Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

6 Prince Jung and Prince Maui

The hunt was a huge success, and Rude tailored a deer bigger than himself and dragged him to the hunting ground. Rude's leopards were away from their parents for a long time, but wandered around wandering in lust.

"Hunt yourself!

Gallulululu! and peel his teeth and intimidate him, but the young leopards expect a spill and don't go hunting.

"Jung! Maui! Let your own leopard hunt!

The leopards, who will always be sweet to Rude, overlap with their impudent princes and raise the eyebrows of King Angus, who was in a good mood.

Jung and Maui whip up their leopards but don't try to get away from the treat in front of them. In the end, wait for Rude to be full and flock to the rest of it.

King Angus was fed up with the princes whose leopards could not be humiliated, and replied, "I know," when Rudd raised a gruff and a dissatisfied voice.

"Spoiled my little leopards and made them lazy! That's why I was against entrusting it to Jung and Maui. '

King Angus reflected that it was better for Jung and Maui to leave Lian for a bit and struggle, making the princes too easy.

Seville, the First Lady, is from a hunting ethnic group, so I let Prince Jung train martial arts as a child, but I let him live a luxurious life after marrying several wives in Lian's royal palace, so it's gone away.

And Amelie, the daughter of the chief of the farming nation, made Prince Maui enthusiastic about her studies, but her martial arts training was insignificant.

Rude leans at his feet feeling the frustration of King Angus.

"I've even wasted your leopard."

Rub your head against your legs and say, 'From now on, you should work it out again,' Rude said.

Shaw saw the stern face of King Angus and suppressed his sigh because there was no being left to educate the princes like the First Lady of the Southeast Islands.

Ambassador Melville freaked out that King Angus' First Lady Seville could really be killed.

After a banquet at the hunting ground, King Angus summoned Prince Jung and Prince Maui to his tent.

"Jung, Maui, you guys have a dry season in Sedona, home of the Kingdom of Savannah. So hunt with the leopards and feed the clan."

Jung protests that it is impossible to spend a tough dry season in the inland Sedona.

"If I'm the only one, I can stand it even in the dry season. But, Father, wives and young children..."

King Angus blocks Jung's words that he originally lived in Sedona.

Maui had never even been to Sedona, so she was flattered at first, but realized it was a big deal in Jung's protest.

"Father, I'm not a good hunter. Besides, babies don't survive a tough dry season."

Maui, who has more children younger than the children of Jung, wished to leave him in Lian, even just the baby, to his father King, who had never defied him on a daily basis.

"I grew up in Sedona. This year's dry season is going to be tough, but those who don't have the strength to survive it can't be the royalty of the Kingdom of Savannah"

To a strict order, the two turned bright blue, wondering if it was a declaration of execution to themselves.

The Shaws, who did not know that such an order of King Angus had been given, were returning to the embassy to slowly soak themselves in the bath and heal their fatigue.

"In today's hunt, the two princes were pissing off King Angus when they broke the leopard."

Shaw, who perceived Rude's frustration, felt that some King Angus might have depressed his hand.

"I need to hold the nail to Ambassador Melville so he doesn't get his hands on the successor issue."

Shaw, who dated from morning to banquet, was tired, but headed to the dragon house to see Sands and heal the sprouts.

"Shaw, you look tired."

Suns didn't have to hunt because he just ate bait yesterday. I've been waiting all day for Shaw to come home in the dragon house. Even though he was tired, Sands was happy with Shaw for showing his face.

"Dragons don't fail to raise their children."

Shaw was the dragon I'd ever met, and I'd never seen him lazy or listening to a bond or a partner dragon knight.

Sloane wanted to hang out with Pamela when she was a little dragon, making a mess of the backyard garden, but that's because there really wasn't a minute to hatch from the eggs.

"Shaw's Aisha and Raina are honest good kids, too. Something he says he loves Verne and e-mail. '

Reminds me of my young daughter, Shaw laughed, saying she had to be scared of Princess Dragon.

"Girls want you to grow up honest and gentle"

Sands realized he was heartbroken by a successor fight by the princes of King Angus because Shaw's feelings were conveyed.

"If you're Shaw's kid, even boys are honest and sweet."

Hopefully so, Shaw starts groaning as he scratches around Sands eyes and does it.

"Prince Shaw! You came to this place. Oh, my God! Prince Jung and Prince Maui have been banished to Sedona. They also told me to take my wife and children."

Leaning against the Sands, Shaw, who was groaning, jumped up surprised at Ambassador Melville's words.

"What? Sedona is the original territory of the Kingdom of Savannah, isn't it?

What does Ambassador Melville say about swallowing, he sets Shaw up at the embassy.

"The First Lady Seville and the Lady Amelie have sent a messenger to take me to King Angus."

Ambassador Melville, who loves to ploy, shines his eyes, but Shaw doesn't feel comfortable.

Hi, Prince Jenas. The sweet words seem to have arrived around the father of the Lady of Petals, but they don't seem to take it so seriously, so much so that I want to go to the Kingdom of Sassa and Surah.

"I hate snakes, but I'm frightened by the unplanned nature of the hunting nation. Besides, how about a harsh attitude towards your own children and grandchildren? Father had no interest in raising his children and left them to Mia. But don't sail the eastern route on a merchant ship! Don't fly alone in a dragon! and I feel as a parent that I was so worried that I got a loud note"

It's bad for the messenger who is waiting to break up with the reception room and salon, but Shaw is up to see him when he doesn't think King Angus will translate the decision without himself.

"Ambassador Melville, why did King Angus inflict such harsh punishment not only on the prince, but also on his family?

Sweet for King Aslan's prince, Ambassador Melville shrugs his shoulders.

"King Angus also originally lived in Sedona. In the dry season, the grass in the hinterland dried up and the hunters there hunted for their lives. The weak die, and only the strong survive. And by using leopards to hunt, the royal family of the Kingdom of Savannah nourished the clan and honed their fighting abilities as well. It's not a punishment, it's a test to be king."

To Shaw, reluctant to meet the messenger, Ambassador Melville explains the formation of a kingdom of Savannah that lives in harsh nature. Shaw had also heard from Foreign Minister Bacchus at Leyte, but when he actually saw it in the land, the harshness of the hunting nation hurt his chest.

"So, which prince do you take your side? Whatever King Shaw Prince says, King Angus will not overturn what he has decided once. But if you mouth it, you'll feel obliged."

Shaw stared at the scheming ambassador Melville and replied that he would help both children if he were to mouth it anyway.

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