Umi to Kaze no Oukoku

5 White and Rude

The day after the banquet, I heard it was the end of the rainy season, but it was sunny weather worthy of hunting.

"It's nice weather for us, but is it awkward when the rainy season ends early?

While having a brief breakfast from dark, Shaw asks Ambassador Melville a question.

"The rainy season is troublesome with bugs, but it's a rain of grace for the people who live here. As the dry season prolongs, the grass withers and the animals die."

I wondered if Shaw could hit anything, wondering if animals weren't the only ones dying.

"There's a river in the Kingdom of Savannah, too, isn't there? I wonder if I can build a dam upstream that stores rainy water and flush it out in the dry season or something"

Ambassadors Melville, dam? and tilted his neck, but hurried to be late if it wasn't time to leave.

If you go to the hunting ground in Sands, it's one flight away, but with dragons, the prey escapes, too.

White, I'm going hunting.

Shaw rode a horse with a shoulder clasp to put the white on his shoulder.

"I'm good at hunting!

Ambassador Melville also looks with admiration at the white whites from the embassy tree branches stopping on Shaw's shoulders, squeaking with Pi.

"It's a brilliant eagle! King Angus loves leopards, but he also keeps many eagles. Some of the Chiefs bring eagles to hunt, but no eagle is more splendid than white!

Ambassador Melville, who says so, also takes one eagle from the embassy eagle house by stopping it on the shoulder of the escort.

"I hope the ambassador of the Kingdom of Cazaria hasn't been invited... if he reports his bland masculinity to King Edoardo, he may feel untrained and complain"

Shaw laughs bitterly remembering Ambassador Shepherd swung by King Edoardo's eagle lovers.

"Tash's home, so you'll be fine."

"Is it? Then it's good. But King Angus likes strong animals, so you'll be in a good mood when the white works."

I don't even know if the ambassador of the Kingdom of Cazaria is invited, so Ambassador Melville runs the horse if he can't help but worry.

It's a vast meadow as you head through the sidestretched capital of Rian towards the back of the Golce continent.

"Let's hurry up to the royal hunting grounds"

As Shaw ran his horse, he saw a house made of soil dotted everywhere and livestock surrounded by wooden fences.

"I heard the Kingdom of Savannah is a hunting people, but you also own livestock"

"Well, you can't just eat hunting. King Angus also has a lot of livestock. But what we're going to hunt is wild rabbits, deer and buffalo."

Now that it's the end of the rainy season, the grass is also blue, but Shaw feels the harshness of nature wondering if this will wither away in the dry season.

There were many large white tents set up in the royal hunting grounds, where royalty and chiefs gathered with leopards and eagles.

"Apparently, the ambassadors of the Kingdom of Cazaria have not been invited"

Ambassador Melville looked around the hunting ground and was relieved that it was a hunt to entertain King Shaw's Prince.

"Good morning, King Angus. Thanks for inviting me."

Into the largest tent escorted by the escort, King Angus sat in a wooden chair that could be folded.

"Prince Shaw, welcome to the royal hunting ground. I have an old temperament, so I feel more at ease in this way in a meadow tent than in the royal palace of the capital Lian"

Rude at his feet agreed, striking his tail with a pattan. Shaw wondered if some of the other princes and chiefs were in the tent, but only King Angus and Rude.

"What about the others?

To confused Shaw, King Angus laughs that he has too many ears in the royal palace.

"Ambassador Melville, I'm sorry, but let me be alone with Prince Shaw."

Shaw felt suspicious about what was going on, but let Ambassador Melville back down.

"You don't have to be so nervous. Look, it's staring white."

Suggested a chair, Shaw talks as he lowers his back, because he's okay with the white stopping on his shoulder.

"Are you sure you're okay?

I stroke the vigilant white wings, calm them down, and then I look into the eyes of King Angus.

"I invited you all the way to the royal hunting grounds. What are you talking about?"

Shaw asks Zubali what he did outside even to Ambassador Melville.

"Because Rude says Prince Shaw cares about my princes."

Shit! And I realized that at the banquet last night, Rude noticed that he was nowhere near enjoying being concerned about how the princes were breaking up with the two factions. But Shaw, trained by Chancellor Flanagan, replies with a grin.

"Yeah, with all the fine princes out there, I wanted to be close. I wanted to talk to a generation of princes like myself."

King Angus is the only Prince of King Aslan, and he laughs that he is young, but that's right. Don't let his tail out.

"That sounds like Prince Wang of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands who was good at trading. But what are you going to talk to the princes about?

Shaw is frightened by the remarkable gaze of King Angus, who has made the Kingdom of Savannah a great power on the eastern coast of the Golce continent, saying that he is useless in his succession issues.

Shaw smiles at King Angus, not willing to speak out on the issue of his successor, but there may be more to think about. Even if King Angus stares, he is sweeter than his father.

"Well, my country is a country in trade, so I'm interested in the prosperity of the other country."

King Angus thought it interesting that King Shaw Prince, who bounced back his pressure and said shabby.

Shaw doesn't want to kill Jung and Maui.

A twitchy, stood up rude talks with his head over King Angus's lap.

"For the prince of King Aslan, that's sweet. But not bad. '

While stroking Rude's throat, ambassadors from all over the country were struggling with eclampsia over the successor issue, but Shaw feels involved and seemingly lacking. It's the marriage of Princess Zelia of the Kingdom of Surah, so I thought you were going to talk about some succession issue, but it doesn't seem to be.

Rude rushes me to hunt, and King Angus laughs and apologizes for letting me waste my time talking about not being stuck.

"Prince Shaw, it's such a beautiful day that you don't hunt."

Shaw apparently solved King Angus's misunderstanding, so I agree.

Ambassador Melville was out of the tent, wondering what was going on, worried, but was horrified when two sneers came out.

"Come on, everyone! It's the beginning of the hunt."

Non-Rude leopards were chained to collars, but when Rude ran out, he was released and went hunting in the meadows.

"White! You go hunting too!

When he puts the white white on his shoulder into his hand, he throws it into the air. King Angus looks up as a white eagle dances in the blue sky.

Has King Angus extended the territory of the Kingdom of Savannah, but has the country enriched? Are the people of the country that the other chiefs ruled embracing the reign of the Kingdom of Savannah? and so on for the time being.

The kingdom of Savannah, a hunting nation, has prevailed in force, but due to geographical factors, it is a weather-breaking life broken up during rainy and dry periods. The people of the Kingdom of Savannah will no longer starve to death during the dry season, as they are being offered cereals such as wheat and corn from the farming peoples around them as rulers.

And the increased number of citizens began to have more livestock, but in the dry season many of them would die, or weaken and become bones and skins. In the dry season, many die fighting over the few water fields they give to their livestock.

King Angus looks up at the blue sky and prays that the magician's rain begging will be good.

The clear blue sky, worthy of hunting, had marked the end of the rainy season. The long dry season weakens both livestock and humans in the area, the main body of the Kingdom of Savannah. And take the harvest from the fields of the merged Chiefs around it and outgrow the hunger.

King Angus was on his own, and the Chiefs could be suppressed, but he felt impossible in Prince Jung and Prince Maui.

Seeing Shaw praising the white that had hunted round fat wild rabbits, King Aslan sighed that he had been blessed with a successor.

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