An expedition that sailed at the end of May returned to Reite for the first time in a long time after a three-month voyage.

"I didn't think you'd be on such a long voyage"

Shaw was on his honeymoon. I can feel the urge to fly away in the Sands that Lara is living a meticulous life out of the palace.

However, since we are young as deputy mayor of the village of Haynes in the newly joined United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands and as deputy of Wombin Island, we invite Lulub, we cannot act with emotion.

"It's a great city."

Lulub on Wombin Island has a patchy eye and a view of the thriving city of Leyte. Of course, Acting Village Manager Haynes was also struck by the prosperity of Reite, the capital of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, and the vitality of more than 100 large, small and medium-sized ships staying at Ikari.

"Prince Shaw? Could that be the royal palace?

Lulub points at the group of white Asian buildings built on high ground with astonishment, as he looks down at Reite.

"Oh, yeah. Lulub will live in the royal palace until he gets used to being a dragon knight. It's okay, there's a coast behind the royal palace, so you can swim like Wombin Island."

Lulub, who was brought from the lazy island of Wombin to Leite, where he is said to take out the eyes of a living horse, plans to take care of him out of the palace until he gets used to life on this side and his studies catch up.

Acting Mayor Haynes appeases Shaw even though he is kind enough to take care of Lulub. I was able to confirm that Shaw, who would be the son-in-law of my daughter Esmeralda, had a kind and honest personality, and that he would take good care of my grandchildren in the future.

Since Pipps was flying with Cyrin from the Cadofel to foreshadow his return to the Royal Palace, he welcomes the three expeditions and excludes the ships that were staying at the port of Leyte from the side.

Shaw smiles even though the landfill wharf construction is well underway.

"What is that?

Explain to Acting Mayor Haynes, who asks the question, that Shaw is not as deep a port as Morrison Bay, so he is in the process of constructing a landfill wharf.

"That pile over there is the base of the bridge! Construction is underway while I'm away for a little while, and I'm relieved."

Acting Mayor Haynes wondered if the young Shaw was promoting this huge project.

"Ah, you've been picked up from the royal palace. Acting Mayor Haynes will be at Molly the Dragon Rider, won't he? Let's get Lulub on the Sands."

Head to the royal palace with the lead of the royal palace stuffed dragon knight. We usually land in the garden in front of the dragon house, but today we land at the main entrance of the royal palace because our guests are accompanying us.

"Wow! I've never seen a building this big."

Lulub on Wombin Island, as surprised as it is by the village of Messina, puts his eyes on the fountains and the many royal palaces surrounded by beautiful flowers and green gardens.

Let's wait at the Dragon House.

As Sands will take care of Molly and the other dragons, Shaw will guide Acting Village Manager Haynes and Lulub along with Foreign Minister Bacchus and Captain Mert, Captain Karin and Captain Lessa during a glance.


Lulub looks up at the stunning decorative sculpture on the ceiling and accidentally raises his voice, hurrying to close his mouth.

Because on the throne in the front, and on Lulub, who has never seen a king before, this is the king! And King Aslan, trembling, sat down, because he was looking this way.

"Lulub, it's okay to be normal."

I get nervous and cocky and talk with my hands on Lulub's shoulder where my hands and feet don't move.

"Prince Shaw... you're the king's prince..."

Looking up at Shaw's smiling face and resembling the king, Lulub mouths the obvious.

"Well, it will, won't it? Not really, I don't think he looks like your father... but let's go say hello and meet the dragons"

Unlike the village of Messina on the island of Izmal, where there is vast undisclosed land, Wombin, much like my grandfather Mario, is not discussed at this time.

I bought up a ship so the Hedge Kingdom won't be able to sail to Wombin Island either, and if Izmal Island develops, its role as a supply base will increase, but it's not a matter of urgency.

However, the deputy mayor of the village of Haynes in the village of Messina had a pile of things to discuss, such as the scope of the village's autonomy, the development of Morrison Bay and the reception of immigrants to unexplored lands.

Haynes struggles to contain the knee tremor that he was so intimidated by the king.

Haynes found it strange that King Aslan chose King Shaw's prince, who was warm and soft in his waist, as his successor, for whom the word arrogance suited.

Even because he is a dragon knight, he was explained to Shaw beforehand that he is not much respected in the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, so acting mayor Haynes walks to the throne thinking that that does not seem to be the reason he was chosen as his successor.

