Shaw, returning to the embassy, fell asleep in bed or no. Ambassador Melville, worried, summoned Captain Wonder from the Braves.

"Also, you used too much magic. Could this rain be King Shaw's Prince?

I had read in the report that an overused fever of magic would have to be put to rest, and that's what embassy doctors say, but Ambassador Melville can't stay or stand worried.

"Can't you do something?

Ambassador Melville, who worships King Aslan, feels responsible for feverishing Shaw.

"It's about chilling your head for you. And when the fever drops, Prince Shaw complains of hunger, but don't feed him too much. Fever is damaging your body, so feed me digestible food."

Hmm, Ambassador Melville nods.

Wonder looked at the sleeping face of King Shaw's Prince and groaned too impotently, returning to the Braves. Because I thought about getting ready so I could sail whenever I wanted from the Kingdom of Savannah.

However, the rain continued to fall during the night, and even in the morning it was still unlikely to stop. Waking up Shaw felt the moist air.

"I'm hungry."

The nursing attendant asked me to change my clothes to go to the dining room, but when I brought the porridge, I left.

"Make it grand," Shaw knows it's better to rest, even after a fever that uses too much magic, but it sounds like a ghoul.

"Prince Shaw, are you awake?

Shaw, who was filling his mouth with porridge, swallowed it and then greeted him.

"Ambassadors Melville, I'm sorry for your concern."

Conspiracy-loving Ambassador Melville, but he defied King Angus, Shaw thanked.

"Before Prince Jung and Prince Maui left for Sedona, they offered to thank us."

Ambassadors Melville feel a frigid chill.

"Hey, you'll be busy before you leave, just feeling..."

The young children wanted to help, but Shaw, who was sorry to talk to you, thinks of the steps to escape from the Kingdom of Savannah while the doctor takes his pulse.

If I go to greet King Angus out of the country, he won't be able to return me from the royal palace. Yes! Father, if you ignore such courtesy, I will make a calculation to escape.

"I have a fever, but please rest a little more"

As Ambassador Melville leaves the room with the doctor, Shaw searches for his own clothes to change.

He tried to escape, but Ambassador Melville was used to fleeing at King Aslan. Ambassador Melville, who was waiting in front of the dragon house, pushes me into bed.

"You've already run errands, haven't you? We have to head to the Kingdom of Surah in our next country of visit."

Ambassador Melville leaves at the mercy of Shaw, who is trying to escape because he has no use staying long after the fever.

"Oh man, I have the ability to come up with new ideas, I have great magic, and I have the negotiating power not to pull a step toward King Angus... somewhere, not like King Aslan"

If you're King Aslan, huh! and Ambassador Melville laughs bitterly that he would have flown away with a dragon at a glance. But even though he's the king prince of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, he's closed to squeezing waste if he doesn't want to have more wives.

"King Angus liked King Shaw Prince, so he's going to give me as many princesses as he wants... but I'm not giving him the prince!

Ambassador Melville will not expose the prince who has taken over King Shaw's outstanding abilities to the Kingdom of Savannah.

"Even though royal marriage is a diplomat's dream... to bring money, to treat him, to treat the children he was born with... even though we have so many things to negotiate"

Negotiations were made with Princess Zelia of the neighbouring Kingdom of Surah because of her special form of son-in-law, and Ambassador Melville was envious.

Even the arrogant King Aslan had welcomed many of his heavy ministers' daughters into the backhouse, but King Shaw's prince poisoned them as very stubborn in a way.

In doing so, before leaving for Sedona from Prince Jung and Prince Maui, an arrow prompts me to thank the embassy.

"I don't want Prince Shaw to force me, but I want to sell favors to Prince Jung and Prince Maui"

He sleeps easily on the bed when he softly opens the door he is letting his escort keep an eye on him so he doesn't escape.

"No more! You don't have to use magic until you're so drained! I'm so tired, I can't believe you're trying to escape..."

I'm sorry I can't let you meet the princes with this.

"If the princes were to leave Lian, Seville and Amelie would like to thank him and invite him to the royal palace."

