Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

11 Medicine and sorcery

Benjamin was guided to the University Hospital while still enjoying the beauty of Leticia. It is the mountains that I want to study at the University of Leyte, but I gave up because I also have responsibilities as a dragon knight.

Benjamin is free to see the beautiful! and reopen. If my father is going to Leythe University, I can use my vacation to visit him, and I'm paranoid that I might be able to meet Lady Leticia softly.

There is no way that Leticia, in the rear palace of Prince Wang, wanders around the city of Leyte, but Benjamin, dawning in the training of dragon knights and the study of alchemy, could not have been raised in Jungfrau, the capital of love. In that regard, I knew the world a little better because McCue Shaw was a legitimate lady, unlike Dr. Mad's Hermes, whose mother Cheryl was.

"That's the University Hospital..."

I wanted to make my short time with the beautiful Leticia a little longer, but I got to the University Hospital. It's not like a university hospital in Shaw's image. It's more of a laboratory atmosphere than a clinic.

"I thought it was overflowing with sick people."

Are you out of practice hours or are students just walking around? The maquette show was a little mouth-watering, but Benjamin is a childhood friend, so there's no mercy.

"Since Professor Rochefort became Dean of the University Hospital, the sick don't come to the hospital scared. The city's therapists are more popular because they want to experiment with new treatments right away."

There is no way to experiment with the development of medicine, but Shaw laughs bitterly that it would be easier for patients to be treated with witchcraft.

"But there is a shortage of therapists. Father's way is easy to blame, but medicine can treat you without magic."

Shaw also nodded that point was in agreement. McCueshaw is happy to guide Shaw to the lab as he seems to become an understanding of his father's research. Dean Birmingham, who weighs in on independent profitability, has accused the University Hospital of having a huge deficit, so I thought it would be nice to receive a donation from the Southeast Islands.

Shaw also believes that it is okay to provide personal assistance, whether it is a university in another country. But that was until I saw Sir Rochefort's freak.

"Yikes! They're gonna kill me."

A half-naked man with a bright blue face jumped out of the lab.

"Protect the patient!

Several students in white came out from inside, but the half-naked patient quickly turned behind Shaw and clung to his shoulder.

"I don't know who it is, but please help! When I came to the university hospital with abdominal pain, I said I would cut my stomach out! If this is the case, I should have seen a therapist."

Shaw took control of the students trying to catch the patient.

"What frightens a patient is he who still learns medicine! If a new treatment is to be administered, it should be properly explained to the patient and consent obtained"

The man in half naked said, "Yes!" He shouted from behind Shaw, but he was just... and nodded blue.

"Look, if you're stuck, you're gonna die!

Hermes in white comes out and asks the students to bring a half-naked man into the lab.

"Father! This is from the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands..."

Hermes ignores McCue Shaw's words when it's useless to make a long introduction or something in an emergency.

"Sir Rochefort, could you possibly have surgery? Let me take a tour!

The lab was white tiled and made close to the operating room of the previous life.

"Are you Prince Shaw of the Southeast Islands? Maybe you can do some healing?

When Shaw nods, Hermes asks me not to feel any pain.

"Dear Leticia, let's wait in the dean's office next door"

Benjamin leads Leticia to the dean's office, saying she doesn't like surgery and other bloody behaviors. The students lent me their white coats and Shaw stood up for open surgery.

"If you feel bad, retreat on the wall! I'd be in trouble if I fell over a patient."

Shaw nodded, but wondered if he would hang the anesthesia on the patient.

"I'll give you pain meds at first, but can you do me a favor later? Because I want to concentrate on surgery."

Hermes is also excellent as a therapist, and the patient doesn't seem to feel any pain from cutting his belly open with a scalpel. Shaw takes over and blocks the pain. Even though he was losing his mind in pain, the smell of blood makes the patient rumble out realizing his belly was cut.

"Here! Hold it tight."

The students tie their hands and feet with bed restraints and then hold them back at will.

"Shouldn't I let you sleep rather than do this?

Hermes continued surgery by looking up at Shaw chillily and asking him to like it.

"Oh! This is a fine appendix! It would have burst a little later."

There's an appendix in this world, too! And I sighed that Shaw was an organ I didn't need. When Hermes removed his appendix, he left the closure to the students.

"Wouldn't it hurt after the surgery?

Hermes frowns when the sleeping patient wakes up.

"Then it would be good if you cured it. Rumor has it you have Dragon Heart Stone."

Taunted looking funny with dark gray eyes, Shaw took out the dragon-hearted stone.

"Oh, this dragon-hearted stone has a slightly different color"

Shaw revitalizes the Dragon Heart Stone with "Soul" to restore the scars sewn by students with "Healing". As I looked around, the scar diminished and only the yarn remained.

"This is amazing! You're an excellent therapist."

