Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

3 New Island Discovery!

"South of the northern regression line, you're done exploring. We found some small islands..."

The Granada and Cadofer are islands A north of Penang Island and receive supplies from the Padma. Thanks to Shaw's magic, each ship was also pumping true water into a barrel on Isle A.

Assemble Captain Melt, Captain Lessa, Captain Karin and Foreign Minister Bacchus in the captain's office on the Granada to rethink plans for future exploratory voyages while checking several newly discovered islands written on nautical charts.

"For an exploratory voyage north of the northern regression line, it would be better to use the F island, which is north of this A island, as a base. Plants are native to F Island, so you can graze livestock."

The F islands, slightly south of the newly found northern regression line, were larger and greener than the A islands, but no true water was found.

"Shaw, if there's a plant on this F island, I wonder if we can dig a well."

Karin fingers with a little regret the F Island found while the Padma went to Penang Island to pick up supplies.

"I don't know... if it's around the center of the island, it might not be brine..."

If a well is formed and true water is constantly replenished, everyone thinks it will be a convenient replenishment island for sailing. Shaw's magic ensures genuine water on Isle A, but Shaw is not always on the voyage.

Shaw looked difficult because there are snakes in the jungle.

"Shaw, is it possible that F Island is a jungle?

Karin, who hasn't actually seen F Island, turns her suspicious eye to her snake-hating brother.

"Brother Karin, it's nothing jungle, so you didn't cut off your exploration. We have confirmed that there is no real water, and we need to stop at Isle A to replenish the food..."

The water was secured on F Island, but Shaw explains that the search was cut off because there are plans to rendezvous with the Padma.

"If you can dig a well on F Island, it'll be a good supply island"

There is also the backing of the melt, and the future supply base will be on F Island. Melt's men had experience digging wells in the development of Sands Island, so they decided to send some people to F Island.

"If you're going to be a supply island, you can't have a wild name for F Island."

He was Foreign Minister Bacchus, who wouldn't speak out for planning an exploratory voyage, but complains that a name like the symbol doesn't taste good. Surely unlike Barren A Island, everyone sees Shaw's face.

"What? Am I going to name it?

Everyone's eyes say it's natural because he's in charge of the exploratory voyage.

"Uh-huh, yeah! F So what about Fine Island?

Everyone thought it was a less pinned name, but unlike Sands Island, it's really only a replenishment island, so write it on the nautical chart as Shaw says.

"Yeah, is that good?

Shaw also says it's a less pungent name, even though it's thoughtful. Other members immerse themselves in the task of ascertaining the route of the next exploratory voyage and pass through, such as Shaw's hesitation.

"I want to discover Shinjima soon, I know..."

Foreign Secretary Bacchus and Shaw shook their heads that they could not accompany a warship ride.

"Let's go to Sands Island for our next food supply. Fine is halfway between Penang and Sands, and we explored the north of Penang quite a bit."

After listening to everyone, Shaw makes a decision. The next supply was the Granada's turn, so I'm also looking forward to getting to Sands Island for the first time in a long time.

But the Granada went to Sands Island, no longer needing to go back to supply. With about ten well diggers and water on Fine Island, the northbound expedition discovered a new island for memorials.

"You can see the island shadow at 10 o'clock."

In the voice from the watch, check with the telescope.

"I'm going to see it as Sands!

Unlike during the previous voyage of discovery on the East Route, flight exploration in dragons was modest because it would be a long voyage of exploration, except for the story if you could see the island shadow. Captain Melt also returns his daily dragon haters and gets behind Shaw. From each ship, Cyrine and Marion also fly to a slightly visible island.

"Ahhh! Hedge Kingdom sent me. Ahh."

As we approached the island, the ship looked small. I don't care how you look at it, it's not an aboriginal ship, it seems like a Leite ship from a distance.

"They found you first."

