Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

19 Wedding with Lara

Shaw's mitzvah was grand and the banquet lasted until late at night.

The invitees were surprised that Shaw and the other princes were really close. Some thought that the last prince had been chosen by the king and his brothers were unhappy that there might be a seed to tour the ploy. But the banquet also showed a willingness to celebrate Shaw's mitzvah by helping him entertain and recommending booze.

"The banquet in the Southeast Islands is one dish after another."

The hungry Rosalimond reached out and laughed when a bite of large dessert was brought in on a large plate with fruits and flowers, despite declaring to Stewart that he would not eat any more.

"Please taste this coconut dough. It's delicious."

Each of the dowries continued to entertain, especially Lara, who was careful not to get tired of the modest Liliana unfamiliar banquet.

Liliana smiles as she eats coconut dough in a recommended little vessel and is very tasty. Philip, the newlywed, is relieved that Liliana is friendly with Lara.

"Prince Shaw is a good entertainer."

Alexei spoke to Philip, who would be a whopping and brother-in-law because Rosina was being nice to Misha.

"Yeah, it's very good. There's a good crowd of people around Prince Shaw."

When Philip's alumni, who said so, were also excellent, Alexei was a little envious and wished to make the next Crown Prince take an easier path than he did.

Lara and Liliana were both talking about tomorrow's wedding.

"Weddings are plain in in the Southeast Islands. When the bride arrives at the bridegroom's mansion in the evening, all she has to do is make a offering and pray to the goddess of the sea and the god of the wind. There's no banquet, but I'll wear a bridesmaid costume."

Liliana asks what bridesmaid costume it is and Lara is happy to teach it to you in her ear.

The banquet was naturally dissolved and the number of people decreased slightly. When the foreign invitees left, the pardons left the ballroom.

Shaw, finally able to talk to his easy-going friends such as Pips and Seagal and Wonder, took a whopping breath. They were also supportive personnel when Shaw took the throne.

The heavy ministers also leave their seats to gather and make a wierd noise with only the young people and those who are personally close to Shaw. Shaw cut out that he intends to form a merchant fleet on Captain Cains.

"Merchant fleet! He's a noble man!

Captain Cains, who drank quite a bit of booze, expresses his joy by banging Shaw on the back with a bang.

"Captain Cains! You're pretty drunk."

Pips pulled Captain Cains away from Shaw.

"It seems impossible to discuss it tonight. Pips, I'm sorry, can you send me?

Captain Cains was drunk and said there was no such thing, but Pipps supported him and he left.

To cut it off, the banquet was open. In the royal palace, where the invitees returned, the servants quietly clean up after them.

Shaw remained a little drunk, so he headed to the new outdoor dragon house to hit the wind.

"Sands? Have you slept yet?

Sands had no interest in Shaw becoming Prince Wang, but he knew it was a celebration of the bonded Dragon Knight.

"Congratulations, Shaw"

Shaw flaunted his shoulder, wondering if he was really eye-catching.

"I can't believe you're my father's successor... I'm still being used to it, but it's going to be a life that has nothing to do with free time for the rest of my life"

And Shaw and Sands broke up over a honeymoon meeting.

On the morning of the wedding, rather than near noon, Shaw woke up. The outhouse has a rear palace section arranged across the courtyard, and furniture, clothing, etc. have already been brought into the room that will be Lara's new home.

When Shaw saw several female officers and samurai polishing the floor, decorating the vase with flowers, and preparing the bride unhesitatingly so that she could arrive whenever she wanted, she realized that she was marrying Lara.

"It's time to get dressed, Prince Shaw"

Speaking to the samurai, Shaw headed to the outhouse bathroom.

The bridegroom was relaxed, but the sisters who went to their daughter-in-law also returned at Kazim's mansion, making a fuss with this.

"Lara, you're going to my daughter-in-law... I've only got Mimi left, but I'm not in the Mansion for an apprenticeship dragon knight or anything"

Kazim was frightened by his daughters as Lara went to her daughter-in-law and got lonely, beginning to weep in the morning. Slowly having lunch in conjunction with the farewell party, a little Lara took a walk in the garden with her father to say goodbye to her daughter.

"When my relationship with Prince Shaw broke in, I didn't think I was going to be a king prince. I wanted you to live away from this mansion as a trail for me without my son."

Lara smiled at her father, whose gray hair stood out a little as she inhaled a cup of sea breeze.

"Father, I love Master Shaw. If you go into the rear palace, you won't be able to return home, but please be careful with your body."

Kazim hugs Lara and says sobbing that she's going to be fine.

"Not until hours, not if you're doing that. Lara, let's get started."

Labita, who became Karin's First Lady, also returned and watched her daughter and father break up, but if she did not open her hands, she would take her back to the mansion.

Wash your body carefully in a bath filled with rose scented oil and brush it from your toenails to the top of your head.

"You look great."

Labita kissed her daughter in prayer to make her happy when she wore her bridesmaid costume.

"I always wear white, so it feels weird."

"Lara, it's so beautiful."

With the admiration and blessings of her sisters and mother, Lara dyes her cheeks shyly.

The bridesmaid costume in the Southeast Islands was red and embroidered with gold thread. The veil is also thin enough red silk to be clear, with gold embellishments sewn on the edges, shaken by the wind to make a chilli and cool sound.

Mimi was horrified to think from the bottom of her heart that she looked beautiful in her sister's bride.

"Sister, happy..."

Lara hugged and kissed Mimi as a contender for Shaw's love, but still a pretty sister.

In the evening, a bride on board slowly headed to the royal palace. Compared to yesterday's lavish mitzvah, it's an easy dowry just for the bride and her father.

Shaw's new outhouse looked familiar to Kazim, who was born here.

"Lara, it's so beautiful."

From the moment Lara's face was seen snugly over the red thin silk veil, Shaw had other things disappeared from his head.

"Prince Shaw, please welcome my daughter Lara."

Handing Lara to Shaw, Kazim went back to the mansion.

They were obsessed with each other, but a woman officer gave them her marriage offering to head to the coast of the outhouse.

Staring at the remnants of the sunset, Shaw handed Lara the decorated leaf ship. Lara beautifully puts flowers, fruits, rice and sweets on the boat from the basin held by the woman official.

"We dedicate this ship to the Goddess of the Sea so that Master Shaw does not have trouble with food at sea. God of the wind, please take Master Shaw back to me."

Lara wrapped petals in the wind and floated a leafy ship in the sea.

When Shaw received a barrel of liquor from the samurai, he rolled the liquor well and poured all the rest into the sea.

"The goddess of the sea, the god of the wind. I marry Lara. May you live happily ever after."

Shaw held Lara and kissed her.

Aslan and Mia, who were watching from the coast of the royal palace, smiled, apparently safely having made their vows of marriage.

"Let's go comfort my brother."

Mia had sensed Shaw was planning a honeymoon with Lara, so there was no reason to let Aslan get away.

"I'll give it to you, too, because I heard that my daughter Labita is in the mansion."

Aslan realized Mia was never going to take her eyes off herself.

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