Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

18 Rosina's Dowry

Rosina was awaiting Shaw's return from the Kingdom of Laurent.

The Cadofel has returned to port.

They're finally home! and Rosina made her chest dance, but still newlywed Lara waits in the back palace, struggling to contain her jealousy and dismay.

"Come on, you're so crummy, it's not gonna be anything. We need to brush it up by the wedding!

Leticia, whose rival is beauty and color, became pregnant, and Lara, who was the bridegroom since her youngest years, is the first to be married. If you don't have time to be foolish, Rosina will be much more patient and focused on taking care of you now for the sake of Shaw the Hair Fetish.

His father, Lazlow, couldn't help but miss Rosina entering the backyard, who was adorable for being his youngest son and looking like an angel. I'd like to take care of the days that are left, but the person doesn't even treat me because I'm in the mood to take care of them when I'm Second Lady.

I try to be foolish with First Lady Natalie, but she didn't even deal with me here because I'm in the mood for a better dowry support than Lara.

"Dear Lazlow, I thought you were missed in the dowry of Princess Rosina..."

Ashend, my daughter's son-in-law, brought her daughter Amelia to visit with me for dinner. Ashend becomes Lara's uncle, his beloved daughter's rival, but, well, Razlow himself is his uncle, and gives priority to those who distract him from loneliness over that.

Rosina was seated for dinner with Ashend and her sister, as she was told by the First Lady to take care of her hair and get her father in a bit of a mood.

Ashend and his father talk about building roads, like it's a bridge that will be access to landfill wharves, so Rosina goes out into the garden with her sister and asks about the must-have for her marriage.

"Rosina, I'm not going to set an example for you. Master Ashend has a couple of wives, but I'm married from the royal family. I'm your second wife, and I want you to take care of her."

Rosina nods that if she does marry a man other than Shaw, she is likely to be the Second Lady of herself from the royal family.

"You must always use your nerves to keep your wife from getting out! Leticia and Melissa say they want to be the First Lady, but with that beauty and color, they're hard to find. Maybe Melissa will spend quite a few years in the back palace...... don't beat Lara or Melissa!

Amelia thought Leticia, considerably older than Shaw, would never be the Second Lady, but encourages her cousins Lara and Melissa to be powerful rivals to her sister. Rosina confesses her anxiety before entering the rear palace on her sister.

"Isn't that all? I'm not close to Mimi. If it's just Lara, there's a gap. Besides, Master Shaw intended to accompany me as a partner in diplomacy, when visiting a foreign country, but the Kingdom of Iran will be accompanied by Mimi, who studied with me in Ludenheim, because Princess Erica will be his wife. In the Kingdom of Cazaria, Melissa studied at the University of Paloma and the royal people over there like her. The Kingdom of Laurent is probably because Princess Misha has a fever for Master Shaw..."

Amelia also understands her sister's delicate position and contemplates it for the time being.

"Rosina, don't be weak! Even if Mimi is close to Princess Erica, she can't have diplomacy! Besides, Melissa has too much color, so it's not suitable for the social world that wants to cheat on all the marriages in the old empire. Princess Misha would like King Rudolph to return home during his life, and Master Shaw would accompany him, but she can't trust a princess from another country to use it for diplomacy! You study hard and smile innocently like you don't know anything!

Rosina is exhorted by her sister to reinvigorate her temper.

"Well, there are plenty of diplomatic counterparts, like the Golce continent and that cold hedging kingdom! Oh, Leticia and Mimi gave me the entertainment of the royal family of the Golce continent for Master Shaw's bar mitzvah."

Amelia encourages Rosina to say how Mimi was just moving according to Leticia's instructions.

"While Master Shaw was away, Leticia seemed to get along with Lara. This information was purchased confidentially from a female official. Apparently, Leticia is going to be the understudy until the First Lady decides not to rub it in the back palace. That's why I'm here tonight to advise you. It's a loss to fight Leticia. Get information about the royalty of the Golce continent from your sister Leticia."

Amelia also had information that Lara had gone on a second honeymoon with Shaw, but she didn't tell her upcoming daughter-in-law sister that it was harsh. As the two strolled through the moon-night garden, Rosina was advised by her sister of all the wisdom of surviving in the rear palace.

"Until Mimi gets married, her immediate rival will be Lara. But don't show your jealousy to King Shaw. My lords don't like to be bothered, let alone have other wives. You shouldn't imitate anything that drives you anywhere."

Rosina took sincerely the advice from her sister before her daughter-in-law that Amelia was a royal woman and had not easily obtained the seat of the Second Lady. The two headed to the salon, saying it would be time for the architectural stories of Father and Ashend to fit in.

Lazlow, whose liquor soaked up while arguing, can hold her dear daughter Rosina and stop marrying her in the womb! And I cried out.

"Well, Father! I'm not going to marry anyone but Master Shaw!

Natalie, the First Lady, scolded Lazlo, who cried and told her daughter not to have a daughter-in-law anywhere, and the feast ended.

"Oh, man, I don't know if Rosina's gonna be like this for a week until she gets married."

I sighed that I had to call my son tomorrow to distract him from his loneliness as I let him take Lazlo the Crying Uedo to his bedroom.

"Nevertheless, Prince Shaw seems obsessed with Lara..."

