Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

19 Double booking on honeymoon

Rosina looked at Shaw's sleeping face, sleeping next door, and the joy crept up from the bottom of her heart that she was married.

"You have long eyelashes! You look young when you're asleep."

Rosina feels complicated, like she wants you to wake up, sleep like this. When Shaw, who is busy as Prince Wang, wakes up, I miss him leaving my place, but I want him to stare at himself with his brilliant black eyes and hug me with his supple arms.

"Uh-huh! Morning, Rosina."

Noticing signs of staring, Shaw holds her new wife Rosina and kisses her when she wakes up. The ladies with Rosina realized that the two newlyweds had finally woken up at the sign of the bedroom, but they heard a good word that Yikes, so they softly quieted down the breakfast preparation and sighed that they had to wait.

The royal palace is starting to move, but no one can come into the rear palace. In the case of King Aslan, he can wake up Mia the First Lady, but Shaw doesn't have a First Lady, so if he can be caged in the backhouse, he won't have hands or feet.

"Well, I can't help it because I'm newlywed..."

Foreign Minister Bacchus sighed as he wanted them to stay away from his new wife before they came to the royal palace, as Shepherd Ambassador Parson of the Kingdom of Cazaria was sunflowing.

Since Shaw is the only one who can talk to Tarsh, he asks me to interpret the two words, but Tarsh at the heart is too busy feeding him or her while raising him, which is not the right time. Besides, there are days when that disrespectful hawker will hold you back, so negotiations with Tash have not progressed at all.

Foreign Minister Bacchus had many other serious cases, so clearly he has no time to be involved with the eagle, but he cannot even obstruct the demands of the great kingdom of Cazaria.

"Before that parent and son arrive, I'd like to read a report from the ambassadors of each country on the extent to which the Ishmal issue is being passed on to the three former empires. I also have to check out the trends of that Snake Prince, the Duke of the Colorful Duke, the King of the Pirates, the Leopard King of the Ambitious, and King Kechi..."

As Prince Wang, making a child is also an important task, but he wanted it only for the night, and Foreign Minister Bacchus was crunchy as he read the pile of paperwork at an awesome speed.

"Hey! What happened to Shaw?

Because Sands is in the dragon house, Aslan is caught by Chancellor Flanagan in the morning and spills his grievances, even though he doesn't seem to have gone on a honeymoon as confidential as he did when Lara.

"We're newlyweds, so you can sleep a little bit."

It was originally King Aslan's job, and Chancellor Flanagan reads out one case after another that needs to be settled.

Aslan, the boulder, too, if he gets in the way of Shaw, who is spending time with Rosina, is patient because Lazlow is angry, accepting Prime Minister Flanagan's read-out project, or refusing to start over.

Aslan fled the mansion early to make fun of how the prestigious Lazlow was usually quiet, but as a breeze to the stupidity and tears of a middle-aged man.

Chancellor Flanagan got the king's job and happily went back to his office to get the paperwork, but Aslan wonders if there is a king prince to make him do such a boring job.

When Chancellor Flanagan came to Mia with documents to make other payments on this occasion, he went to drink tea and soak it up.

"Hey, you spoil it, Shaw's become the Prince of the Colorful King who's immersed in the Back Palace."

Mia, who had tea, couldn't believe that she was just out of town, but only slowed down in the back palace for a few hours and blew the color! And I was angry, and I wanted to hang the tea on my face, but I laughed softly.

Aslan, this is awkward! and crisp, but receive the tea served, and rejoice in the good aroma.

"Mia's tea is delicious."

I complimented him in earnest, but Mia, who was in a bad mood with Shaw's ill-gotten words, ignored him and checked the books. Aslan suggests to get in the mood.

"I'm thinking about letting Shaw go on his honeymoon"

"A honeymoon? I didn't expect you to take such parental care..."

Close the books and Mia shines her eyes wondering if Aslan has grown as a parent.

"Because I want to kick that little ambassador's parents and kids out of Leyte."

At the corner, blue muscles ran to Mia's temples, which she was about to praise.

"Dear Aslan! How dare you tell King Eduardo that Tarsh is not going home, so the ambassador's father and son would have sunflowered to the royal palace!

Aslan shifted blame for Flanagan being bad, but it was a prospect for Mia.

"You must have made fun of King Edoardo because it's about you anyway. Chancellor Flanagan has asked King Edoardo to tell him that Tash will be home when he raises the chicks, so please wait a minute. Yet the more I dispatch Sir Benjamin on a special mission, the more angry..."

Aslan flaunts his shoulders and lies that King Edoardo is an eagle fool.

Mia was concerned about her honeymoon, so she took a deep breath and lowered her anger. Working for King Aslan's First Lady is very difficult.

"Getting rid of ambassadors parents and children means honeymoon to the Kingdom of Cazaria? But there's Melissa in New Paloma..."

What are you thinking, Mia looks into her husband's face and asks questions.

"Well, even if it wasn't Benjamin, it would have been nice if the Dragon Knight of the Bond had been dispatched to Reite. Even if you can't talk to Tarsch, the Dragon Knight of Bonds can understand about nuances. Tell Shaw it's better to stay away from Foreign Secretary Bacchus now! Marion's having an episode."

