, Ambassador Bacchus presses Shaw to wear a woman's dress.

"You'll need to get used to a woman's dress. Besides, I have to resize it. Come on, try it on."

It's not an imperial-style dress, so it wasn't tightened or tightened, and it wasn't exposed because it's a high-profile princess outfit, but I don't wear pants, so I'm soooo restless.

"Well, I'm gonna fall in love with you."

Shaw is shocked even though he looks like his mother in the mirror.

"There's no such thing as a tall, chestless woman."

I was gassed and brushed beautifully with my hand trying to throw away a scratch in anger.

"My chest will attach to my clothes. The truth is, if Prince Shaw wears an imperial corset, he can make the most natural breasts, but he can't, can he? If you're not used to it, you'll have trouble breathing. I'll give up."

Ambassador Bacchus stabs a waiting needle to resize as he touches his sticky body as he says let's pack his waist a little or lengthen his hem.

"Hey, Ambassador Bacchus! You can leave that to the squire."

Ambassador Bacchus throws a frustrating gaze at Captain Young for not trying to leave Shaw's side.

"Captain Young! I guess you're ready for the Mascarade. If the captain isn't here, he won't have a clue."

"My officers are not clueless. Now get your hands off Prince Shaw's shoulder."

"What! It would be good enough to put your hands on your shoulders. Oh, you're jealous. The Navy is full of men during a long voyage. And Captain Young..."

Shaw gets sick and tired of the two low-dimensional arguments and throws away the cunt.

"Don't bother! Ambassador Bacchus, I don't think it's going to work very well. Why should I dress like a woman when I'm walking through a secret passage from the palace? You'll just have to sneak in!

Captain Young is right too! Agree.

"If that's going to work, I won't let Prince Shaw dress like a woman. Lord Jalis has the only key to the secret passage from the distance. Plus, there are many sturdy doors in the aisle. Well, if you're in danger for your life, you can buy time by closing the door while you run, right? Besides, Lord Jalis doesn't trust the pirate. You won't have trouble breaking into the palace from afar. It's always locked."

I don't know why you're so familiar with it, but you have to take away the secret passage keys Lord Jarrice has.

"Eh? Am I taking the keys from Lord Jalis?

"Well, I won't let you imitate that. Jasmine just needs to bring Lord Jalis away. We'll take care of it later."

When he puts his pants on his head, Ambassador Bacchus hugs him.

"What do you do!

Captain Young pulls Ambassador Bacchus away.

"Oh, I mistook you for my sister Jasmine."

There can be no such thing, Shaw and Captain Young sigh to be careful.

On the evening of Operation Hostage Liberation, Shaw was given a rose-scented bath and, under the guidance of Ambassador Bacchus, painted somewhat on his face.

"I'm going to be unable to breathe on my skin..."

Please meditate on my eyes because I draw eyelines, and Shaw, who was left to be told, was called out to be done and surprised by his face in the mirror.

"Makeup is amazing."

Of course Ambassador Bacchus was staring at Uttori and Shaw, but Captain Young is also surprised by the beauty of the world.

"You look just like King Aslan's face. She was cute before she put on makeup, but when she put her eyelines in, she turned into a beautiful woman."

Wearing a laced veil from his head and a woman's beaded shoes led him to an unfamiliar heel, and he had to grab onto Ambassador Bacchus's arm and walk.

"Then let's decide on the operation on time. If we don't get the keys to the secret passage, we'll fly Marion to the Mascarade."

On a music evening, Captain Young heads to the Mascarade, dropping off Ambassador Bacchus, who escorts his sister Jasmine.

The palace of the Principality of Malta had been invited a very small number of Lord Jalis' favourites.

"Oh, it's unusual for Ambassador Bacchus to bring a woman."

Ambassador Bacchus's hobbies were also known to the people of the Principality of Malta, so the way he was gently escorting women also caught Lord Jarrice's eye.

Called to the servant, Ambassador Bacchus goes out in front of Lord Jarrice and expresses his gratitude for the invitation. The couple caught the eye tonight with Ambassador Bacchus, who was wearing a white Southeast Islander male abbreviation on a boulder, and a beautiful woman in a veil with thin lace.

Lord Jarrice realizes that the woman with him is very pretty, even over the veil.

"Ambassador Bacchus, what about his wife?

Ambassador Bacchus is convinced that Lord Jarrice, who asks for an introduction, has been trapped.

"Oh, this says my sister Jasmine. For a little while, I'm staying in Byzan, but I brought him here on a music evening. Would you have liked that?

Ambassador Bacchus's sister? Lord Jarrice remembers Ambassador Bacchus drawing royal blood and looks back at King Aslan's bloody neat face. But the interest is directed more towards my sister and the introduced Princess Jasmine than at Ambassador Bacchus.

"Please, have a seat at this side"

Ambassador Bacchus was out of the way, but I can't even say that, so I'm gonna let you two hang next to me and take care of this.

"How about alcohol? It's champagne from the Kingdom of Iran."

Shaw is vulnerable to alcohol, and if he gets drunk about doing a rescue operation from now on, he's awkward, he leans down and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, my sister can't drink. He's just a kid."

Looking beside him, he looks just like King Aslan's face, and Lord Jarrice has risen, not worried about his tall height or anything. Just in the middle of the music, Shaw was in trouble with Lord Jarrice talking to me about this, but Ambassador Bacchus said, "Yes," "No," and "Come on? 'I was taught to just say,' That's great.

"Does Princess Jasmine like music?


"Are you new to Byzan? It'll be as busy as Leyte."

"Yeah, it's great."

