Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

2 Go exploratory voyage

The new shipbuilding Granada and Padma water intake ceremonies were also successfully completed, and the exploratory voyage began with the wind on a brand new sail. Captain Melt is giving instructions to Lieutenant Killer to get the crew used to the new Granada as soon as possible.

Shaw wants to fly to the easy-going Cadofel if he can, but if he does, he will put up with it because it will set a precedent for allowing Foreign Minister Bacchus to fly in from the Padma for nothing.

Since it is a normal route to Penang Island, Shaw has been instructed to conserve the magic of the wind in order to get used to the ship and is shabby and relaxed on the deck by Sands.

I thought Melt would leave the development of Sands Island to Captain Killer as he joins the expedition voyage, but I bitterly laugh that he is also a rooted warship rider when I see him vividly yelling at officers and cadets.

The development of Sands Island has been temporarily asked by Nash, whose landfill wharf rise in Leyte is over. Shaw thinks Nash would likely develop more flexibility than Melt because he was in and out of the military after coming to Karin for a time, because he was disciplined and was inherently a merchant.

I could leave it to Nash as it should be, but Melt doesn't want to let go of Sands Island because he suspects Aslan will take up the Granada when his expedition voyage is over.

"The construction of Reite's landfill wharf is going well, but on Brother Saleem, a scholarly skin, it is better suited to the development of the law and the construction of the university than to dealing with builders. Uncle Melt will take care of Sands Island at the end of the exploratory voyage, and I'll need you to help me with the landfill wharf on Brother Nash."

From the side, I seem to enjoy a relaxing voyage, but as long as I have time, this and the mountain stuffing problem come to mind. Shaw was busy before he became Prince Wang, but he sighed that he really needed to get close.

"Near too... we have to find the First Lady too. When I get back from my expedition, I'll marry Rosina, too."

Shaw made it easier to leave the sailing preparations to Minister of Military Affairs Dawson, who was good at making close plans with each captain, but was careful to say goodbye to Lara, Leticia and Rosina.

"I sucked with Rosina..."

I had a night sky observation date I had been promising to thank Misha for taking on Misha's entertainment at the mitzvah, but Shaw didn't think the First Lady would loosen the lookout after three months of marriage.

The beach facing the mansion had a romantic thin silk tent in the wind, set to take a light meal while looking up into the night sky.

Shaw lost his reason to motivated Rosina, but was interrupted by his daughter, Razlow Love. Until Lazlow gave it to his daughter-in-law, he wanted Rosina to be as clean as an angel.

Shaw puts his face in remembrance of the awkwardness of that time.

View the Padma and Cadfell sailing a little further away from Sands.

"I wish Brother Karin hadn't rubbed it with Foreign Minister Bacchus..."

My father sighs when he does terrible things to push Foreign Secretary Bacchus into the same ship, with Karin, who is serious or inconsiderate, and who is good or not.

"I wonder if I look so much like your father..."

During the sailing ceremony, as Prince Wang, and as head of the expedition, Bacchus was mellow to Shaw, who carried out the ceremony.

"You look like King Aslan every day."

After the Padma sailing ceremony, Shaw, whose eyes were about to be caught by Hart's Foreign Secretary Bacchus, was sent a helpship to Melt to return to the flagship.

I don't look like my father, not my face or my attitude! and return to the cabin foolishly on the inside.

Shaw was going to think slowly about what the consequences of this expedition would be. Shaw thought he didn't want to make a cruel history like the discovery of the Americas in his previous life.

What do you want from your father? And I fell asleep as I lay in bed thinking about it, feeling the rhythm of my voyage.

"Is Prince Shaw in the cabin?

Shall I wake Captain Killer up to Captain Melt in a good mood for a smooth voyage? I asked, but the answer came back with less words than no.

Unlike his brother, Aslan, Melt was tired of paying too much attention to this.

I was worried that if I didn't learn how to push someone else to do an unpleasant job, I'd die of overwork.

Successful stopovers to Penang Island to replenish water and food will begin a full exploratory voyage.

"Until near the equator, Brother Karin has completed his exploration, and plans to explore the northern hemisphere based on this island of A."

In a room on Penang Island lodging, Shaw gathers Captain Melt, Captain Lessa, Captain Karin, and Foreign Minister Bacchus for final confirmation.

"Isle A has no water, but is it okay?

Tell Karin Shaw checks the size of Isle A and says it's okay. Food, too, but securing water is the most important issue for sailors, so Karin's question tells other members that Shaw has a plan.