Shaw felt sorry for himself, but since this new island is a southeast descent position from the Hedge Kingdom, he presses a sigh of sight to kill him. I will meet with Foreign Minister Bacchus face-to-face to confirm that we are going ahead by replenishing our food and water on this new island.

"Oh? Looks like you've been pretty damaged by the storm."

I would have bought a new shipbuilding in Late, but I could see from a distance that it was damaged. Captain Lessa, who is being put on the cylinder, gets angry because this is why amateurs are ship loaves when they are in trouble.

"It's a new shipbuilding, but it's not taken care of! Because amateurs in the hedge kingdom sail far away and so on! We just need to grow goats."

We couldn't beat the storm because it was a new shipbuilding from Leyte, and we all got angry at the sailor who sold the ship to the Hedge Kingdom that he managed to discover the new island.

"Well, it's pointless to impose regulations on merchants in the Southeast Islands."

We are all convinced that it will certainly not even hang on teeth, such as regulations, in the national identity of our own country. When I'm determined to come up with a way out, I stop shifting responsibility to the sailor and admit that I was cleanly late for this discovery of the new island.

Three heads descend on the beach where Bassa Bassa and the Kingdom of Hedge are based for development.

"Welcome to Lutos Island"

Gee! I can't believe it's the king's name, even though they're all owner-conscious.

On the beach where the development base or tent was built, indigenous figures were seen chilling.

But Shaw refrains from talking because just a few high-floor houses could be confirmed from above and there is no way the state is forming. I wonder if it's about the same size as Sands Island, but it's not the jungle because it's north of the tropics.

Shaw negotiates water and food supplies with the head of Lutos Island. And I wanted to keep the three dragons fed.

The inhabitants of Lutos Island caught fish at sea and cultivated potatoes in baked field farming. We also had livestock, but it looks like the crew of the Hedge Kingdom who arrived earlier ate it.

"You can do whatever you want..."

Shaw is irritated by the attitude of directing unspoken indigenous people in our face, but controlled by Foreign Minister Bacchus with his eyes.

"Prince Shaw, Shirin says there are wild animals behind the island. Is it illegal for a dragon to hunt on its own?

I decided to let the dragons hunt on their own if they didn't notice the hedge kingdom would be fine. Less in the hedge kingdom, but there were dragon knights, but they weren't dispatched to Lutos Island, so the three dragon knights laugh damned if they don't notice.

Leaving the price negotiations for water and food with the head of the hedging kingdom of assiduous nationality to Foreign Minister Bacchus, who has not lost this one in commerce, Shaw explores the island with other members.

We all regret that there are streams running near the indigenous houses and that we have been delayed in discovering the island of Lutos with its true water.

"Is that it? This..."

All I could see from above was a high-floor house, but apparently there are a few other small houses in the village besides high-floor dwellings.

Shaw found an old man writing some kind of letter on a wooden board in that high-floor residence.

The Southeast Islands also used to speak other languages, but imperial languages, which are convenient for trading, are the official languages. Shaw gestures and tells the old man he wants me to show him the tree.

Thin trees have holes in their ends, and they're spelled out with leather strings.

"This... you can read dragons, right? Three... that means I'm here on three dragon islands."

Can you read it to Pipps? I asked, but I shake my neck sideways because I'm from a village where I couldn't even read my real name. The real name resembles kanji, but Shaw thinks that Lutos Island's is close to kanji and the pseudonym that broke it.

"Can we talk about it?

Borrowing a new wooden board and brush from the old man in gesture, Shaw tells him that he is from the Southeast Islands, remembering the Chinese language of his previous life.

The old man stares as he ponders the letters and slaps his forehead that he finds out hah.

"Name... right..."

As soon as Shaw wrote 'Sho' on the offered tree, the wind passes through the high-floor residence.

"What the fuck!

Melt realized that the wind was not a natural thing.

The old man gets excited and speaks out loud, but Shaw doesn't understand. Suppressing the frustration that his words do not understand, the old man holds down the letter 'Sho' and then points to Shaw and gives it away by writing a letter that can be read 'People' and 'Essence'.

