Prince Jung and Prince Maui were grateful to Shaw for the success of the rain begging and for persuading King Angus to keep his young children and pregnant wife in Lian.

In an attempt to convey that gratitude, I head out to the embassy of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, but in each heart, another thought also lurked.

Prince Maui, getting ready to go to the embassy, wondered how the young prince, who was no different from himself, had dealt with that father king.

"What kind of person is Prince Shaw, who persuaded that father?

When we were hunting, we only talked to Shaw about saying hello because our leopards didn't take the hunt seriously and my father scolded us for being the prey of our parent Leopard Rude.

I watched my mother, worried about going to Sedona this time, ask tribal chiefs and chiefs and ambassadors from all over the country to persuade me, but I didn't expect to overturn what my father had decided once. In particular, Prince Maui, who has many young children, was frustrated to see whether this order was not a declaration of execution to himself.

"Brother Jung's mother comes from a tribe in the Kingdom of Savannah. Seville, the First Lady, could have ordered the tribal chiefs of Sedona to be treated favourably."

On top of that, he didn't put it in his mouth, but these days Maui admitted that he married a lot of wives and lived in luxury, but Jung was better at martial arts.

And my grandfather asked me to see who he was about Shaw, the pardoned wife of Princess Zelia of the Kingdom of Surah.

"I don't think your grandfather will be fooled by Prince Jenas's sweet words... but on Brother Jung, the annexed peripheral countries may be disobeyed"

My grandfather did not lend his ear to words from Prince Jenas, who cannot be ruler of the Kingdom of Surah, but Maui wonders what would happen if this were from Queen Algiers, and if the Father King gets older and Jung decides to take the throne.

"At that time, as the prince of the Kingdom of Savannah, how should I make my decision? Prince Shaw heard that he was indeed the sixth prince. Besides, do you think the mother is not a powerful tribe, and not even under the patronage of the king? Yet, as Prince Wang, he is a fine man, but what do the other brothers think of the improvement?

Maui is bad for his mother and grandfather who put excessive expectations on him, but he didn't think he could lead the hunting nation, the main body of the Kingdom of Savannah. If Jung were to take the throne, the surrounding countries would be seen to disobey from the Kingdom of Savannah, and their troubles would not be exhausted as young princes.

Jung was also surprised by the father king, who corrected the words he had spoken once, and thanked Shaw for not having to take the young child to Sedona.

"My mother also tells me that Prince Shaw, who has successfully begged for rain, will marry my sister. I don't care how rich you are, you want to be married to a distant southeastern archipelago."

More than that, his own sister wanted the tribe, the main body of the Kingdom of Savannah, to dowry and consolidate her dominion with disappointment.

"All we have to do is hold it down by force, such as the farming peoples around us. I don't know when I'm going back to sleep in the Kingdom of Surah, such as Maui's grandfather! You just have to behead the chief of the annexed small country."

Jung sounds like a prince of the Kingdom of Savannah in a way, but he doesn't reflect on his life, which is Lian and luxuriously trivial.

"Oh man, if you're thankful, I wish you would visit me at the time this one specifies"

Ambassadors Melville walks around the salon in a restless manner, rather than being double-booked, a seemingly unfriendly prince.

"You specified the time at first, didn't you? If we don't keep it, if we meet, we have no choice. Just take a ritual greeting and pick it up."

Shaw condoned the angry Melville ambassador to the hunting nation of the Roosevelt Kingdom of Savannah in time.

"No more! If you don't want me to sign up for an affair, you're planning on getting it picked up in a short time. I don't want to pinch my mouth on the succession issue, but which is..."

Ambassaded by Shaw, Ambassador Melville shut his mouth, but as a resident ambassador he is of the utmost interest.

Shaw doesn't want to be involved in a successor fight. But I think it's very important who the successor of the Kingdom of Savannah will be.

"Trouble enough to threaten the Kingdom of Surah, but I don't want you to go back to the areas where small countries are in turmoil and strife like before..."

As the United Kingdom of the South-East Islands, a trading nation, it is not credible as the other party that the heads of small nations change from time to time.

"I hope Prince Jung can successfully use Prince Maui, which affects the farming nation..."

Hear King Shaw Crown Prince whine that Ambassador Melville is still sweet.

"Well, meet Prince Jung and talk to him. Because King Angus seems to have a very flexible mindset."

I didn't even hear the rumor, but Jung came to the embassy a little late.

"I should have a banquet to thank you for, but I'm busy going to Sedona, so please give me this"

Shaw laughed when he got a goat that squealed.

"Thank you, I'll put you on the Braves."

Let the embassy martial officer take care of the goat and guide Jung to the reception room.