Foreign Secretary Bacchus, I need to talk to you for a minute.

Originally, plans for an exploratory voyage were made in Leyte, so they were dissolved only after confirmation on Penang Island, but Shaw had something to discuss with Bacchus.

With only a voyage to Penang Island, Karin, who has no room for Foreign Secretary Bacchus, is stunned by Shaw, who called him off.

"Well, what's the story?

It just freaks me out when a long-sleeved Bacchus puts his hands together in front of his chest like a maiden, and Melt and Lessa escape with Tot.

"Shaw, shall I stay too?

Karin speaks out wondering what it would be like to leave her brother in the room with a pervert.

"No, brother, please check to see if the supply was made of chitin. I'd like to discuss this with Foreign Secretary Bacchus."

Are you okay? I asked her back with my eyes, made sure she snorted, and then Karin went out of the room.

"Foreign Secretary Bacchus, please sit down there"

Shaw, who has become Prince Wang, will have a higher status than Bacchus, the Foreign Secretary, but he is aware that he has less experience in diplomacy and life.

Bacchus says that the arrogant King Aslan is nice, but not stupid King Shaw Prince is nice, too, and his chest cums.

"I may be... sweet, but I don't want to be a conqueror."

Bacchus laughs inside as sweet and sour as a blue apple, a young idealism.

A little silence flowed and Foreign Minister Bacchus smiled.

"I am under the command of Prince Shaw."

Shaw still sighs that he's not even a busy diplomat.

Foreign Minister Bacchus is one of his own men in the Expedition Voyage Corps, but he is basically King Aslan's minister.

Bacchus realizes that Shaw knew exactly what he meant back there because he was smart. This isn't all about idealism.

"No matter how worried you are, it doesn't make any sense. We need to find him faster than the Hedge Kingdom!

"I want to find it faster than the Hedge Kingdom, too. But what if it's not a deserted island? What kind of relationship do you have with those people? I wish they were friendly people, but if they were combative, I would be anxious to be able to replenish food and secure water..."

Shaw accidentally says his anxiety in his mouth and hacks.

"Foreign Secretary Bacchus, please forget what you're saying now. We're going to cross the equator, so rest your body."

Shaw wanted to talk to Foreign Minister Bacchus about how he should relate to the residents of the new island, but recognises that he is in a position where his country's interests must be given the highest priority.

"It is clear that the pursuit of one's own interests does not run into atrocities. I don't know how many people or cultural levels I have, but I want to act as a civilized person. Instead of pushing this culture... ahhh, I don't know."

Walking around the room with bumps and squeaks, Shaw thinks of a response for a long time. Foreign Secretary Bacchus brought snacks and tea when he heard a knock on the door with Con, Con, and.

"Is it time to organize your head?

While the two of us eat snacks, work out countermeasures at all hypothetical cultural and national levels.

"Let's actually discover the rest before we think about it. Prince Shaw will also embark on an exploratory voyage, so rest your body."

Until now, Shaw was grateful to Foreign Minister Bacchus.

"I'll get you a bath, flush your back..."

"Fine!" He yells, "Shaw leaves the room. He was a fine show naked because he had been taken care of by a samurai since he was a young boy, but I don't feel like having Bacchus flush his back.

I found a version or pips downstairs that I was having dinner with, and I thought I'd like to have them with you, but I don't want to because the other cadets are with me.

"Hey, let's have a drink together this way!

If I drink with Karin, Shaw says no and goes to the Sands.

'Cause I put Sands goats on it, too.'

When the hungry Sands nod satisfactorily, they begin to utter.

Shaw looks up at the star he sees as Rosina and groans that this star is also a goodbye for the time being. Shaw wrote to everyone, as there are many boats on Penang Island that return to Reite.

The exploratory voyage becomes longer than Shaw thought.

Lara, who received a letter from Shaw at Leite, did not know when she would be able to come back, but she chose a bright topic while away to write and entrust to Penang Island.

Rosina also wrote back with words wishing her safe sailing and romantic words such as can't wait for the wedding.

I don't think Leticia's was Reite's best geisha, the topic of pearl farming was written.

Even when Mimi and Melissa's letters replied in the distance reached Penang Island, Shaw and his exploratory voyage did not end.

The Cadofel and Padma took turns more than once, and the exploratory voyage continued while we went to Penang Island to pick up supplies.

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