Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

2 People who are away

Shaw leaves Acting Mayor Haynes and Lulub to his squire to take care of him and return to the outhouse for a long time.

"Lara, I'm home"

Knowing Shaw's return at the rear palace, Lara, waiting, jumps at her newlywed husband.

"Congratulations on your return, Master Shaw"

To greet them after kissing them, the women sneer and laugh, but reluctantly take their seats off the two newlyweds.

"Lara, I missed you."

"Me too..."

I want to be gone all the time, but I have a banquet tonight.

"I really hate banquets..."

It will be late at night to Lara, so tell her to stay asleep and go back to the outhouse for the banquet.

Shaw leaves it to the three side servants, Razley, Kerrigan and Tomash, to also take care of Acting Mayor Haynes and Lulub.

"Acting mayor of Haynes is also scheduled for a meeting, but I also want you to learn about the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands by visiting Leyte. I'll show you along, but Lazley wants you to respond to all my requests while I'm on other business."

Instruct the side servants as they soak up the bath. Lazley, who is good at courtesy and glamour, will focus on taking care of Acting Mayor Haynes.

"Later, Lulub will be a dragon knight, but I'll take care of him in the outhouse for the time being, Tomash, so take care of him. I'm going to live for the time being in the room Pipps was using."

Instruct the serene and caring tomash to entrust the care of Lulub to teach him to read and write in the official language first.

"And Kerrigan, three merchant ships from Hedge Kingdom are bringing goats here, so sell them to livestock dealers. Captain Cains doesn't seem to be in Leyte right now, but have you heard of his plans?

While soaking up the bath, I also quickly report the work I had been entrusted to while away to Shaw, who can run errands one after the other to the three sidekicks.

"Well, Leticia's pearl farming transplanted a nucleus into the mother shellfish, and you hung it on a raft. Now I'm in the middle of planting an egg on a cedar branch into a naive shellfish..."

I think I need to go see Leticia as well and ask her how the pearl farming is progressing, but it's imperative that she can't go home because it's colourful. I feel bad for Lara for letting me leave early in my newlywedding.

Make a note to the side service to change your mind and improve the shortcomings of the rain gappa.

"The officers are fine with that, but the crew climbing the mast will be stirred by the wind. Tell him I need to split it between my jacket and my pants."

If it's not time to be supportive, the waiters are frustrated when they're late for the banquet, so I'll do so tonight.

However, the side service is that I bought three merchant ships, which means forming a merchant fleet, so I keep my mind tight that it is certain that there will be more chores.

Shaw, I'm refraining from marrying Rosina, and I'm marrying Melissa, so I'm going to have to find the First Lady to take care of the backyard, and I'm going to change to a short courtesy dress.

The incense of the torched dragonfly incense gives me a real feeling of being back in Leyte.

"What a luxury to burn such an expensive incense..."

I complain of bumps, but the samurai are unwilling to stop using the pure dragonfly incense that is only allowed to the king and the king prince. And Mi, the First Lady of King Aslan, gave me lots of dragonfly incense as a celebration during the ritual.

I think Shaw is a luxury because he also feels it is a gift from Dragonfly incense, with the lesson that he should be aware of his position as Prince Mia's king, but I won't say it until the ban on use.

As King Aslan's First Lady, what are you going to do without showing your authority that it's money enough to burn expensive dragon incense into your clothes! And Mia thinks.

"First Lady Hey..."

Shaw grew up feeling that his father trusted Mia the First Lady from an early age, so I wish I could find someone like that for myself.

"If Leticia wasn't so colorful, I'd have her be the First Lady..."

I leave pearl farming to Leticia, but because of her ability, I want to leave the management of the merchant fleet to her if that's true. Shaw thinks of bumps as he asks his samurai to tie a decorative belt.

"It's time for the banquet to begin, if the guest of honor is late, he won't dress up"

The guest of honor is Acting Village Chief Haynes, Lulub and the captains, so watch out for the razzlies on the sidelines and head away. While dropping off Shaw, I laugh bitterly that the sidekicks are still captains of an exploratory voyage that has made both islands join the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands.

Acting mayor of Haynes and Lulub were surprised by the sumptuousness of the banquet in the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands.

"I told you in advance to refrain from spicy foods, but you should try some."

Representing Mayor Haynes worries Shaw, who takes care of Lulub in detail, that is not the case. He wants to talk to Shaw, and the nagging heavy ministers and the captains of the navy are turning a far-flung, hot gaze.

However, Shaw continues to entertain Acting Mayor Haynes and Lulub through such gaze and so on.

"Prince Shaw, do you mind?

Acting mayor Haynes worries, and he refers to the people who send his gaze in the cup as quick.

"Oh...... it's good. I know what they want to talk about..."

Civilians want to be involved in the development of Ishmal Island, and the martial arts officials want to join in surveying and setting up supply bases, and they feel that Shaw's gaze is about to burn.

Laughing at the banquet and talking about work and other taboos, I would recommend alcohol to Acting Mayor Haynes.

Haynes grows up exposed to ministerial gaze as a prince, because he can't sit calmly while other personnel.

But Prince Shaw is captured by Foreign Minister Bacchus and taken out of the ballroom.

I don't like banquets, but what is it? and taken out to the courtyard, Shaw looks surprised.

"I thought it would be better if you took a break..."

He did drink the cup back while recommending it to Acting Mayor Haynes, but he looked suspicious even though he was not so drunk.

"Did something go wrong?

Shaw worries if something went wrong while he was guiding Acting Mayor Haynes and Lulub away from the Royal Palace or to the Dragon House.

"You don't know it yet. I'm not saying this from my mouth, but you should visit Leticia as soon as possible."

I know Foreign Minister Bacchus won't say anything extra, although it's a way of saying things got stuck in his back teeth.

Shaw called Sands and headed to Leticia's mansion.

"Dear Shaw, I heard it was a banquet tonight..."

Shaw feels suspicious about Leticia, who greeted her at night without putting too many lights on.

"Why are you lighting the mansion..."

The moon appeared from the clouds and raised the figure of Leticia.

"Leticia! Are you pregnant?

The thin, creased waist area looks a little plump. Leticia looks a little troubled by Shaw, who is happy to hug her.

"Before Lady Lara, I wasn't planning on getting pregnant..."

Hah, Shaw realized why Foreign Minister Bacchus told him to go see Leticia as soon as possible.

"I'd be mad if I said something stupid!

Geez, I was held tight, and Leticia cried that she could hardly make up her mind.

Leticia had been worried since she became pregnant that she was not in a position to be the wife of Prince Wang. The whorehouse also had drugs for child lowering, so Leticia thought until the other wives gave birth to princes and princesses, but hesitated to take them when she got pregnant.

"Pay attention to your body and have a healthy baby."

Relaxed on the couch, hugged from behind and gently told, Leticia wonders why she found out.

"It's a secret."

With that said, Shaw also wondered why Foreign Minister Bacchus noticed Leticia's pregnancy and hesitation as soon as he returned home.

The two of us spent the first night back home discussing our lives to come.

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