The embassy of the United Kingdom of the Southeast Islands, built on a small high hill, is windy through a large window.

"This place feels good."

Due to the pouring rain, Lian's lower town was getting pretty sloppy on the ground and the royal palace was muddled.

"It's been raining. It's an order to stay dry in Sedona, so why don't you delay your departure?"

Jung looks seriously at Shaw's face and is surprised that he can't say such horrible things to his father.

"Why? Your own father?

Ambassador Melville sifts herself wondering if she is also pounding at that dreaded King Aslan at this rate.

"In the Kingdom of Savannah, the Father King is the absolute. No one can turn against you."

Shaw changed the story because he has no intention of pinching his mouth on royal relations in other countries.

"They say it's raining on Sedona too, but how long will the dry season last?

To the young King Prince, who knows nothing, Prince Jung explains the dry life of the Kingdom of Savannah.

"In the interior, it hardly rains during the dry season, in the next six months until autumn, and dries up from tears. The grass withers and the animals travel heavily in search of water. People live by hunting that animal."

The words of Jung, full of pride as a hunting nation, made Shaw want to sigh that he had never actually spent the dry season in Sedona.

"I hope the hunt succeeds, but why don't you take some dried meat or something from Lian for when he fails? And, you know, prioritize securing water, digging deep wells."

To the word dry meat, Jung, who showed disgust in his face that he was weak, said he was unlikely to dig a well or something, and Shaw ended the meeting by thanking him for coming all the way.

When I thought I dropped Jung off, Maui came. This is not a living goat, but brought a cage full of fruit that could be taken on the coast of the Kingdom of Savannah.

"This kind of stuff may not be uncommon for a traded King Shaw Prince, but it can only be eaten during the rainy season in the Kingdom of Savannah."

Shaw takes it with a smile.

"I tend to lack fresh fruit and vegetables during my voyage, so I'll take it to the Braves"

It's about the same age, so it's easier to talk than Jung.

"I am truly grateful to Prince Shaw. I didn't have to take my young child to Sedona, so I managed to make the hunt a success."

From that tone and the attitude of the leopard in the previous hunt, Maui realized she wasn't very good at hunting.

"Excuse me, but Prince Maui also keeps Ludo's leopard, doesn't he? Then why don't you help us hunt?

Maui sighs, wondering if Shaw, with the power to succeed in rain-begging, could let both leopards through his mind.

"I can't talk to the leopard. Plus, it's a big carnivore! Scared..."

Maui, speaking the truth, turns bright red and leans down.

"I'm not going to attack Prince Maui because he's Ludo's leopard. Besides, I think King Angus felt you could talk to the leopard and gave him the leopard. Don't you like leopards?

Maui remembered when she received the leopard Cylon and shook her head to the side.

"No, as much as I hate leopards, I like them! But as I grew older, I was still getting scared... and these days I left it to the servants to take care of me. If you don't hunt with Cylons, you won't be able to support your family, so I'll do my best."

How many mothers are princes of the Kingdom of Savannah because they are from a farming nation? He questioned the educational policy of Lady Ameri that she should also be allowed to acquire some martial arts training, hunting, etc.

When I suggested to Maui about the dry meat and the well, I was happy and went home to try it.

"Well, Prince Shaw? How did it feel to see you two princes?

Shaw leaned back against the couch, clapping his shoulders.

"Even if I don't speak, Ambassador Melville will know. If it stays this way, the Kingdom of Savannah will be divided after the death of King Angus. That's because King Angus also knows, so I guess he'll let the two princes go to Sedona. I hope you two realize what you're missing and make up for it..."

Shaw shook his neck sideways, saying he did not know whether Jung would starve and suffer and notice the grain difficulties from the surrounding countries, or Maui would notice the original way of life in the Kingdom of Savannah.

"Even if those two want to work together, won't their mothers forgive them? If so, both the First Lady and the Lady are harmless and useless. Prince Jung is proudly raised when the First Lady tells him he is the successor to the Kingdom of Savannah. That's not bad, but I don't train martial arts, I don't actually support my life with hunting, and I don't even have Ludo's leopard. King Angus will want to train Prince Jung, and Prince Maui will want to train Bishibashi back more as Prince of the Kingdom of Savannah."

Satisfied with the ratings of the two princes, Ambassador Melville nodded that the venerable King Aslan was working out Shaw beautifully.

Melville sends a hot gaze to Shaw, saying that if you marry your wife now, you will have no complaints.

To Ambassador Melville's gaze, Shaw, who had a bad feeling, fled to the dragon house telling him to load and place a gift from the two princes on the Braves.

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