Still before dawn, Shaw looked lovely as the candlelight gently lit up Lara's face.

"Morning, Lara. I'd like to give you more sleep, but if you keep it slow, you won't be able to make it on your honeymoon."

Scratch her sleepy hair and kiss Lara's cheek to wake her up. Lara remembered last night and dyed her cheeks pop, but prepares that Shaw and I were planning on going on our honeymoon.

"You don't have to take the samurai? In the mansion I have prepared, I have my youngest daughter..."

Lara, born and raised as a princess, was always looked after by a samurai, but she wanted to spend her honeymoon alone with Master Shaw.

"It's okay, and it's a secret honeymoon."

It's still early in the morning, so I haven't even woken up the samurai and the ladies who work in the outhouse. When they softly get dressed, they head to the dragon house.

"Sands, wake up."

Shaw saddled the Sands, putting the two luggage behind him.

"Lara, come on!

Lara and Shaw traveled on their honeymoon with Sands.

"Aslan, Sands is out."

Last night at Kazim's mansion, where he had his daughter daughter-in-law, Aslan, accompanied by a self-abandoned drink, woke up with Meryl's voice.

"Why didn't you stop! Ouch... Brother Kazim, I'm sick of hearing you say stupid things... '

Aslan is rarely hungover and frowns at headaches.

"Where did Shaw go... A honeymoon is a thousand years early!

It is true that there is no honeymoon custom in the Southeast Islands, but Merrill the Dragon Rider is also stunned by Aslan, who does not omit his daily deeds.

"Come on, Sands didn't say anything."

Even his yell echoed in his head, and Aslan tried to sleep unfaithfully, but the bedroom door was ruthlessly opened.

"Who! Get out...... Ouch"

"King Aslan, invitees from all countries will come to greet you back home. Come on, come on, give me a hand."

Prime Minister Flanagan, with a full grin, pushed me to the bedroom and was Aslan, who regretted not sleeping in the men's forbidden rear house.

"Flanagan! Though you must be the Chancellor. I'm not a sidekick or a samurai."

Never let him get away with it, Aslan gets cursed at Flanagan, who also tries to watch him change his clothes.

"Because I am King Aslan's servant. Come on, look, I need to wash your face."

From a servant who does not come near for fear of the king of Aslan on the face of his face, he takes up the lavatory and offers it.

"Yes! Flanagan, okay, so give the lavatory back to the squire! He seems to be using Grandpa and is uncomfortable... Ouch..."

"Well, are you hungover? This is for King Aslan."

As Aslan gives up and starts dressing, Flanagan reads out the schedule.

Aslan, absolutely, will punish Shaw! And, I get angry as Flanagan listens to the second-in-charge schedule he reads. I decided to push him on the Hedge Kingdom thing. I think Aslan is a good opportunity when Shaw's way of thinking about the country is tested on how to solve it.

While Aslan's headache gets worse because of his tedious schedule overcrowding. Aslan takes all the medicine his squire has offered him in fear.

"Oh, and about the Foreign Secretary..."

"Uggh...... though it would be too yummy! Bring the water. I'll leave that to you."

Aslan frowned at the intense bitterness of the headache pills and said he would leave them to Flanagan. Aslan misses out that morning when the old fox Flanagan laughed niggardly, making him a feather he regrets.

On such a small island away from the royal palace, Shaw and Lara enjoyed a sea bath with Sands.

On the white sandy beach, the sunshine is made of cloth, bracketed with rope between the coconut trees. In the shade lay the rug, leaning against the colorful cushions, Shaw and Lara were indulgent watching the Sands jump into the sea.

"Sands really like seawater bathing."

Holding Lara wearing a yellow flower or a white bird patterned furlough on the blue land, the newlywed Shaw will be Yi when it's okay to leave Sands alone.

"Shaw? I wish I had brought Sloan with me."

Shaw, who was trying to untie the knot of the furthersail, absolutely not! And I scolded him in surprise.

"If Sloan comes with us, Pamela will come with us! I feel awkward accompanying my sister on her honeymoon."

Lara shook her head wanting to shy away from that, too.

"If you're bored, I'll play you."

It was in love mode, but the sun was still high, and Shaw took Lara's hand and ran into the sea, saying that Sands would take a nap on the beach if he enjoyed a sea bath.

"So relaxed. Long time no see."