"Oh! You're saying 'Sho' is the real name that shows my nature."

The words don't make sense, but the old man nods contentedly that Shaw understood what he was trying to say.

And write 'Wind' and give it to me.

"I want to say that I have the magic of the wind."

Shaw is talking to the old man, and Melt and Karin still see that there are places where they can't get the hang of it.

Pips and Captain Lessa presume that the ancestors of the inhabitants of Lutos Island apparently fled the empire. Both Shaw and Pipps' ancestors escaped the empire, so I thought it was no surprise that they were elsewhere.

Shaw asked in a written statement if there were any other islands inhabited by people, but the grammar is vague and the letters have collapsed over the years, so the old man shook his neck sideways to see if he could understand the meaning.

"It's awful - I can't believe you're letting me negotiate prices on such a hot beach and it's hitting such a pleasant breeze"

With the advent of Bacchus, the bad Melt and Karin escaped.

"It's time for the Cadfell to arrive."

If we can't have two strangers, an old man and Prince Shaw, we leave Pipps behind and Captain Lessa escapes, too.

"Oh? This letter..."

Take the board of trees from Shaw, and Bacchus squeals his true name.

"Can you read it?

Shaw asks with a little anticipation, but replies that he only knows a few letters.

"At the University of Paloma, I learned from a dandy little man named Professor Lyshower."

Shaw laughed that he was Professor Alex's teacher, but Bacchus frowned.

"Professor Alex? That freak became a professor?

Which is the freak, Shaw withheld his comment.

"Apparently, you're a descendant who's fled the empire. I wrote about whether anyone had escaped to another island, but I don't like grammar, and the letters are changing over time and I can't get through."

Bacchus, a diplomat, basically speaks imperial as an official language, but he also masters many local languages, so he speaks when he tries them out in a language close to that of Lutos Island.

"It's going to take a long time, so King Shaw should spend some time washing his body."

Competent and kind, but for some reason Shaw feels like he doesn't want to wash his body because he feels told he stinks on a long voyage.

"Come on, let's go!

When Pips prompted me to go out to the beach, a boat was unloaded from three warships and barrels were placed to draw water. Each captain is paying gold coins to the head of the kerchief hedge kingdom.

The head of the kerchief hedge kingdom, but for once, King Shaw's welcome feast seems to be open.

Are you satisfied, Sands?

"It's similar to a buffalo, but it's wild, so it wasn't fatty. But I ate two of them, so I'm full."

The other dragons were full and made sure they were asleep on the beach, and Shaw washed his body with Pips and the creek.

Shaw heads to the welcoming feast of the Hedge Kingdom in a sneaky manner. Shaw expected the scent of roasting the proud Hedge Kingdom goats on the coast, but was charged and flashed.

"Isn't that a welcome feast?

Shaw thinks of the tired crew on a long voyage, suppresses angst and pays the price.

"If you're carrying goats from your own country, you don't have to eat livestock from Lutos Island..."

Gabriel bites off the salty goat angrily, and Shaw eats munchies.

"At this rate, then, I wonder if the inhabitants of Lutos Island will be exploited..."

Shaw once again regrets not being able to discover it first.

"Uh-huh, good smell!

I shudder to believe that Foreign Secretary Bacchus, who sat down beside Shaw, said what he felt smelled like a goat.

Bacchus takes the goat out of the banquet with an eye on Shaw when he eats quickly, even though he is an elegant handful. He was taken out to an unpopular coast, but Shaw felt Foreign Secretary Bacchus had gotten some information from the old man.

"It's vague information, the old man says there's a bunch of people who have fled farther than Lutos Island. But after that, it's unclear whether he arrived somewhere safely because of a lack of communication or whether he became an algae chip in the ocean. But I'm sure he's headed east."

The expedition heads east, saying that a long stay on the island of Lutos, where the welcome feast also demands a fee, is unnecessary.

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