Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

10 Discussions with the freaks

Shaw wants to temporarily shelve a troublesome discussion with King Gregorius and decides to head to the University of Jungfrau after luncheon.

Once back at the embassy, I waited for Leticia to change into her regular clothes, thinking about the drop in discussions in the morning with Ambassador Nuton.

"Looks like the Kingdom of Iran is pretty damaged by pirates"

With a great deal of sighing, Ambassador Nuton also agrees by recalling that King Gregorius has requested strong cooperation.

"I knew the merchant ship, but I didn't know it was raiding all the way to the coast."

Fortunately, a patrol of the Dragon Knights found a pirate ship raid and the Lords rushed too, so the damage was minimal, but it was the major incident since the war against the Kingdom of Laurent that threatened their territory.

"Even in the northwest of the Kingdom of Cazaria, pirate ships are absconding..."

Barbarossa took over, but the pirates protected by the Kingdom of Salam are still wandering northwest of the Kingdom of Cazaria.

The Kingdom of Salaam and the Principality of Malta need to be punished.

Ambassador Nuton also nodded that it was the limit of patience. Shaw hates war, but has long thought that something needs to be done to punish both countries.

In particular, pirates in the Kingdom of Salam are an obstacle to establishing a route from the island of Izmal to the Kingdom of Kazalia.

"We have to discuss this with your father, Raythe."

Ambassador Nuton, who has served for many years, also doesn't understand what King Aslan is thinking when he finally returns from Ishmal Island, but he nodded that he would be hungry because he is unrelated to warmth or something.

The two of us discussed the crusade for the pirate ship, but the coastal patrol said no.

"When this problem is solved, it can be a war. Replace Lord Jarrice's neck in the Principality of Malta and you'll get a little grown up... but he says his son Hernandez is a pervert who's put a wheel on his father, so please be careful, Prince Shaw"

It was Shaw who didn't have to be told by Ambassador Nuton and didn't want to get near his perverted parents and kids.

Not the dress that goes to the royal palace, but Leticia dressed for everyday wear is a perverted parent and child? And I questioned it, but I wouldn't even care to pursue the long-awaited university visit.

"Ambassador Nuton is talking to the Director General of the University of Birmingham, but I'm actually going to see some professors. I want to find a professor or lecturer who thinks it's okay to continue his research or take a whip at the University of Leyte"

The carriage soon arrived at Jungfrau University.

"We can't take escorts inside the university. Wait here for me."

The only escorts were Shaw and Leticia, who dropped him off worried about heading inside the university.

Shaw feels like he's stretched his wings as he escorts Leticia, just the two of us. I have always been used to having female officers and samurai on my side since birth, but I still feel a little depressed.

"Well, that's a nice college"

The red brick tease has only a little leaf since it is winter, but the students are walking on the canvas discussing it with their woes.

"Wow! She's so beautiful."

Shaw takes Leticia, who looks out over the coveted university, to a building that is likely to have a sleazy and dean's office. Because in the Iranian kingdom of romantic supremacy, Leticia's beauty seemed boring.

"Welcome to the University of Jungfrau"

Dean Birmingham mentioned the names of progressive professors and lecturers, but Shaw wanted to see them in person.

"Is Prince Shaw in person... why don't Lady Leticia wait here?"

Shaw felt rather than a progressive professor that this nuance was going to push the freak, when he saw the dean rush to let Leticia go with him.

"That's right! Let me escort you to the Dragon Knight Benjamin and the McCue Show."

Let the secretary go get the two of them, and Dean Birmingham recommends Leticia tea herself.

What is Shaw the Dragon Knight Benjamin and McCue Shaw? and asks in wonder.

"Sir Benjamin is the son of Professor Victor von Liechtenstein, isn't he? Could Sir Mercushaw be the son of the Marquis of Rochford?

If you're an apprentice dragon knight, you know you're studying in college, but when asked why he's a dragon knight, Dean Birmingham laughs bitterly.

"We're both off-standard dragon knights, doing medical and alchemy research."

Speaking of which, Marquis Roshford, the uncle of King Gregorius, also nods that he was a doctor, even though he is a dragon knight. Leticia was interested to hear that Victoria's son, who guided the vocational training center for women together as a side of Queen Yuri, was studying alchemy even though he was a dragon knight.