For the moment, we'll have to wait for Shaw's health to recover, but Ambassador Melville giggles as he figures out how to effectively sell favors to Prince Jung and Prince Maui.

After noon, Shaw woke up with the sound of rain.

"Oh! Well Slept"

As he stretched on the bed, Ambassador Melville turned up as he watched.

"Have you been rested enough?

The doctor nodded that his complexion was getting better, and Ambassador Melville appeased.

"Yeah, I slept slowly, so I'm fine now. It's still raining."

I called for a "Lin" that would fall softly, but would it bother you if it rained too long? And, Shaw looks at the sky a little.

"It's okay because it's supposed to be raining this much this time of year. The trees and flowers in the garden are delightful."

Why don't you meet and talk to Prince Jung and Prince Maui as you grab a hungry Shaw and a late lunch? and propose.

"Talk to a prince who could be the next king without such a disgusting look on his face. The conversation is, you can put it on hold if you ask Reite this time."

After all, I get annoyed that I have an affair.

"Which prince, Ambassador Melville thinks, deserves a successor? Of course, it's up to you to speak up about the question of succession!

If we're going to meet anyway, I want to get some information on the two princes before I do.

"I don't think you can govern the Kingdom of Savannah, which has expanded its territory so much, in Prince Jung, who only has a sense of being an old-fashioned hunting nation. Because he is King Angus, he also follows the chiefs of the annexed farming nation, offering cereals and so forth. Or, in the farming nation Prince Maui, the original tribal chief of the Kingdom of Savannah will not be contained. The hunting nation's force is strong, so it could start a rebellion"

Shaw had the same impression of the two princes.

"I visited the Kingdom of Savannah because I was invited by King Angus, but I had information that Prince Jenas of the Kingdom of Surah was in some contact"

Ambassador Melville nodded as Prince Jenas was grabbing contact with Prince Maui's grandfather.

"Prince Jenas is also working something on the Principality of Malta and the Kingdom of Salaam. I've never met Prince Jenas, but I suspected he was capable of conspiracy like that."

In Shaw's words, isn't King Angus pulling the strings of the conspiracy behind him? I suspected that.

"King Angus and Prince Jenas are water and oil. Prince Maui's grandfather may also fall back on the Kingdom of Surah if he works from Queen Algiers, but he won't be caught up in Prince Jenas' sweet words"

In fact, Shaw felt that he would try to meet King Angus in the Kingdom of Savannah and never fit Prince Jenah, who is a man but diets and such.

"King Angus is not as shady as Prince Snake, although some are harsh. Oh, when I think I have to meet that Prince Jenas, I'm freaked out"

My father ordered me to meet Prince Jenas and judge people. I don't like meeting the Kingdom of Cazaria and the Kingdom of Laurent with someone who made a high-flying application for an attitude when he gave his wife the princess of a bastard and pissed off King Edoardo of high pride and caused King Rudolph to have a heart attack.

"I consider it suspicious that the pirates of the Principality of Malta and the Kingdom of Salaam are enlivened by Prince Jenas, who frequently enters and exits the embassies of those two countries... are they that capable?

I discussed it with Foreign Minister Bacchus at Leyte, but I didn't know how Prince Jenas, unable to take the throne, was working for the two countries.

Ambassador Melville also wonders whether the neighbouring Prince Snake can move the clever Lord Jarrice, let alone make King Hertz of the Far North Kingdom of Salaam say something.

"Oh man, I have trouble with snakes moving around in a little bit"

In the words of Ambassador Melville, Shaw puts on his face, imagining a bad snake moving. From a wide open window, Pi and white flew in and stopped on Shaw's shoulder.

"If you're a snake, I'll eat you!

While stroking her white wings, she tells her not to attack Queen Alger's Death and Princess Zelia's Ross.

"Maybe King Shaw Prince doesn't like snakes? Then take your time in the Kingdom of Savannah without rushing to the Kingdom of Surah..."

Sure, the leopard is preferable, but when he was slow enough to move on to the edge, Shaw stared at Ambassador Melville and shut him up.

"The angry face looks just like King Aslan!

There are still sweet points, but feeling King Aslan's blood to worship, Ambassador Melville gave up the fringe this time.

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