Sands also enjoyed a sea bath, napping on the beach, and they both enjoyed eating and kissing each other fruit in the shade.

"Master Shaw has been busy. I was worried I'd break my body."

Shaw sighed that he had also been really busy the past year or two.

"Are you going to be busy now that you're Prince Wang? I have to discuss the merchant fleet with Captain Cains... and I'd like to be in the merchant fleet someday, on a trade journey."

Lara hoped that Shaw, who had no connection with her ambitions from the time she met her, would not be burdened with becoming Prince Wang.

I enjoyed my honeymoon watching the sunset, walking along the coast and eating a simple meal by myself, but I knew I couldn't be here until hours. That's why I loved time like a precious treasure for Shaw and for Lara.

When a week passed after Shaw was gone, the invitees returned to their respective countries and back to the ordinary royal palace.

And Besmel, as Interior Minister, supported Chancellor Flanagan at the Royal Palace, and a new Minister for Foreign Affairs was appointed. Prince Wang is on his honeymoon, but since King Aslan is in the royal palace, there should be no problem. But in Mia's room at the entrance to the rear palace, Aslan was working hard to find out where Shaw was.

"Hey, Mia? Where did Shaw go?"

Aslan asks if Mia absolutely knows where she is.

"Come on, where is it? Don't be so crunchy, how about some tea"

Mia offered her tea and wondered if she couldn't stand it for a week.

"We must resolve the Hedge Kingdom as soon as possible. Damn, I'm gonna have to go myself."

Isn't the Hedge Kingdom a pretext to escape the royal palace? and Mia stares at him, and Aslan is dismayed by his lack of credibility.

"You know Mia doesn't lie about politics... where is that color-blind kid?

I noticed that Aslan was really frustrated.

"Do we have to solve this urgently?

Mia asked what problems were raising with the hedge kingdom, but Aslan clouds his mouth if he is not clear.

"Dear Aslan, maybe the new foreign minister didn't like it and just allegedly ran away?

Aslan, who was drinking tea, could swallow it with the word Foreign Affairs Minister.

"I can't believe he's the Foreign Secretary, you flanagan! It would definitely be harassment of Besmel, who has assumed the post of Home Secretary, but I refuse too!

Mia shook her head that the new Bacchus Foreign Minister was water and oil because she was familiar with both the good and the faults of her ex-husband Besmel.

"Why did you appoint Ambassador Bacchus as Foreign Affairs Minister?

Offering him a cup of tea, Aslan is foolish that he was slaughtered by an old fox.

"It was a mistake to leave it to Flanagan. I thought I'd choose between Ambassador Nooton, Ambassador Pasham and Ambassador Lillick, so I left it to you... although it's true that Bacchus hasn't changed the number of years he's been an ambassador either... damn it! It would be impossible for the Foreign Secretary to be Bacchus. If this happens, I'm out of position early! Can you stay in the royal palace with that foreign minister?"

Mia snapped at Aslan's cheek, easily speaking of his dislocation.

"Don't tell me anything stupid! There's also Erica's connection and Pamela. Erica in the position of king and sister, Prince William will not marry her. I'm not going to let you leave until you decide what to do with Kitin and the kid."

Besides, Shaw is only 15 years old, and you speak ill of Heppoko or sweet when you put it in your mouth, so Mia attached it to her daughter's sweet Aslan weakness.

"Hmm, Mia's still sweet on Shaw. It's really time to settle the Hedge Kingdom thing. It would be better if he solved it against the Empire Three. I can't help it, I..."

Mia asked Aslan about the Hedge Kingdom and told Lara where she was while apologizing inside. Shaw was only telling Mia where to stay in case she had urgent business as Prince Wang when she went on her honeymoon.

"Che! Were you on such a shitty island? They won't find us on the street."

Isn't Mia less urgent about the Hedge Kingdom? and tried to pack into Aslan, but walked out the door gently.

As Mia was running to the dragon house, I saw Chancellor Flanagan also on his way from the royal palace.

"Prime Minister Flanagan! Stop Master Aslan! I asked him where Shaw was."

Chancellor Flanagan increased the speed of his run, but because he is old, he is short of breath with Zeizay and leans against a garden tree.

"I'm bringing Shaw home"

As he flew away in Merrill, Aslan laughed and told Chancellor Flanagan and Mia. The two left over yelled cursing murmurs at the dwarfing dragon.

Thus the days like the heavens of Shaw and Lara marked the end.

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