Mercury Shaw and Benjamin soon appeared in the dean's office. Shaw and Leticia were a little surprised by Benjamin's toy hair and beard, although the Mercury Shaw seemed worthy of the Marquis' son.

"I am Prince Shaw of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands and Lady Leticia. They want to set up a university in Leyte. I've come to find a professor or instructor who can help me, so please show me without disrespect."

When I heard about Raythe University, I raised my toy hair, and Kilarin and Benjamin sparkled their eyes.

"Kim If you're too much of a southeast islands united kingdom, you seem to have plenty of research funding!

To his rude remarks, Dean Birmingham dyed his cheeks and reprimanded Benjamin.

"I don't mind, Sir Benjamin is right. There's money flowing into Leyte, but we want to use it meaningfully to develop the next generation of talent."

Shaw appreciated the two of them, saying that it was rare for someone not to fall in love with Leticia's beauty, but a little late turned bright red and became a bar.

"Prince Shaw! Is Lady Leticia the Second Lady?

Dean Birmingham to Sir McShaw's sudden question, here! I was angry that it would be rude. Shaw doesn't feel angry for any reason and laughs when Leticia crinkles too.

"It's not the Second Lady, Leticia wants the First Lady."

McCueshaw and Benjamin were also studying the marriage system in the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, so they were happy to remarry if not the Second Lady.

"It's impossible after a million years to choose you over Prince Shaw! Just show him to the research building."

Shaw sighed that he was still a freak when he saw McCue Shaw, who thought he was more decent than Benjamin, protesting that human life expectancy was less than a million years.

Shaw was used to being a freak professor at the University of Paloma, so he urged Leticia to head to the research building.

"If you marry me, I will love one of you"

Benjamin, with his hair up, could have been surprisingly handsome.

"Say what! You have freak parents! Dear Leticia, would you like to marry me? If you get sick, you'll be cured soon."

Proposed by the two of them, Leticia laughed as she mocked the silver bells, by the way.

"I sneer at Master Shaw, so I won't leave you until I'm the First Lady."

Phew, Shaw was horrified that the two of them with a big sigh had given up, but misjudged the soul of the Kingdom of Iran.

"Then please be my First Lady!

Benjamin pushes the McCue Show to sign up.

"The First Lady doesn't have children with her! You must be picking up the Marquis Rochford house! I am nothing but a side of the Earl of Liechtenstein family, so I am useless as a descendant."

Shaw needed no guidance like this, leaving the two of them alone and proceeding with Leticia to the research building, but that was a big mistake.

It had become a nest of Mad Scientists because it kept women and others away from the research building on a daily basis. A beautiful woman like Leticia appeared there, so the soul of the Kingdom of Iran, which I suppress on a daily basis, woke up and was about to riot.

"Here! You guys, stay away from Master Leticia!

Benjamin and McCueshaw also trained in martial arts as dragon knights, so they brutally push the students away. Shaw thanked me for showing him the first time that he couldn't make it this way himself.

"This is my father's lab. We study alchemy, or metals."

A suspicious device is placed narrowly on the desk, and Victor, the toy head, walks with me like a bear.

"Whoa, Benjamin! Oh, my God, I brought you here."

To the roar of the bear, Shaw smiled a little bitterly.

"Professor Liechtenstein, it's a pleasure to meet you, Shaw of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands. This is my wife, Leticia."

The purpose of Shaw's visit was to find a professor at the University of Leyte who would take the whip, but I wanted to ask him a question because he had also been thinking about fossil fuels since he discovered Izmal Island.

All year round, unlike the warm southeastern islands, Izmal's winter was cold. The area we are developing now is the coastal area of the south, but in time the pioneering people will also live in the interior and north.

Firewood alone would be hard in the winter, and he believed that the development of a vast earth required some means of mobility. Shaw had written rough blueprints for steam locomotives, but it was strange that coal from that fuel was not used in this world.

"There are a lot of lecturers who want to study at the University of Leyte, but what areas do they want to put up?

Bear-like appearance, but only managing the research building, Victor cared so that both could successfully serve their purpose.