You can never let Rosina know you're on your second honeymoon. In an effort to keep this one busy, plan a visit to Master Ruby, the real mother of Prince Shaw. The First Lady's work is very difficult.

I can understand Lazlow's loneliness, but you decided to deal with your daughters who went out to your daughter-in-law and your independent sons, and Natalie's head bothers me that Rosina also wants to set aside an unbeatable amount of money for the huge bribes the First Lady of Kazim has prepared.

"Master Kazim doesn't have a son, so he didn't need independent funding..."

Natalie wanted to be foolish, but didn't want to lose to Euan, Kazim's first lady, that it would be harder to have a mansion, a boat, etc. that would give her son the life he deserved than a bribe when she gave her daughter to her daughter-in-law. Put on the First Lady's pride and stare at the books.

When Natalie was somehow preparing an unbeatable bribe for Lara, stroking her ho breasts, Rosina was exchanging greetings with Ruby, who kept her beauty with her young, very unlikely fifteen-year-old son.

"Well, to someone like me..."

Even though she is the birth mother of Prince Wang, Ruby is baffled by the cordial greeting of the royal princess that she is only the wife of Rashind because she is resigning from the rear palace.

Rosina smiles that Ruby's lack of ambition is a little like Shaw's, even though this beauty would have suppressed King Aslan's rear palace.

"Mother, we are returning home now."

Since it was time for the Cadofer to return to port, Shaw, who had returned last night with Lara from Mario Island, received a message from the First Lady of Racindo that Rosina was coming to greet Ruby.

"Well, Master Shaw!

Dropping off the mask of the ever soothing royal princess, Rosina dyes her pop cheeks and hugs her happily.

"Rosina! Have you come to say hello to your mother? I'm sorry I've been away so long."

After being hit by a young couple before the marriage, Ruby took her seat off to have a cup of tea.

"Master Shaw, I missed you," she said to sweet Rosina, and Shaw, feeling a little backward, graciously hugs her.

The First Lady of Racindo, Hermia, saw Ruby tired in conversation with the royal princess, and smiled bitterly that this lack of ambition would not have survived in the backhouse.

Still, Rosina is cute as an angel, but she's a royal woman on a boulder! Lily, Racind's daughter, said she wanted to be the First Lady of Prince Wang, but Hermia worries if she can keep the royal woman down.

When my husband Rashind married the daughter of a small island lord from the rear palace of King Aslan, I was surprised that some of his opponents were a little better off, but I am impressed that there was a foresight to gain his status as the biological mother of Prince Wang.

But Ruby at heart doesn't seem to have the ambition to make good use of Prince Wang's birth mother status. For Christ's sake, all I can do is sigh.

"Marche and Marilyn have a lot to talk about. I can see Prince Shaw wanting to tie the edge, knowing he's adorable. You have to be careful not to tie the odd edge..."

Rashind thought the matter would be okay to leave to Hermia, the First Lady, but Prince Wang's biological mother grinned bitterly that the load seemed heavy as she labored Rubi, who was letting the samurai bring tea to heal her fatigue.

When the two pre-nuptials greeted Racind and the others and left the mansion, Hermia sent a detailed letter to Lily, who married Karin, describing Rosina's visit.

Rashind laughs bitterly that he can't fathom the man for the awesomeness of the information conveyed behind the First Ladies. Behind the fact that the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands is conquering the world in a deal, the people of the Old Empire would not understand that the exchange of information between the First Ladies is helpful.

Shaw was busy with his engagement to Misha in the Kingdom of Laurent and with the visit of Shepherd's ambassador and son from the Kingdom of Cazaria about Tash while he was away, but sent Rosina to the Mansion before she got married.

Lazlow hated Shaw a little as he took away his pretty daughter, but lovingly invites him to dinner as a good opportunity to introduce his independent son.

Shaw was anxious that Foreign Secretary Bacchus would not know what to say to Ambassador Shepherd if he did not return to the Royal Palace early, but he realized that his cousin was going to be quite useful for dinner seats because he was more afraid of undermining Lazlow's mood.

Lazlow was also interested in architecture, but his cousin Nathan had just returned from the University of Paloma and was also studying ways to prevent the ground sinking of the landfill wharf.

"Already! If Master Shaw talks to his father and brother all the time..."

As she complained, Rosina smiled that her brother seemed to be useful to Shaw.

Lazlow was scolded by the First Lady, Natalie, if only the wedding day had not come, but ruthlessly the day had passed, and the day had come to daughter-in-law.

Rosina, dressed in a deep red bridesmaid costume, was so beautiful that she almost cried because it was hard to leave her in the rear palace, but she went back to the mansion pretending to look good on her brother Aslan and nothing.

"Dear Aslan! It's no use saying anything to comfort Master Lazlow. Don't go to the mansion or anything to rub salt in your wound!

Ignoring Mia's pull back, Aslan went out for a little while because Lazlow, the prestigious boy, was blinded as a child.

In the rear palace he finished with a brief vow of marriage dedicated to Marr, goddess of the sea, and Urs, goddess of the wind. Newlywed Shaw hugged Rosina into the room.

Lara was all ready for the day to come, but she was about to be crushed by jealousy and anxiety, visiting Leticia's room and spending the night talking to the two of us.

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