The patient decides to let him sleep until the infusion is over, and Hermes leads Shaw to the next room.

The next room was built with an operating room visible through a glass window. Leticia looked blue looking at the surgery from behind the students to see if she felt a little worse.

"Did you visit the surgery?

Unexpectedly Hermes recommended the chair gently to the blue Leticia.

"I don't know, bring some water!

The marquee show was scolded by his father and brought water to the glass.

"Thank you, I'm fine now. I thought the appendix would be scattered by the therapist."

Hermes was surprised that Leticia, with her complexion back, was an amazing beauty, but more admires her intelligence.

"Exactly! But if you've been scattered as many times as this patient has, your appendix can be pus and ruptured. In this case, we have to operate and remove the affected area."

Explain kindly Hermes seemed like a fine doctor, but shouldn't he make that a patient? and Shaw shrugs his shoulders. Hermes sneered at Mrs. Cheryl, so he was pleased to appreciate Leticia's beauty, but turned to the original purpose of Shaw's visit.

"Do you think they will be collecting professors and lecturers to study or teach anything at the University of Leyte? Is that a magic therapist you're looking for? Or are you seeking a doctor to study medicine?

He's called a freak, but only King Gregorius' uncle, and he's made sure of his request properly.

"The therapist also has excellent talent in Leyte. What I'm looking for is a professor who studies medicine and teaches treatment to students who don't have magic."

Hermes nodded satisfactorily.

"Prince Shaw has a progressive mindset, even though he is magical. Even though there are more overwhelming people without magic, the way you rely on a therapist is wrong. Rich and noble people can see a proper therapist, but there are too many suspicious people."

Hermes spoke enthusiastically about sick people killed by suspicious therapists and those who died without paying their therapists. Leticia frowned beautifully, even in the city of Leythe, when a suspicious therapist was frightened.

"Isn't there a poor house?

Shaw asks if Leyte should have had a poor hospital to see the poor sick.

"There is also a poor house in Jungfrau. But the patients who come there are often too late."

Shaw saw Leticia snort as well and felt the back of Leythe he he didn't know.

"The number of therapists is too small. If you don't have magic, you can't be a therapist. We need to move forward with research into medicine and increase the number of doctors who can be without magic!

Shaw offered hermes to help herself too, lamenting that the anesthetic research at the time of surgery was more laborious than he thought.

"Without anesthetics, only a therapist can operate. But you have to explain to your patients more about it."

Hermes points out his shortcomings to the young Shaw and reflects that he has become a habit of pushing things forward because he is easily misunderstood.

"I would recommend this Xavier lecturer to the University of Leyte. He has less magic as a therapist, but he is more out of his posture to learn medicine than anyone else. If you were to take refuge in Prince Shaw, you might be able to study medicine better than I am."

He's been slapped in the pussy by Dr. Mudd or something, but Sir Rochefort also manages royal health as a dragon knight, so he can't leave Jungfrau. I was a little sympathetic that Lord Rochefort was researching and developing the usual infusions and transfusions for Shaw, and that other people were also subject to bad mouth such as draining blood.

"By the way, I believe that the distribution of blood types varies from country to country. Doesn't blood type have any effect on nationality?

Shine your chiralin and dark gray eyes and sigh at Lord Rochefort for pressing Shaw to donate blood, still sounding like Dr. Mad.

"There must be several blood types, right? Trying to classify human personality into a few kinds is unscientific!

I tried to resist, but I also reconsidered that it might be a good idea to examine the blood type in the Southeast Islands and try transfusing it after the battle, etc.

"If it's just me, I'll cooperate."

Does Leticia drain blood from Master Shaw? I worried, but Hermes was used to taking blood from thousands of people.

"Well! You stab a thin needle in the blood vessel"

As Leticia looked closer with interest, Shaw asked if Hermes would fail in love with beauty, but he was a veteran there.

The visit to the University of Jungfrau had an incident in which the Dragon Knight fell in love with Leticia's beauty, but Shaw rode a carriage that had generally made him wait satisfactorily.

"Dear Shaw, I look forward to working with Victor too! Are you thinking about something?

Leticia also makes her eyes glimpse and asks what Shaw is coming up with.

"Oh! It would be easier if I were just instructor Schweitzer. He reminds me of Professor Alex somewhere. Forceful, anything for your purpose..."

Leticia laughs by the way at Shaw holding her head and kisses her when she lifts her jaw with a light rose-dyed nail.

"You'll tell me first, won't you?

Leticia forced Shaw to twitch. After three years as a couple, I'm not used to Leticia's beauty, and I can't beat the mode for real.

"I'll speak to Leticia before Professor Victor."

Leticia smiled satisfied and very beautifully. Shaw now realizes that Leticia is a stronger enemy than King Gregorius.

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