"I hear Professor Liechtenstein specializes in metals, but is he also familiar with mines?

Bear barked that it was good in Victor.

"If they call me my parents' names, my back will shudder! Mine? Ahem? You want to dig even gold on Izmal Island?

Shaw shook his neck to the side, wondering if he wanted to develop it in the gold mine as well, to a seemingly uninteresting Victor.

"Of course, I'd love to have a gold mine, but that's fine because there are technicians in the Southeast Islands as well. I'm looking for a substance to fuel. Like burning firewood and making charcoal, I'm wondering if we can find some highly fired fuel when we're digging a mine."

Charcoal burning was carried out in the Imperial Three Kingdoms, but the common people use firewood because it is expensive.

"It's common sense to burn firewood to make coal... but a highly fired fuel from a mine?

As Victor leaned his neck and barked, Shaw wondered if there was any fossil fuel in this world or if it was buried in a very deep place. If you don't have fossil fuels, you have to figure out how to make electricity out of water and wind.

"It is a world in which magic exists, but only a few can benefit from it. We want to make inventions that will enrich the lives of ordinary people. I would like to call a professor or lecturer to the University of Leyte to do research for it."

Victor was impressed that Shaw, a dragon knight, would have magic.

"You must have some idea!

Victor pinned that he was looking for highly fired fuel because he came up with a tool to use it.

"I knew the Earth was a sphere, and I was calculating the approximate size. However, you discovered new routes and islands based on them. Do you have any new ideas?

Benjamin rushes to control Victor, who stops at Shaw.

"Father, please don't get so close."

As a dragon knight, he's a non-standard Benjamin, but he's legitimate among Mad Scientists. Smell the delicious smell and pull Shaw away from Victor, who is persistently blaming him for questions.

"Sounds kind of funny! I was thinking of sending my assistant to Leyte University, but I'll go!

The assistant, who was planning to go to Leyte University, screamed softly, but Victor ignores.

"Um, isn't the professor in charge of this research building?

As for Shaw, the younger assistant seemed more comfortable inventing electricity together.

"Don't worry, even in a chair with such a dick in charge, anyone who wants it has sesame seeds! Hey, talk about what you're thinking."

Shaw just has to smile bitterly at Victor for coming shoulder to shoulder with disappointment.

"Father, it's terrible! I want to do research at Leyte University too."

A sigh of sigh leaks from the Mad Scientists in the lab, who will have plenty of sawdust research funding.

"Benjamin would have sworn to devote himself to his country when he became a dragon knight. I have nothing to do with that vow, so I can go anywhere."

To ruthless words Benjamin drops his shoulder. Shaw realized for the first time that what it meant to be a dragon knight was to be tied to the country.

Shaw realizes once again that the dragon's food bill and possibly the country has it.

Born a prince of the Southeast Islands, Shaw recalls that he was originally in a position to pledge allegiance to his country, and laughs at Benjamin's lamentation and other lightness.

"That's right! Forgive me for taking the whip, so I'll take my assistant Schweitzer. Look, you can go to Raythe University, too, so you won't have to complain."

To an overly selfish professor, his assistant Schweitzer can only sigh.

Shaw finally got a lecturer who said he wanted to study marine life. Leticia wanted to discuss pearl farming with her instructor, but she fell into too much beauty to fulfill her purpose. Shaw gets used to Raythe University, then comforts Leticia that we should discuss it.

My mother will be missed by Benjamin, Victor was held back, but whoever heard it didn't seem like Victoria was that type.

"I don't care about the building, let's get started!

Victor is motivated and Shaw falls back a little. To what extent is it good to bring knowledge from previous life into this world? There must be fossil fuels out there somewhere, but do you want to focus your efforts on finding them or invent electricity? I don't just want to bring in gunpowder. Leading to the development of weapons of mass murder, Shaw thinks.

Shaw decided to draw a line to keep Victor from getting caught up in his pace.

"And then there's the professor of medicine..."

Victor indicated with his chin that it was his father's realm, Sir McShaw, who would become the king's cousin.

"Watch out for college hospitals! Hermes is gonna drain your blood!

Is Shaw waiting for Leticia in the dean's room while she leaves the research building for the university hospital? asked.

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