Shaw met Seville, the First Lady, and Amelie the Lady of Petitions, and promised to tell King Angus that the baby and toddler could be left in Lian.

Neither did the messengers think that King Angus would overturn his decision, but his mother, who wanted to swallow the straw, rushed him to visit.

After you return the messengers, what are you going to do? and went into bed with caution that Ambassador Melville, looking at him with excitement, would not pinch his mouth on the successor issue.

"Can Prince Shaw think of anything? I wouldn't be able to get King Angus to withdraw his foreword... but I'd go tell King Angus to keep the children in Lian just to sell thanks, but I don't think so."

Staring at the closed bedroom door, Ambassador Melville groaned at what a different type of show would do than King Aslan.

The next morning, Shaw woke up early in the morning to inspect the vicinity of Sedona with Captain Harish, the dragon knight with the embassy. The meadow as far as I can see is now blue because it is the end of the rainy season.

"Will this meadow be wilderness in the dry season..."

Shaw came to visit Sedona wondering if there was any way to save water.

"At the beginning of the rainy season the river will also flow, but it's going to dry early this year, so it's already dried up"

Looking from the sky, I could see a little trace of the river and water left everywhere.

"This will make it difficult to secure water during the dry season. Digging a well might dry it up in the dry season"

At the very least, at the beginning of the rainy season, we might have built dams and hoarding ponds to save rain, but it's too late now that it's stopped raining.

"In the long run, it's possible to build a dam in that mountainous area over there, but then we won't be able to make it to the dry season this year. Captain Harish, do you even rain-beg in Sedona?

Captain Harish was not familiar with the information on Sedona in the hinterland.

"Come on, even Lian has been begging for rain, but it's only been raining a little. It's been seven years since I've been in the Kingdom of Savannah, but I've never had such a short rainy season. Longer periods of dryness may lead to starving death."

Shaw is severely naturally dismayed that even if he is allowed to give grain from the farming peoples around him, both livestock and people will only suffer from thirst if there is no water.

It bothered my mind that I had to come on the ground and think of something to do, not just for Prince Jung and Prince Maui.

"Why don't we move more downstream?

As soon as they speak for themselves, unlike wild animals who travel heavily in search of water and food, residents frown that if they are not prepared to let go of their livestock, it will only be a dispute with the residents of the lower basin.

"Sands, get down near that water field"

Captain Harrish looked around as he stepped down beside the Sands, as he was under strict orders from Ambassador Melville to protect Shaw.

As both dragons have descended, the wildlife on the water field has escaped, and the villagers are not there because they are also far from the settlement of Sedona.

"Will this water field also dry up during the dry season..."

It's far from the settlement, but it's probably the biggest water field I've ever seen from above. Shaw leans in, takes the dirt in his hand and tries to crush it.

"It's a clay layer, so you're storing water? If we dig deep wells here, we may not be able to dry out, but we need to talk to Sedona's magician."

Shaw thought he'd rather let the local magician take care of it if he could than apply his hand directly.

"Later, radical measures, but dam construction and water remediation work need a kitten investigation"

Shaw thought there was no need to do so much for the Kingdom of Savannah. It seems ruthless, but it is difficult for a heavily military Kingdom of Savannah to expand its forces any further.

I would ask a professor at the University of Paloma to investigate for Queen Algiers, or Princess Zelia, whom I understand, but I am not willing to do so much to King Angus, who is harsh on his children.

I will make suggestions about building dams and wells, but in an attempt to leave the decision to King Angus, I went back to Lian observing the land from above that I thought was suitable for Zach Dam.

"Prince Shaw! From Lady Seville and Lady Ameri, a messenger of snobbery and reminder has arrived."

When he finally returns, Ambassador Melville sighs a ho relief.

"Get me a map of the Sedona region."

I wondered if Shaw was headed to the Royal Palace to see what Ambassador Melville would do to write something on the map in a well-ventilated salon.

"Is Prince Jung or Prince Maui still in Lian?

Ambassador Melville answers that he hasn't hit Rian yet because he's traveling with the clan royalist party.

"Each grandfather and his wife's relatives are packing them in the royal palace to plead with King Angus, but they won't change their mind."

Ambassador Melville wonders if he will stop going to the Royal Palace because it will be wasted.

"So Lian's sorcerer is still begging for rain..."

Shaw was going to make a run for it, considering his true name to succeed in "Rain Begging," and at least only LeAnn could put the baby away.

Ambassador Melville can only bewildered and look at Prince Shaw, who wrote out a strange diagram on the paper.

'Rain... it shouldn't be normal rain. Something must have happened... time rain, heavy rain, showers, rainy seasons, rainy clouds... Lin! That's right! Long rain is' Lin '

Shaw writes' Lin 'and' Descent 'on the new paper and puts them in the inner pocket of his jacket.

"Come on, let's go see King Angus! We have to negotiate for Prince Jung and the children under Prince Maui so that Lean can put them down."

Ambassador Melville shines his eyes when he hears it's a negotiation, not a plea.

"Prince Shaw, you've come up with something!

I like conspiracies, schemes too, but negotiations are the specialty of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands! Ambassador Melville became lively and Shaw wanted to leave the bad negotiations to him.

"But if Ambassador Melville leaves it to you, you're going to marry the princess."

I shudder and head to the royal palace.

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