Shaw is surprised at the idiocy of the man when he says it's okay to just talk about the conversation.

Lord Jarrice was getting it when the insipid princess was listening to his bragging with less words, but Shaw was listening appropriately.

"Ambassador Bacchus, I'd like to show Princess Jasmine the garden..."

Ambassador Bacchus puzzles me with that and asks if I can follow him from behind.

"I trust Lord Jalis, but Jasmine is my unmarried sister, so she won't let me out in the garden alone. But if we follow quite a bit later, I don't think it's going to be a bad thing to hear from each other."

In the eyes of Ambassador Bacchus, Lord Jalis was dissatisfied that it was a roundabout way to do things in the Southeast Islands, but takes his seat with the willingness to bring Jasmine away.

On the terrace leaving the palace, it is dangerous because it is a night lane, Ambassador Bacchus removed the veil.

"This is!

Lord Jalis loses his word in Jasmine's face, which rises to the light from the palace.

"Princess Jasmine is so beautiful."

Shaw was frightened by the sound of desire, and he had goosebumps.

"Now let me show you the garden"

I was offered an arm to escort, but I walk out of Yochiyochi thinking I absolutely didn't like it.

"Oh, it's dangerous."

Worried about Jasmine, who is likely to fall now, Lord Jalis directs her away. Sometimes, I looked back, but Ambassador Bacchus is pretty much following me, and Lord Jarrice is so happy to go away that he can't see me.

Ambassador Bacchus led the escorts away to ambush Lord Jalis.

"You're tired of walking. Let's get some rest."

This, porn jerk! Shaw follows away as Lord Jalis recommends, poisoning him in the heart.

Tea is prepared for Jasmine, who cannot drink alcohol away, and Lord Jalis lowers the servants in a good mood.

"No one has to come away until morning."

When I hear him giving instructions to the servant, Shaw is freaked out, but he is quiet thinking that such a jerk can do it himself or not.

"Would you like some tea?

Shaw recommended a tea filled with sleeping pills, smiling nicely. But Lord Jalis is not in the mood for tea or anything.

"Better than that..."

Lord Jarrice, who tried to refuse the tea offered, passed out after being struck in the neck by Ambassador Bacchus from behind.

"It's late! I thought I'd kill you."

More anger for Shaw to get pumped and angry! and sometimes on the inside, one of the servants apologizes for having to leave the palace hard.

I order the escort to take the key out of Lord Jarrice's pocket and roll it in brackets with rope and place it.

Ambassador Bacchus unlocked the key to the secret passage by letting the monkey bite in Lord Jarrice's handkerchief and making sure his hands and legs were tightly tied.

"Heh? Behind these paintings, there's a hidden entrance to the aisle."

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Shaw and the others proceeded quietly down the aisle where one person could finally pass. Ambassador Bacchus stopped his legs when he went through the door several times and approached the smell of the sea and an indescribable unpleasant smell.

"It's time for a dry tide. Prince Shaw, please wait here. The door behind you is locked, so there is no raid from behind. Just in case, use this key to escape to the palace."

Ambassador Bacchus gave me the keys and I thought Shaw made me dress even more to keep myself out of the fight.

Ambassador Bacchus quickly killed both of the prison guards without letting them give him one groan, with a light-hearted sword judgment that he didn't think was a civilian.

I took the keys from the watch and opened the hostages' cells, and it seems that Captain Young and his men raided the cave, and the screams and sword sounded.

"Stiffen the entrance!

The pirates in Asia left it to Captain Young, and Ambassador Bacchus measured the safety of the hostages.

Shaw was whimpering to see if the crew of the Mascarade were injured, but he would help the hostages open from the cell to take care of him.

Since they haven't taken a bath, the hostages, who had a pungent stench, are handed the rest of their numbered dinner to eat silently.

But even in this state, the soul of Yungfrau, the capital of love, is revived by a beautiful courtesan. I wiped my face and hands with dirty clothes to get the best of myself.

Ambassador Bacchus takes Shaw away from the hostages, saying that this is why the man in the Kingdom of Iran cannot be caught off guard.

"Ambassador Bacchus, we've taken control of this one."

After captain Young took control of the pirates in Azit and put the hostages on the boat, Ambassador Bacchus and Shaw head back through the secret passage to leave. When Ambassador Bacchus returned the keys to the secret passage to Lord Jarrice's pocket, he took Shaw home from the main entrance of the palace to the embassy in dignity.

"Hey, isn't Lord Jarrice mad that we rescued the hostages?

Ambassador Bacchus shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, you'll be angry, but you tried to choke on my sister, so I'll cut through Sila saying you just tied her up. Well, diplomacy is such a trick. Lord Jarrice will also know that the Southeast Islands have rescued the hostages, because you won't want to publicize aloud the secret passage away leads to Azit. Well, you wouldn't be ashamed to say that you were so obsessed with a beautiful princess."

At the embassy, Shaw washed away and refreshed the makeup applied to his face.

The hostages also use hot water, change into new clothes and eat guts and porridge.

"It's hard to say goodbye, but you better sail by morning"

Ambassador Bacchus drops me off and Shaw and the hostages board the Mascarade. Sands spared Marion his farewell, but with a promise of reunion Marion returned to the embassy with Ambassador Bacchus.

Before dawn, the Mascarade sailed through the port of Byzan.

Shaw leaned against the Sands and sent the wind into the sail, being careful not to overuse his magic.

"In the end, you're going to go through the Prius Canal and aim for mailing."

Captain Young was only slightly injured by Prince Shaw, who was sighing that he would stop by to deliver the hostages to Mailing.

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