Dragon horse deer! and Mia wanted to curse, but grabbed the hem of her long coat and asked back about Tash, mating flight, honeymoon.

"Well, to thank the dragon, I thought I'd take my white snow as Tash's wife. But if you don't, King Edoardo is going to push you all the way to Leyte. Shaw's on his honeymoon, and he's taking Tash and White Snow to New Paloma."

Mia wondered if she made fun of King Edoardo by thinking that far. But the results are well formatted, so I can't help but feel bitter.

"Will Marion, Foreign Secretary Bacchus, and Sir Benjamin's dragon riding fly mate? Um... during mating flights..."

Mia, who knows the sexuality of Foreign Minister Bacchus, was bewildered that the dragon knight of ties also feels desire in mating flights.

"That's why I'm telling you not to let Shaw go to Bacchus' side. He's obliged to make a trail, so if he gets run over by some weird hobby, I'm in trouble."

Mia nodded that it would be troubling, too.

"When does Marion mate fly?

"Come on, it could be around today... it could also be Marion's influence that Bacchus was strangely frustrated"

Mia decided today it was better not to let Shaw out of the rear palace.

"Let's have a welcome party for Rosina, in the back palace! I need Shaw to be there."

Aslan tried to stop it as it would be a harsh welcome party for Suke Chibi, but he bursts into laughter understanding why Mia pushes Shaw into distress.

"Well, surrounded by three wives, one or two cold sweats, he'll set his ass on fire if he doesn't seriously look for the First Lady, too. Leticia is too calm because of her good work!

Mia left Leticia in her current state to represent the First Lady fine, but believes that if the belly child is a prince, she should be educated in five years' time out of the palace.

I also feel pathetic to keep the young prince away from his mother, but it also makes sense to shield the prince from the struggle in the rear palace. If Leticia's belly child is a girl, there will be a little more respite, but the other wives may have a boy. Mia thought it would be preferable for the First Lady to have a rear palace before the prince was five years old.

As Mia thought, Shaw sweated cold surrounded by the three wives and was determined to meet and talk to Lily, who had been recommended by the First Lady of Racindo, if she did not look for the First Lady, she would have refused to go home.

On this day, Ambassador Shepherd's parents and children, who visited the Royal Palace, were unable to meet the newlywed Prince Shaw.

Foreign Minister Bacchus offered Benjamin a guide to Reite, saying he was sorry to be unable to see him. I cannot be disrespectful in refusing to suspect the sexuality of saying that the Minister for Foreign Affairs himself will give guidance on Reite.

Benjamin, guided by the enthusiastic Foreign Minister Bacchus, took a look around at the unknown attractions of the city of Leyte. But I'm stunned that my dragon rider is having an affair with Marion tangling his neck.

"Reese! No way......"

When this happens, it's useless to stop, I take you to the outskirts of Leyte. Benjamin, stirred up by his desire in a mating flight, was entertained by Foreign Minister Bacchus by Raythe's beautiful geisha.

His father, Julian, was forced to make a dragon-riding mating flight, as King Aslan himself deceived, so that his son left in the morning without question. But Benjamin, not to be outraged, pulled his father into the royal palace when he absolutely took Tash home.

King Aslan, in a good mood when a dragon is about to be born, rarely sees the two.

"Tash is not going to leave the white snow."

Ambassador Shepherd regained control of his uncertain son and asked him what he meant by the statement.

"King Aslan, does that mean that Tash will not be returned to the Kingdom of Kazaria?

"No, Tash doesn't want to leave with the white snow, so he doesn't go back to the Kingdom of Cazaria. So I am going to present the white snow to King Edoardo. Tell King Eduardo I want you to take care of my beloved eagle white snow."

"Are you sending white snow to King Edoardo!

Ambassador Shepherd went too well and wanted to crouch his cheeks wondering if it was a dream. But Benjamin asks King Aslan what will happen to Tash's chicks.

"Well, we'll just have to leave that to each decision. Tarsch would want that too. Shaw borrowed Tarsh from King Edoardo, so let's send him back to himself. I just married my new wife, so you can visit New Paloma on your honeymoon."

Ambassador Shepherd and Benjamin are thankful to have white snow, but they can't welcome Shaw to accompany them, who's nostalgic for making sure they can talk. However, as a diplomat, Prince Wang of a friendly country could not refuse his application to visit New Paloma on his honeymoon.

The two returned to the embassy to discuss various issues.

"Ah! Even though New Paloma has Princess Melissa..."

Benjamin blames himself for not moving his head properly over yesterday's mating flight or about Tash.

"Princess Melissa and Lady Rosina will be double-booked..."

It baffles me that my first lover, Melissa, and Rosina on their honeymoon face each other.

"I can't believe it's double-booking, Prince Shaw isn't a ticket to the theater. And the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands is polygamous. Prince Shaw is always used to double booking and triple booking."

Ambassador Shepherd told his son that he was worried that Melissa would get hurt, not that you would be worried.

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