Shaw asks King Angus to guide him to the magician who is begging for rain. In the back yard of the royal palace, the magician was somewhat of a bump. He held a crystal in his hand, but the crystal was not ordinary.

Shaw remembers reading about a crystal with water in his book Gem Fortune, which he borrowed from his sister Marilyn.

"Sure, it said that the crystals that trapped the ancient waters had the magic to rule the water and the fire"

Shaw thought that special crystals that govern water and fire might be effective because there are ways to beg for rain, burn fire, and generate rising airflow.

"How many days or so has a spellman started to beg for rain?

Beside me, I could see how exhausted I was.

"It's almost been a week"

Shaw wants to sigh wondering how long he will let the rain-begging ritual last.

"Do you even make me beg for rain in the dry season?

King Angus looked like he had chewed up a bitter bug when it was useless to beg for rain in the dry season. Shaw called out to the tired spellman to rest.

"If I let it rain, the young children would leave it in Lian."

Last checked, Shaw held the dragon-hearted stone in his hand. When activated with 'Soul', Dragon Heart Stone adds radiance to Emerald Green.

"Lin, come down!

Shaw grips the dragon-hearted stone hard and calls for the lingering rain 'Lin'.

It would not have been possible if it had been in the dry season, but there was still moisture at the end of the rainy season. On dry, reddish soil, pounding and raining fall, blackening.

"Prince Shaw, you let it rain!

While King Angus was surprised, the rain came down softly.

"It rained on me!

The magician protests that he let this rain fall.

"I guess so, because the magician was bringing me humidity, I was able to make it rain"

Shaw had no intention of dating, for example, a spellman's protest.

"Now please keep the young children to Lian."

King Angus says he will keep his word.

Shaw, now his brother-in-law fulfilled. I don't think you can stay long anymore.

I greet not only the Royal Palace, if possible, but also in the mood to leave the Kingdom of Savannah.

"I went to visit the Sedona district in the morning and was tired of it raining. Now let me back off."

Ambassador Melville sighs and kills Shaw, who has successfully begged for rain, that there is no way King Angus will return without even entertaining him at the feast of thanksgiving.

"Successful rain-beggars are more respected in the Kingdom of Savannah than warriors. If you let me go home from the royal palace like this, I won't see my face."

Shaw originally had a bad feeling King Angus was going to push his daughter on top of not being a good banquet, so he really wanted to escape.

"Then please entertain the magician at the banquet. I just made the last push."

Ambassador Melville says King Angus will entertain him at the banquet, and if it's too disrespectful to say no, pull Shaw's clothes sleeve to stop him.

"Ambassador Melville, I'm really tired."

I meant to tell him sooo, but Rude noticed me.

"Shaw has a fever. I begged for rain and overused my magic. '

I felt like chipping my tongue, but if I found out, Shaw would be so strong to get me home early.

"I don't feel great, I'll let you go home"

King Angus raises a single eyebrow when Shaw thinks he is not the king prince of the polygamous United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands. He said he didn't want to stubbornly add more wives, and he was looking into turning down his daughter's devotion from the heavy ministers.

"It will be my fault, such as falling in a rain beg. Get a room for Prince Shaw!

I want excellent Shaw children, trying to hate to marry my wife. King Angus intends to keep it in the royal palace and make the servants prepare a room.

I'm not kidding! Shaw was the royal palace of King Angus, and he was not allowed to go to the floor with heat.

"No, I refuse to do that. Prince Shaw is an important successor to the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands. You don't have to know when you're healthy, and you don't have to keep the ill king's prince in the royal palace."

Shaw was relieved that Ambassador Melville was resolute and turned him down.

Ambassador Melville is no joke! I don't have to know if I'm going to give my daughter to Prince Shaw as my daughter-in-law, and I'll have trouble treating her like a stallion! Plus, he refused to let the feverish prince crawl at night, which was insane.

A giant dragon descended into the courtyard of the Royal Palace when King Angus tried to dismiss Ambassador Melville's protest.

"Shaw! Did you have a fever? You can't use too much magic!

A giant dragon barks into a window between the thrones that is wide open for the wind to pass through.

"Worried about Shaw, the dragon picked him up. If you don't want the royal palace destroyed, you better leave '

Rude rubs his supple body against King Angus's legs and comforts him that it was a shame.

King Angus, who was riding Sands and dropping Shaw off for the embassy, laughs as he enjoys the smooth rude furrows with his fingers.

"This time the dragon took me away, but I wonder if Ambassador Melville will turn down the fringe"

If Rude was Shaw's son, when he became a good warrior, he rattled his throat.

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