"Father, I returned from an exploratory voyage. This is the Acting Mayor of the village of Haynes in the village of Messina. And that kid is Lulub, the grandson of Elder Janus on Wombin Island. He wants to study abroad at Leyte to become a Dragon Knight."

Acting Mayor Haynes bows down and introduces himself.

"My name is Haynes and I am acting village chief of the village of Messina. I have come to greet the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, which has been granted membership."

Lulub smiles and is prompted by Shaw, he bows his pepper head and says his name.

"This is Lulub on Wombin Island. I want to be a dragon knight."

King Aslan got in a good mood that he was a new dragon knight, but he wouldn't put it on his face.

"You've come a long way. Lulub will admit to training as a dragon knight, so do your best. There's something we need to discuss with Acting Mayor Haynes. But first, it's good to soothe the fatigue of the voyage"

As King Aslan, it's a very sweet word, but Lulub freaks out and hardens into an arrogant atmosphere. Acting Mayor Haynes remains intimidated by King Aslan and heads off to a detachment guided by Shaw.

There is a stunning carpet in the marble building of White Asia, because it is a place to entertain guests at the Royal Palace. The windows are taken large due to the characteristics of the buildings in the Southeast Islands, with floral winds blowing in from the lush gardens.

"Come on, please forgive me"

The two sit down with Boosen, as recommended by the low couch. Back off as the samurai brought the aromatic tea and sweets, Shaw recommends the tea to the two nervous.

"Delicious tea."

Take a sip and Haynes is slightly released from King Aslan's curse. Lulub, who also looked up at the top saying that this remote ceiling was amazing, also regained his vitality with tea and sweets.

"I wonder if I can do it here..."

To Lulub, who lost confidence in the brilliant royal palace, Shaw laughs that this is special because it's a room to entertain guests.

But Haynes thought Shaw was a prince again, looking generous and drinking tea in this luxurious room.

"Acting Mayor Haynes will have a banquet tonight, although discussions are scheduled to begin tomorrow. There are many banquets in the Southeast Islands. It will surely be longer, as it will be a celebration of the accession of the village of Messina and Wombin to the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands and a banquet to labor for the successful completion of the exploratory voyage. You should take a bath or take a break before then."

The dragons had just eaten a cow on the island before they got to Reite, but Haynes would like to meet Molly the dragon rider before the bath. Shaw leads the two to the dragon house that it would be okay for him to meet the dragons because his father accepted Lulub's Dragon Knight study abroad.

In the dragon house of the royal palace, Meryl was spoiling the Sands returning from her voyage. Sloan the dragon, Shaw! and comes running according to it.

Sloan, you've grown up.

Lulub became obsessed with the cute little dragon, but I'm disappointed to hear he already has a partner.

"Molly, have you healed your fatigue?

Haynes is healing himself on the side of Molly the Dragon Rider.

"Lulub, the dragons over there haven't decided on a partner. Look, I'm looking at this one."

The dragons, who slept in the back of the dragon house, rise to realize the qualities of Lulub's dragon knight and peek intrigued into his face.

"Wow! You have so many dragons ~. I wish my brother Ren had come too"

Lulub's brother Ren is ten years old, so he objected to his parents coming to the distant laite.

"Yeah, but if Lulub becomes a dragon knight, it'll be easier for Ren to convince his parents, so good luck."

Shaw is horrified by Lulub, who has regained his energy. When he takes the two back to leave and lets the samurai prepare a bath or something, Shaw finally returns to his own detachment.

Acting Mayor Haynes and Lulub prepared a bath while several servants took care of them, but seeing King Aslan again at the banquet was a horrible, more complicated feeling to want to see.

... that's the king...

Haynes spent a full time thinking about King Aslan when he bathed alone, as he was lowering his squire.

At the same time, we believe that King Shaw's prince was conducting the expedition, so we were able to immediately decide to join the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands.

Haynes imagines what would have happened to us if King Aslan had come to the village of Messina. As a result, he would have been under the umbrella of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, but felt intimidated and might have been more vigilant. Was King Aslan thinking that far when he dispatched King Shaw Prince with a relaxed atmosphere twisting his neck?

He wanted to know more about Shaw as Esmeralda's father, not just as a deputy village chief in the village of Messina, but questioned why he was not chosen as his successor when Captain Karin, who was accompanying him on an exploratory voyage, was also a prince.

"You'll see the other princes at the banquet. You may see why the Sixth Prince Shaw was chosen as the King Prince."

Haynes, who will be the uncle of Prince Shaw, wanted to know the criteria for determining the successor of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands.

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